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Official Launch Wednesday 24 September 2014 Affinity Meal 6.30pm Siloam 3 Wangree Resort, Thailand.

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Presentation on theme: "Official Launch Wednesday 24 September 2014 Affinity Meal 6.30pm Siloam 3 Wangree Resort, Thailand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Official Launch Wednesday 24 September 2014 Affinity Meal 6.30pm Siloam 3 Wangree Resort, Thailand

2 It is a part of YFC International, and is run from offices in Northern Ireland What is “Foundation for the Nations”? Connecting those who want to give Good YFC projects around the world More young people reached for Jesus

3 Then we look for projects to present to the partners. They decide which ones to support How does it work? The Foundation looks for ministry partners around the world who will pledge at least £50,000/$80,000 towards YFC projects in the following year

4 Nations must be fully chartered, or Associate-Charter and trying to return to full status Who can apply? Any YFC entity:

5 Projects must be able to be started within 12 months of the grant being received How big are the grants? Typically, they will be for a minimum of $10,000, and there is no upper limit on what may be requested, or given

6 Remember: it is the ministry partners who will decide what they want to support What kinds of projects can be submitted ? Anything that helps our primary focus of evangelism & discipleship, and that is sponsored by a YFC entity

7 But - don’t design a project to get finances. Find out what God wants you to do, then ask for help for that. Examples of possible subjects of applications - (no guarantees of success) Salaries Buildings, land, camps Vehicles Training Internet-based programmes Equipment PR and fund-raising Humanitarian Coaching, etc

8 Due diligence may well be done by someone from your Area staff How much might we get? * Perhaps all that you ask for. * Perhaps more if it is a great project. * Perhaps less if your report from our Due Diligence person indicates some cautions

9 5 projects in total $500,000 into YFC work An example of what could be done: Say we have $500,000 to give away. We could help : 2 projects x $120,000 = $240,000 2 x $85,000 = $170,000 1 x $90,000 = $90,000

10 21 projects in total $500,000 into YFC work Or…. 1 x $90,000 = $90,000 1 x $40,000 = $40,000 1 x $35,000 = $35,000 3 x $30,000 = $90,000 5 x $25,000 = $125,000 2 x $20,000 = $40,000 and 8 x $10,000 = $80,000

11 Note: For 2015 only at the moment – although we can pray that it will happen in future years also An extra incentive: One of our ministry partners is also offering a prize to the project which he and his wife reckon to be the most creative and innovative solution to a need – whether or not it attracts support from other partners

12 50% of what we receive as the fee will be returned if the application is unsuccessful. Can we apply for more than one project at a time? Yes. However, you will need a separate application for each separate project, and there is a fee for each application – 1% of the amount requested.

13 Timetable For Year 1 (2015) projects 31 December 2014 – deadline for applications 15 January – applications go to the ministry partners for grading 15 February – applications return to the FFTN office. Grading totals show which ones are most likely to receive support 30 April – finish due diligence on those applications Late May – distribution meeting, where partners decide who gives what to which Early June – checks arrive. 31 December – first report due to your partners

14 When can we start applying? From now. Go for it!!!

15 Remember: a firm deadline of 31 December 2014 for grants for 2015 How to apply Online or by email only. The application form is on our website:

16 The Foundation will be registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland How does the Foundation cover its own costs? Three sources: Personal fund-raising: About 50% 8% extra from ministry partners: About 40% Application fees: About 10%

17 Governance: Currently Three Trustees Dr John Donaldson Chairman of the Board YFC Camp Immanuel, Czech Mr Denis Campbell former member of the YFC International Board current Board member of YFCNI Mr Stuart Hamilton former ND of YFCNI

18 Also send me your name if you would like to receive regular news updates re the Foundation Testimonials: The “What Others Say” section of the website If you would be willing to say something (preferably complimentary!) about the Foundation, and have it quoted online, put something in writing to me here and let me take your photo, or send words and a photo after the GA to

19 Official Launch Wednesday 24 September 2014 Affinity Meal 6.30pm Siloam 3 Wangree Resort, Thailand


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