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Soviets1945U. S. Cold War Basics Cold War Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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3 Soviets1945U. S. Cold War Basics Cold War Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

4 1945Soviets U. S. Cold War Basics Cold War Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $500 $100 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $200

5 1945 $100 Where FDR met with Stalin and Churchill to discuss the future of Germany and Poland in February of 1945.

6 1945 $200 Stalin wanted two islands in exchange for declaring war against this country in 1945.

7 1945 $300 What organization was founded in 1945 on the idea that members would try to settle their differences peacefully and would promote justice and cooperation in solving international problems?

8 1945 $400 A.The only U.S. President to die in office from natural causes. B.Who was sworn in shortly after his death?

9 1945 $500 At this conference, President Truman warned the Japanese to surrender or face ‘ultimate destruction’. They ignored him.

10 1945 $100-Answer Where is Yalta?

11 1945 $200-Answer What is Japan?

12 1945 $300-Answer What is the United Nations (UN)?

13 1945 $400-Answer A. Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)? B. Who is Harry S. Truman?

14 1945 $500-Answer What is the Potsdam Conference?

15 Soviets $100 Buffer nations to protect the Soviet border.

16 Soviets $200 The Soviets were the first to successfully launch a manmade satellite to orbit the earth in 1957. What was it called?

17 Soviets $300 This U.S. Diplomat known as “X” serving in Moscow sent his famous ‘long telegram’ in 1946 warning of Soviet ambitions for worldwide conquest.

18 U.S. Cold War Basics $200 The U.S. policy toward communism based on George Kennan’s recommendation

19 Soviets $500 The Federal Civil Defense Administration was created after this unexpected Soviet action in 1949.

20 Soviets $100-Answer What are Satellite Nations?

21 Soviets $200-Answer What is Sputnik?

22 Soviets $300-Answer Who is George Kennan?

23 U.S. Cold War Basics $200- Answer What is Containment?

24 Soviets $500-Answer What is the successful test of an Atomic Bomb?

25 U.S. Cold War Basics $100 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s term for the division between Communist controlled Eastern Europe and non- Communist Western Europe during a speech in Fulton, Missouri in 1946.

26 Soviets $400 This agreement between the USSR and other Eastern European nations was in response to the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

27 U.S. Cold War Basics $300 Doctrine which called for the U.S. to take a supportive role in helping free peoples resist armed subjugation and external threats.

28 U.S. Cold War Basics $400 This plan reflected the belief that U.S. aid for European economies would create strong democracies and open markets for trade.

29 U.S. Cold War Basics $500 The Congressional committee that investigated Hollywood and other suspected of being disloyal to the United States.

30 U.S. Cold War Basics $100- Answer What is the Iron Curtain?

31 Soviets $400-Answer What is the Warsaw Pact?

32 U.S. Cold War Basics $300- Answer What is the Truman Doctrine?

33 U.S. Cold War Basics $400- Answer What is the Marshall Plan? (acc. European Recovery Plan - ERP)

34 U.S. Cold War Basics $500- Answer What is the House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC)?

35 Cold War Misc. $100 In 1948, President Truman ordered an airlift after the Soviets blockaded this German city.

36 Cold War Misc. $200 Who said: “One Communist in the State Department, is one Communist too many”?

37 Cold War Misc. $300 President Truman established this program to investigate communists in the U.S. government.

38 Cold War Misc. $400 Name two of the three people convicted of spying or lying to a grand jury.

39 Cold War Misc. $500 This immigration act was passed by Congress over President Truman’s veto.

40 Cold War Misc. $100-Answer What is Berlin?

41 Cold War Misc. $200-Answer Who is Joseph McCarthy?

42 Cold War Misc. $300-Answer What is The Loyalty Program?

43 Cold War Misc. $400-Answer Who is Alger Hiss, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

44 Cold War Misc. $500-Answer What is the McCarran- Walter Act?

45 Final Jeopardy War at Home

46 Final Jeopardy Name 2 events that led people to believe that Soviet spies had infiltrated the United States government.

47 Final Jeopardy-Answer What were: 1.The Soviets’ successful test of an Atomic Bomb and 2. China’s fall to communism?

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