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The Cold War The Cold War. The Cold War - Origins The Cold War - Origins Conflicting goals and ideologies linked to origin of Cold War U.S.S.R. - security.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War The Cold War. The Cold War - Origins The Cold War - Origins Conflicting goals and ideologies linked to origin of Cold War U.S.S.R. - security."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War The Cold War

2 The Cold War - Origins The Cold War - Origins Conflicting goals and ideologies linked to origin of Cold War U.S.S.R. - security a priority for Stalin, his regime, Soviet ideology and Soviet Union Stalin sought, by political means, to spread communist influence across Europe pursued policies which assumed that the “imperialist” powers would compete with each other

3 U.S. goals - achieve victory in war; remove causes of war; build collective security through United Nations; reject isolationism Roosevelt assumed Soviet and western interests could be compatible both Churchill and Roosevelt hoped to maintain balance of power, but also embrace principle Britain’s goal - survive; strengthen Anglo/American alliance

4 the Soviet war effort was vital to the U.S. and Britain in their struggle against Nazi Germany hatred of the Germans and a need to defeat Germany shaped the policy of the Grand Alliance Casablanca 1943 - demand for Germany’s unconditional surrender Teheran - agreement on the post-war dismantling of Germany; Polish/U.S.S.R/ border and Tito

5 October 1944 Churchill’s secret deal - % agreement on British/Soviet influence in eastern Europe Yalta - Feb. 1945 Yalta became a synonym for western betrayal - Poland and other eastern European countries allowed to fall under Soviet domination nothing new decided at Yalta; most important issue, the German question. not on the table

6 at Yalta the priority was to defeat Germany - no reason to antagonize Soviets so, little protest at Soviet failure to assist Poles in August 1944 - Warsaw uprising shape of post-war Europe dictated not by wartime deals and accords, but by the whereabouts of occupying armies when Germany surrendered by end 1944 Soviets in northern Balkans; by May 1945 Soviets in Germany and Eastern Europe

7 at Yalta Stalin had gained acceptance from the U.S. and Britain for a Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Europe however, free elections would not be held in the countries now occupied by the Red Army shortly before his death Roosevelt stated “ Stalin has broken every one of the promises he made at Yalta”

8 with the defeat of Nazi Germany the Allied Powers divided Germany into four zones of occupation - American, Soviet, British and French Stalin hoped that all of Germany would come under communist control, but Soviet actions in Germany alienated the German population however, the western Allies pursued a policy which would effectively protect western Germany from Soviet encroachments

9 American possession of the atomic bomb freed the U.S. from dependence on the Soviet Union in its struggle with Japan Stalin realized how the bomb altered the power equation between the U.S. and the S.U., stating “ The balance has been destroyed......That cannot be.” and “A-bomb blackmail is American policy.” Truman’s use of the bomb encouraged Stalin to adopt a harder line in negotiations increased mistrust and a growing sense of insecurity characterized relations at the close of WW II

10 having gained a Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Europe Stalin attempted to secure territorial advantage in Iran and Turkey but Truman stood firm Stalin had to back down in March of 1946, an American diplomat in Moscow, George Kennan sent what would become his famous “long telegram” explaining Soviet political thinking and strategy

11 the “long telegram” became “the basis for the United States strategy towards the Soviet Union throughout the rest of the Cold War” Kennan claimed that Soviet foreign policy was shaped by “ the internal necessities of the Stalinist regime”; outside world would always be regarded as hostile Kennan advised that the U.S. should respond with a “long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies.”

12 March, 1947 Truman announced an aid package for Greece and Turkey. U.S. would now take over obligations previously carried by British Truman stated “ We must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies” June, 1947 George C. Marshall announced the European Recovery Program ( Marshall Plan ) Aims: to rebuild Europe and in doing so help block the possibility of a communist takeover

13 Stalin responded by rejecting offers of aid, either to the Soviet Union or to the satellite states of Eastern Europe he also enforced stricter control over the governments of Eastern Europe - in February, 1948 a communist government was imposed on Czechoslovakia Tito in Yugoslavia would remain the only communist leader independent of Moscow


15 1948 - Berlin blockade - Stalin blocked access to West Berlin. Allied Berlin airlift, however, succeeded in bringing an end to the blockade by early 1949 communist takeover in Czechoslovakia, together with the Berlin blockade convinced many Europeans of the need for U.S. military protection NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in 1949


17 August, 1949 Soviets test first atomic bomb - changes military situation in Europe Truman responded with a series of measures - U.S. forces would now be based in Western Europe, especially West Germany; the hydrogen bomb would be developed

18 October, 1949 the People’s Republic of China is proclaimed. Mao’s communist forces had defeated the Nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek Mao proclaims solidarity with the Soviet Union and international communism increased fears within the U.S. Sino-Soviet Treaty signed between Stalin and Mao

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