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Respect as a Value-Proposition ™. The Campbell-Ewald Vision 2 To understand consumer values, lifestyles, belief systems and decision processes better.

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Presentation on theme: "Respect as a Value-Proposition ™. The Campbell-Ewald Vision 2 To understand consumer values, lifestyles, belief systems and decision processes better."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect as a Value-Proposition ™

2 The Campbell-Ewald Vision 2 To understand consumer values, lifestyles, belief systems and decision processes better than any other organization in the advertising / marketing communications business and to create the most effective communications which inform and motivate consumers based on this understanding.

3 Campbell-Ewald Fusion Process ™ 3

4 The gap Most companies’ efforts internally focused –“How do we react when someone tries to access the company?” versus “How can we proactively reach out and make a difference?” Most companies’ efforts internally focused –“How do we react when someone tries to access the company?” versus “How can we proactively reach out and make a difference?” Reactive InsideProactive Outside 4

5 Reviewed the best aspects of the best of human relationships…and adapted them for improved marketing Boiled down to five simple behaviors that can make a world of difference…all based on respect Validated by proprietary research (Campbell-Ewald Respect Deficit Study) Reviewed the best aspects of the best of human relationships…and adapted them for improved marketing Boiled down to five simple behaviors that can make a world of difference…all based on respect Validated by proprietary research (Campbell-Ewald Respect Deficit Study) Campbell-Ewald insight 5

6 The People Principles Admit it. You goofed. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Appreciate me. Intentions don’t matter. Actions do. Listen…then you’ll know what I said. It’s about me. Not about you. 6

7 Methodology –Four page customer mail survey –Fielded in January 2003 by Synovate & C/E –Mailed to customers of three Campbell-Ewald clients: Insurance Category Airlines Category Retail Category –Clients provided mailing lists –Survey informed by people principles –Study sponsor was not identified Methodology –Four page customer mail survey –Fielded in January 2003 by Synovate & C/E –Mailed to customers of three Campbell-Ewald clients: Insurance Category Airlines Category Retail Category –Clients provided mailing lists –Survey informed by people principles –Study sponsor was not identified Linking Respect to Loyalty 7

8 Questionnaire Topics Brand & Category Usage Satisfaction Overall Brand Opinion Differentiation Future Usage Intent Likelihood Of Switching Attribute Ratings Category/brand drivers “Respect” People Principle interpretations Demographics 8

9 Brand Loyalty Model Relationship Opinion About Alternatives Superiority On What’s Important Ability To Meet Person’s Needs Interest In Seeking Other Choices 9

10 Brand Loyalty Model Potential Expected Change In Brand Use Expected Change In Category Use Propensity To Switch From Other Choices 10

11 Validated Brand Loyalty Model Relationship Ability to meet person’s needs Superiority on what’s important Opinion about alternatives Interest in seeking other choices Potential Expected change in category use Expected change in brand use Propensity to switch Loyalty Segmentation Customers Dynamic Stable Challenging Reluctant Prospects Dynamic Stable Challenging Reluctant Loyalty Scoring Drives Segmentation/Targeting Brand Loyalty Scoring Customer life time value Value Simulator Attrition Models Business Planning 11

12 Campbell-Ewald Respect Validation Study Brand Loyalty Scoring Validated Brand Loyalty Model Relationship Ability to meet person’s needs Superiority on what’s important Opinion about alternatives Interest in seeking other choices Potential Expected change in category use Expected change in brand use Propensity to switch Respect 12

13 Respect was found to be a significant driver of loyalty for all three brands included in Campbell-Ewald study Role Of Respect Insurance Airlines Retail Respect Correlation w/Loyalty.73.69.53 13

14 Loyalty Map Reluctant Challenging Stable Dynamic Potential Relationship 0 100 0 70 60 14

15 Insurance Loyalty Map Reluctant: 25% Challenging: 5% Stable: 21% Dynamic: 48% Weak Strong Low High Potential Relationship 15

16 Reluctant: 25% Challenging: 5% Stable: 21% Dynamic: 48% Weak Strong Low High Messaging Opportunity: Thank Customers & Tell Them They’re Appreciated Messaging Opportunity: Offer New Solutions; Inform Them Of Other Ways You Can Help Messaging Opportunity: Inform Customers Of New Relevant Points Of Difference Insurance Loyalty Map 16

17 Insurance Loyalty Driver Analysis 1.Provides excellent customer service 2.Interested in listening to what’s important to me 3.Agents are trained in solving customers’ problems 4.Has a good reputation 5.Takes care of problems quickly 6.Makes me feel respected as a customer 7.Is honest & open w/me when dealing w/problems 8.Works w/me to find customized solutions 9.Lets me know they appreciate my business 10.Provides me with information that is important to me 11.Has knowledgeable agents 12.Honors commitments and promises they’ve made to me 13.Provides varied coverage to meet my unique needs 14.Rewards me for repeat business 15.Keeps me informed about the status of claims 16.Notifies me of available discounts 17.Gives me options for solving problems 18.Wants to hear from me if I ever have a problem 19.Agents contact me w/information about new products/services 20.Has friendly & courteous agents 21.Acknowledges if I am a loyal customer 22.Seek feedback to see if performance meets my expectations 23.Offers reasonable rates 24.Acknowledges when they have made a mistake 25.Handles claims in a timely manner 26.Has advertising that appeals to me 27.Doesn’t place own interests above customer’s 17

18 Loyalty Excellent customer service Interested in listening to me Reasonable rates Wants to hear if have problems Provides important information Makes me feel respected Friendly & courteous Agents offer new products Good reputation Acknowledges me as loyal customer Knowledgeable agents Acknowledges mistakes Appreciate my business Varied coverage Customized solutions Keeps me informed about claim status Timely claim handling Honest/open about problems Agents trained Honors commitments Handles problems quickly Reward me for repeat business Options for solving problems Notify me of discounts Insurance Loyalty Driver Analysis Seek feedback - if met expectations 18

19 Excellent customer service Reasonable rates Wants to hear if have problems Provides important information Makes me feel respected Friendly & courteous Agents offer new products Loyalty Interested in listening to me Good reputation Acknowledges me as loyal customer Knowledgeable agents Acknowledges mistakes Appreciate my business Varied coverage Customized solutions Keeps me informed about claim status Timely claim handling Honest/open about problems Agents trained Honors commitments Handles problems quickly Reward me for repeat business Options for solving problems Notify me of discounts Insurance Loyalty Driver Analysis Seek feedback - if met expectations 19

20 Excellent customer service Reasonable rates Provides important information Makes me feel respected Friendly & courteous Agents offer new products Interested in listening to me Acknowledges mistakes Varied coverage Customized solutions Keeps me informed about claim status Timely claim handling Honest/open about problems Honors commitments Handles problems quickly Reward me for repeat business Options for solving problems Notify me of discounts Insurance Loyalty Driver Analysis Wants to hear if have problems Loyalty Good reputation Acknowledges me as loyal customer Appreciate my business Seek feedback - if met expectations Knowledgeable agents Agents trained 20

21 cRm Integration in Campbell-Ewald Fusion Process ™ Research Audit Database Audit Touchpoint Audit Key Manager Audit Respect Equity Tracking Retention/ Sales Reports Winback Reports Customer Respect Exploration Respect Equity Study Communications Development Research Respect Enhancement Plan Respect Delivery Mapping 21

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