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Phases of Matter Solids, Liquids, and Gases I- I- DEFINING MATTER: MATTER: Albert Albert Einstein Einstein said matter can be changed into energy and.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of Matter Solids, Liquids, and Gases I- I- DEFINING MATTER: MATTER: Albert Albert Einstein Einstein said matter can be changed into energy and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Phases of Matter Solids, Liquids, and Gases

3 I- I- DEFINING MATTER: MATTER: Albert Albert Einstein Einstein said matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter. They are different forms of each other. A-Matter A-Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. B- All matter is made up of groups of atoms atoms called molecules molecules.

4 C-Three states or phases of matter: Solid, liquid, and gas. PhaseVolumeShape Movement of Molecules SolidDefiniteDefinite Held Tightly LiquidDefinite Takes shape of Container Slide past each other Gas Takes volume of Container Takes shape of Container Move all over


6 II- How Particles are Arranged in Solids particle in a solid v vv vibrates around a f ff fixed point. A-When a solid's particles are arranged in a definite repeating pattern it is a C CC CRYSTAL.

7 l-Crystals form when a m mm melted substance c cc cools. a- the size of the crystal dependson how f ff fast or s ss slow it cools. ~ s ss slow large crystals. ~ fast s ss smaller crystals.

8 B-When the p pp particles of a solid are N NN NOT arranged in a pattern the solid is a AMORPHOUS. l-When the l ll liquids cools t tt too quickly a amorphous solid forms

9 2-Amorphous solid are made up of long chains of particles. 3-Unlike c cc crystals which melt s ss suddenly at a given temperature, a aa amorphous solids melt gradually over t tt temperature ranges.

10 III-How Particle of a Liquid Behave: A- Surface Tension makes the surface of a liquid act like an e ee elastic sheet.

11 l-Cohesion force that keeps particles of the same substance together. Causes surface tension. 2-Adhesion force that attracts particles of one substance to p pp particles of another substance. Forms the M MM Meniscus.

12 B-Viscosity is the r rr resistance of a liquid to flow. l-Heat makes liquids l ll less Viscous, 2-Cooler temperature makesliquids more Viscous.

13 C- Pressure is the amount of f ff forceacting over an area. l-Pressure acts in a aa all directions. 2-Pressure of a liquid depends on depth and d dd density of the liquid. PRESSURE

14 D-Buoyant force is the upward force liquids exerts on o oo objects. l-Archimedes' Principle: states that the b bb buoyant force on an object is equal to the w ww weight of the liquid/gas it d dd displaces.


16 IV-How Gases Produce Pressure A-Pressure is a f ff force acting overan area. 1. The p pp pushing of gas molecules in a tire make the t tt tire g gg go u uu up.

17 2. Gravity acts like a c cc container,keeping air from escaping. 3. The g gg gas molecules in ouratmosphere exert p pp pressure oneverything. 4. Air pressure is measured at s ss sealevel.

18 B-Changes in V VV Volume and Temperature of Gases 1. At a constant t tt temperature, thepressure of a gas increases whenthevolume of it's container d dd decreases. a- If you reduce the container by half the pressure d dd doubles. b- If you i ii increase the containers volume by half you decrease the p pp pressure by half.

19 2. If you i ii increase the temperature of a gas you i ii increase the pressure, as long as the container remains the same size. a-the g gg gas particle g gg gain energy and bump into each other increasing the f ff force.

20 Heat Source Gas Molecules

21 Piston Gas Molecules

22 C- B BB Bernoulli’s Principle: as the velocity of a gas/liquid i ii increases, the p pp pressure it exerts d dd decreases. 1- Plasma: is a special type of g gg gas that is broken up into p pp positively and negatively charged particles. Example n nn neon in neon signs.

23 D-Pascal's Principle states that if the pressure of a liquid/gas in one part of a container changes the pressure changes throughout the container.

24 V- Changes in Phases of Matter A- How m mm matter changes from one p pp phase to another 1- T TT Temperatures affect the way p pp particles are held together. From s ss solid to liquid to g gg gas. 0 0

25 a.M elting is a change of phase from s ss solid to liquid. TThe temperate at which solid melt is its m mm melting point.  Melting point of w ww water is 0 00 00 C. Iron melts at 1 11 15250 C.

26 b.F reezing is the change of phase from l ll liquid to s ss solid. FFFFreezing point is the temperature at which a l ll liquid changes to a s ss solid. TThe freezing point of a substance is the s ss same as its melting point.

27 c.B oiling point the temperature at which a liquid b bb boils. AAt its boiling point, a l ll liquid changes into a g gg gas is called Vaporization. d.Evaporation when a l ll liquid changes from a l iquid to a g gg gas with out reaching its boiling point.

28 e.C o n d e n s a t i o n p r o c e s s w h e r e w ww w a t e r v a p o r c h a n g e s t o a l ll l i q u i d. f.Sublimation process where i ii ice changes directly to a g gg gas with out changing to a liquid first. Example comet

29 B- Temperature Does Not Change During Phase Changes 1.L atent heat or hidden heat is the energy needed to change a s ss substance from one p pp physical state to another. TThe t tt temperature does not change as long as the m mm melting or f ff freezing continues.


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