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7 Sacraments 1.Baptism 2. Penance/Confession 3. Holy Eucharist 4. Confirmation 5. Matrimony 6. Last Rights 7. Holy Orders.

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Presentation on theme: "7 Sacraments 1.Baptism 2. Penance/Confession 3. Holy Eucharist 4. Confirmation 5. Matrimony 6. Last Rights 7. Holy Orders."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Sacraments 1.Baptism 2. Penance/Confession 3. Holy Eucharist 4. Confirmation 5. Matrimony 6. Last Rights 7. Holy Orders

2 Church had Powerful Political Leadership Coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III 800 A.D. Papal States- King Collected Tithe Tax 1/10th of your wealth

3 Priests are central to Salvation Most people were illiterate and did not know Latin Church services in Latin Faith taught from advice and teachings of priests Faith taught from statues, paintings, stained glass

4 Final Judgement

5 Faith based on Fear

6 Inquisition to fight Heresy

7 Corruption In Church Many priests were illiterate and poorly educated Lay Investiture Simony Good Works=$

8 Scholasticism: faith+reason = fact Ptolemy adopted by the church Galileo 1633- interrogated by Inquisition (house arrest) Galileo not pardoned and book banned until 1983 St Thomas Aquinas –Summa Theologica –Reason was god’s gift. Reason fits in harmony with faith

9 Spread of Monasticism

10 Influences of Monasteries 1. Preserved and copied ancient and classical texts a. Illuminated manuscripts 2. Schools 3. Hospitals 4. Soup kitchens and orphanages 5. Guest houses for weary travelers 6. Taught peasants farming and animal husbandry 7. Advances in manufacturing and crafts a. cheese, wine, cloth

11 Benedictine Order 529 founded a monastery in Monte Cassino Italy Rule of St. Benedict became a model for monastic communities –Manual work –Meditation –Prayer Life of Prayer, Silence, Poverty, Chastity

12 Franciscan Order In 1208 St. Francis of Assisi took a vow of poverty Received stigmata Communicated with animals Followers dedicated to working with the poor

13 Babylonian Captivity Boniface VIII created crisis by asserting his Papal Authority and political supremacy. Popes forced to flee Rome in dispute over Papal authority with the King of France. Who had power of taxation and courts?

14 Great Schism Two Popes fight for recognition Dramatically undercuts the claim to Papal Supremacy Strengthens the power of the clergy Strengthens Kings

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