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Hendersonville, TN Pop. 262 in 1970 Pop. 38,000 in 1990 Pop. 55,000 in 2015.

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3 Hendersonville, TN Pop. 262 in 1970 Pop. 38,000 in 1990 Pop. 55,000 in 2015

4 1. What factors led to the move away from Nashville proper and to the suburbs? 2. What have been the effects of this movement (good and bad)?



7 All of these were founded in 1971: Harding Academy Franklin Road Academy Ezell-Harding Nashville Christian School Donelson Christian Academy


9 Hendersonville, TN Pop. 262 in 1970 Pop. 38,000 in 1990 Pop. 55,000 in 2015

10 A County Comparison: Cheatham County: 90% white, 6.6% black, 3.5% Hispanic Davidson County: 65% white, 28% black, 10% Hispanic, 3% Asian Sumner County: 90% white, 6.7% black Williamson County: 91% white, 4.5% black, 4% Hispanic, 3% Asian Wilson: 90% white, 6.6% black, 3.5% Hispanic Why?


12 Urban Sprawl in Colorado

13 Beltway


15 Infill before…

16 Infill after.

17 New Urbanism/Urban Villages

18 Leapfrog


20 There is movement back into areas of long abandoned by the white middle class and subsequently populated by (usually) lower income minority groups; this trend is known as gentrification.


22 Belmont and Germantown have been gentrified; now, socioeconomically diverse East Nashville is.




26 Tear-downs




30 Gentrification in East Nashville: Who benefits and how? Who is hurt and how?

31 Metro Property Tax: $4.516 per $100 assessed value. Assessed value is 25% appraised value.

32 Appraised value of Gartland Avenue, 37206: $95,000 in 1996 $375,000 in 2014


34 Kowloon Walled City: 33,000 in one block


36 Why are minorities so heavily represented in Davidson County but not in the suburbs?


38 Watts, California, August 11,1965. 34 dead; 1000 buildings damaged or looted; $40,000,000 in damages; required more soldiers to put down than required to stabilize the Dominican Republic that year.

39 2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them— bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.

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