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1.5 Cusps and Corners When we determine the derivative of a function, we are differentiating the function. For functions that are “differentiable” for.

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Presentation on theme: "1.5 Cusps and Corners When we determine the derivative of a function, we are differentiating the function. For functions that are “differentiable” for."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.5 Cusps and Corners When we determine the derivative of a function, we are differentiating the function. For functions that are “differentiable” for all values of x, the slopes of the tangents change gradually as the point moves along the graph. y=x squared is differentiable for all values of x. y=x cubed is differentiable for all values of x. There are some functions for which there may be points where the tangent line does not exist. The function would be not differentiable at that point.

2 Definition of a Tangent
First we must get a better definition of a tangent.

3 Tangent Latin word “tangere”, which means to touch.
It is easy to understand this “touch” definition with the previous graphs. But not all lines that “touch” a curve are tangents.

4 Not tangents All these lines touch the curve at A.
None of them is a tangent. Why? Notice how abruptly the slope changes at A. How do we define a tangent line? A

5 Tangent Defintion A tangent at a point on a curve is defined as follows: Let P be a point on the curve. P Q Q Let Q be another point on the curve, on either side of P. Construct the secant PQ. Let Q get closer to P and observe the secant line.

6 Q on the other side Now let Q approach P from the other side.
Notice that the secant lines PQ approach the same line from both sides. That is the red line and the blue line are approaching the same line. Q Q If the secants approach the same line, as Q approaches P from either side, this line is called the tangent at P.

7 Demo of a Cusp Example of a cusp
Slide the green slider to change the position of point Q. What is the slope of the secant as Q approaches P from the right? What is the slope of the secant as Q approaches P from the left? Is the function differentiable at the point P? No, the function is not differentiable at point P, because the secants from either side do not approach the same line.

8 Derivative of the function.
Graph the slopes.

9 Example 1 Graph the derivative of y = |x +2| See the solution

10 You try Graph the function y = - | x –2| + 3 Graph the derivative.
See the solution:

11 Zooming In If we zoom in on a function that is not differentiable the cusp or corner will always be there. If we zoom in on a graph that is differentiable then the graph will eventually have a smooth curve. It is a matter of the difference between P and Q being so small that we can’t even see it without zooming into the graph. zoom in demo

12 Summary What is a tangent line?
A function is not differentiable if it has a cusp or a corner. A function is also only differentiable were it is defined. So if a graph has a hole or a gap, then it not differentiable at these point. There is also another situation where a function can be not differentiable – see #10 in the homework. Step function.

13 Homework Page 51 #1-5,8-11

14 HW #1

15 HW #2

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