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Click to edit Master subtitle style 4/21/11 MBBCh PROGRAMME.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 4/21/11 MBBCh PROGRAMME

2 4/21/11 Calculation of the Academic Rating: School-leavers/applicants with no tertiary experience  An initial Academic Rating is based on Grade 11 marks and is revised after the matric results. Provisional offers of admission are made  Actual matric marks (%) are subsequently used - provided electronically by the Department of Education  Particular attention is paid to English, Mathematics, the higher of Physical Science or Life Sciences  80% (0.8) of a Composite Index (CI) is made up as follows:  The percentages obtained for the rated subjects are averaged and then multiplied by a factor of 0.4 (the Academic Rating, or AR)  An additional 0.4 is derived from the score achieved in the NBT

3 4/21/11 National Benchmark Tests  The Faculty of Health Sciences requires students to write the National Benchmark Test (NBT) in order to be considered for admission to our degree programmes  Applicants are required to write the NBT as part of the Health Science Consortium agreement which universities in South Africa have been following since 2007  The NBT average score and a secondary, per-student NBT ranking are calculated as part of the composite index (CI) that determines admission

4 4/21/11 The Biographical Questionnaire (BQ)  The purpose of the questionnaire is to quantify the non-academic attributes that might make an applicant more suited to a career in the health professions (ie. other than simply having the ability to do well academically)  Attributes assessed are leadership, fluency in languages other than English, sporting and cultural interests, commitments to the community, etc  An applicant who is a prefect, member of the SRC, captain of a sports team, sings in the choir, represents the school in debating/chess, assists regularly at an old age home, or works 1 day a week in a shop may not get as high academic marks as one who has done nothing but study 18 hours a day, and yet may well be a more rounded person and make a better health professional because of these activities

5 4/21/11 Composite Index (CI) Formula (AR% x 0.4) + (NBT% x 0.4) + BQ + NBT Ranking Score* = CI AR is based on matric marks – 40% NBT is average of the marks obtained in the NBT - 40% NBT Ranking derived from the applicant’s performance against others in the same socioeconomic group group - 10% BQ – assesses non-academic ‘roundedness’ of applicants – 10% *

6 4/21/11 Selection Procedures  Applicants are ranked according to their academic and non-academic scores to determine who is offered a place  The system calculates the final CI score and ranks all applicants in descending order  Offers are made in that order within two pools (White/Indian and Black/Coloured) with differential cut- offs on CI to compensate for historical disadvantage

7 4/21/11 Number of New Admissions to MBBCh/GEMP I (3 years) MBBCh (First Year) 200818016020* 200925218755* 201024020931* GEMP I (MBBCh 3rd Year) 200883 200985 201086 * Admissions to foundation programmes

8 4/21/11 Demographic Representation – MBBCh Admissions

9 4/21/11 Gender Breakdown of Students Admitted to MBBCh* * Includes ~40 students per year admitted to foundation programme

10 4/21/11

11 Curriculum Information

12 4/21/11 Teaching Methods  Formal problem-based learning  Lectures  ‘Theme sessions’  Small group tutorials  Teleconferencing  Community based projects (service learning)  Health centre based projects (service learning)  Skills laboratory  Bedside teaching  Patient care: clinics and labour ward The methods vary from year to year and block to block. Practical and small group methods predominate.

13 4/21/11 Average Percentage Pass Rates of Students Who Passed All Subjects 200920082007 84.7981.1682.62

14 4/21/11 Commendations of HPCSA Accreditation Panel 2010  The Faculty has excellent support structures for the medical students (psychosocial, financial, accommodation, mentoring, coaching, tutoring personal one-on-one support)  The Faculty’s Centre for Health Sciences Education has done visible work in curriculum development, assessment, staff development and quality assurance  The quality management processes in the Faculty are efficient  The Faculty has decentralised learning resources and this helps students and staff to be self-sufficient wherever they learn  The Faculty staff shows commitment and dedication to teaching at all levels  The web-based material as a learning resource is commendable

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