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Study Mg II quasar absorption line systems in order to understand the kinematics of halos probing distances out to 70 kpcs from the galaxies. Therefore.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Mg II quasar absorption line systems in order to understand the kinematics of halos probing distances out to 70 kpcs from the galaxies. Therefore."— Presentation transcript:


2 Study Mg II quasar absorption line systems in order to understand the kinematics of halos probing distances out to 70 kpcs from the galaxies. Therefore the galaxies in our sample are selected by the known presence of Mg II absorption Determine whether the galaxy kinematics and/or morphologies are coupled to the halo kinematics Our main goal is to determine how early epoch galaxy halos are built and sustained.

3 Mg II 2796, 2803

4 2796 2803 Mg II 2796, 2803

5 Velocity km s -1 Sample includes absorbers with W(2796) < 1

6 Steidel et al. (2002) Selected 5 edge-on galaxies 4 of the 5 showed the trend for the halo gas kinematics follows that of the galaxies What is needed is a larger sample which represents a broad range of orientations with respect to the quasar line of sight

7 z = 0.550z = 0.551 z = 0.640z = 0.661 z = 0.374 z = 0.525 z = 0.787 z = 0.346 z = 0.442 z = 0.553 z = 0.888 z = 0.729 z = 0.418z = 0.494 z = 0.591 z = 0.298 z = 0.888 z = 0.472 z = 0.368 z = 0.317 z = 0.437 z = 0.891z = 0.797 z = 0.656 z = 0.851 Orientated such that the QSO is down 5”

8 QSO Velocity Intensity PA = 45 o i = 0 o PA = 45 o i = 30 o PA = 0 o i = 0 o PA = N/A i = 90 o cos(PA)cos(i) = 0.61cos(PA)cos(i) = 1.0cos(PA)cos(i) = 0.0

9 “Normal” Absorbers Wind Dominate & DLA Systems


11 z = 0.550z = 0.551 z = 0.640z = 0.661 z = 0.374 z = 0.525 z = 0.787 z = 0.346 z = 0.442 z = 0.553 z = 0.888 z = 0.729 z = 0.418z = 0.494 z = 0.591 z = 0.298 z = 0.888 z = 0.472 z = 0.368 z = 0.317 z = 0.437 z = 0.891z = 0.797 z = 0.656 z = 0.851

12 Simard et al. (2002) N E

13 Barred Spiral Structure! If more than 5% of the galaxies total residual flux is due to asymmetries then these galaxies are considered to not be “normal”; they are “asymmetric”. Schade et al. (1995) HST Image Model Model Residual R A32 R T > 0.05

14 “Normal” Absorbers Wind Dominate & DLA Systems “Normal” Galaxies Asymmetric Galaxies

15 Halo gas is “aware” of the kinematics of the galaxy (pilot study 5 galaxies). There are no clear trends between absorption strength and orientation of the galaxy. More detailed models are needed. Minor morphological perturbations are correlated to absorption strength. This may suggest that most Mg II absorption selected galaxies have had some previous minor interactions or harassments. 21 of 25 Keck HIRES spectra are in hand and are currently being analyzed. The remaining quasar spectra will be obtained in the near future. Obtain redshifts of remaining candidates in order to increase sample size to over 50. Obtain rotation curves of the galaxy using Gemini and Keck.

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