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Presentation on theme: "STANDARD MOVING & FIXED DIMENSIONS FOR DEDICATED FREIGHT CORRIDOR."— Presentation transcript:


2 MMD for DFC Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) has been announced to be constructed in Howrah-Delhi and Mumbai-Delhi sectors. The axle load projected to run on this DFC is 30 tons. With most of the traffic expected to be carried on this DFC consisting of low density commodities like Food Grain and Coal, there is a need to enlarge the Maximum Moving Dimension (MMD) so as to accommodate sufficient quantities to generate required axle load.

3 Inter-operability Requirements Looking at the DFC in isolation, there shall not be any problem in increasing the MMD to whatever extent. But the wagons designed to run on the new corridor will have to run on existing system either when they are running empty or in the originating and destination spokes. This necessitates a study of our existing SOD and to identify the means to progressively adopt larger, wider and higher, wagons so as to fulfill the objective of carrying higher axle loads.

4 Existing MMD

5 MMD for DFC in Isolation

6 DENSITIES OF VARIOUS COMMODITIES Commodities of open wagonCommodities of covered wagon CommodityDensity (t/m3) CommodityDensity (t/m3) Iron ore2.10 to 2.6Cement1.440 Copper & zinc ore2.5 to 2.9Food grains (wheat)0.801 Lead ore5.1Fertilizer (urea)0.728 Lime stone broken 1.4Sugar0.688 Bauxite1.4Salt granulated0.897 Manganese ore1.8 Coal0.87 to 1.06

7 LOADING REQUIREMENT (NOS. OF BAG) S. No. CommodityExisting wagon with 20.32 ton axle 25 ton axle with Pay to Tare ratio of 1:4 30 ton axle with Pay to Tare ratio of 1:4 1Cement (50 kg Bag) 113416001920 2Food grain (wheat) 60kg. Bag 50kg. Bag 945 1134 1333 1600 1920 3Fertilizer (urea) (50 kg Bag) 113416001920



10 FIELD TRIAL ON BCNA WAGON The loadability found in field trials- Sl. No. CommoditySize of bags Nos. of bags loaded in BCNA Tonnes 1Food grain (Rice/Wheat) 50 kg125662.8t (CC+4+2t) 2Fertilizer (Urea) 50 kg125662.8t (CC+4+2t) Above figures are based on pattern of loading being followed at present.

11 Clearance between Moving Dimension and Fixed Structure Even on a straight track, a rolling stock keeps moving on either side of its central position due to factors like: –tolerances and defects in rolling stock, –tolerances and defects in track, –wind effect, –uneven loading etc,.

12 Clearance between Moving Dimension and Fixed Structure The clearance between Moving Dimensions and Standard Dimensions (Fixed structure) depends primarily on the lateral and vertical movement of the vehicle. Profile of a rolling stock drawn after taking into account the lean, swing and sway etc. is known as Kinematic Profile.

13 Clearance between Moving Dimension and Fixed Structure IR does not have kinematic profiles for rolling stock. Efforts have been made in recent times to calculate the expected lateral movement of a wagon to have an idea about the kinematic movement. It has now been accepted that the kinematic movement of a wagon is as much as 300mm, either way. Availability of accurate kinematic profiles of rolling stock may help in precise working out of clearances.

14 Clearance between Moving Dimension and Fixed Structure The clearance between Static and kinematic profile is required to be enhanced further to take care of: –a passenger or his luggage projecting out of a moving train, –freight stock running with bulging/ open doors, –track being out of alignment and –lean of the line side structures etc.


16 Track Alignment Tolerance-A- Laying and maintenance tolerance for track. Rolling Stock Construction Tolerance -B-Manufacturers tolerance for Rolling Stock Construction. Rolling Stock Kinematic Gauge-C-For lean and sway of Rolling Stock. For bulging doors or leaning passengers. Line Side Structure Limit Gauge-D-For bulging doors or leaning passengers. Line Side Structure Tolerance-E-For lean in structures. Breakup of Clearance between Moving Dimension and Fixed Structure


18 Estimation of Kinematic Movement



21 Comparative MMDs and Fixed Structure Gauges- AAR V/s IR


23 Possibility of Increasing the Height Height of a wagon is restricted by cover over platform at its edges and OHE at the center. Considering this aspect, maximum height of the wagon at sides can not be raised beyond 3735 mm, existing in the present MMD. Similarly, at center, this may be raised to a maximum of 4265 mm, as existing.

24 Possibility of Increasing the Height


26 In case of sections having structures as per Schedule II of SOD, running of larger wagons is not possible. In case of sections conforming to Schedule I (New works), MMD can be increased in width. These sections will still have certain structures built at 2135 mm from center of track like signal post between tracks, the maximum width can be 3560 mm with severe speed restrictions at such locations. The increase in width can be effected only above 1065mm from rail level, due to Platforms. Such wider stock will be section specific. Feasibility of running larger wagons on existing system

27 It is feasible to reduce the clearance of 510 mm available in Sch-I by 75mm. This is possible by cutting into allowance available for any thing hanging out of a wagon including bulging doors. This gives an additional width of 150 mm, taking the same to 3400 mm against 3250mm existing. Indian Railway’s have experience of running BOBR wagons, with a width of 3500 mm. This shall be utilized to decide the width of new wagons to be manufactured for DFC with inter- operability in mind.



30 Feasibility of running larger wagons on existing system BOBR wagons have been permitted to run on certain identified sections. Following special precautions have been specified for movement of these wagons: –The wagon will run at restricted speed at locations where track centers are less than 4570mm and structure distance is less than 2135mm. –Suitable precautions for safety of passengers standing on the platform. –Before introduction of the wagon on any route a campaign of education of the line staff will be carried out to warn them of additional width of these wagons. –The wagons have been painted with distinctive colour code to make them stand out amongst other wagons i.e. red zebra strips on white background at all the four corners.

31 Feasibility of running larger wagons on existing system Following inference can be drawn: –A wagon can be constructed, beyond the MMD width, say 3500 mm, with suitable precautions. –These wagons shall run on identified routes, so as to provide vital links to DFC. –These wagons shall be door less or have only sliding doors. –Height at center of these wagons shall be restricted to 4265 mm and at side to 3735mm.

32 Conclusions: DFC Proposed MMD and schedule of fixed structures to be adopted on Dedicated Freight Corridor shall be as follows: –Width: 3660mm. –Height: 6810mm. –This MMD shall be the future MMD for DFC or can be adopted for such services as are confined only to the DFC. Schedule of fixed structure shall be decided based on the kinematic profile of wagons built to this MMD.

33 Conclusions: Inter-operability –Running of larger wagons on existing network is possible only on specific sections, built as per Schedule–I after removing all existing infringements permitted under schedule-II and imposition of suitable speed restrictions wherever actual lateral clearance becomes less than 355 mm.

34 Conclusions: Inter-operability To implement this, following action is called for: –A multi disciplinary committee, at Railway Boards level, shall identify the sections on which the proposed larger stock is to be run. –Once the routes are identified, each zonal railway on the identified routes shall identify the infringements which must be removed before introduction of such wider stock. –Zonal railways shall also identify the locations where speed restrictions are to be imposed due to inadequate clearance. –These wagons shall run only on identified routes, so as to provide vital links to DFC, and shall be door less or have only sliding doors.



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