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I want to epress my joy for: -sharing with you guys this time in this beatiful planet -sharing the excitement unveiling the secret live of the stars -sharing.

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Presentation on theme: "I want to epress my joy for: -sharing with you guys this time in this beatiful planet -sharing the excitement unveiling the secret live of the stars -sharing."— Presentation transcript:

1 I want to epress my joy for: -sharing with you guys this time in this beatiful planet -sharing the excitement unveiling the secret live of the stars -sharing the friendship with Peter who opened roads to the big scenario of massive stars

2 Augusto Damineli (IAGUSP) Robert Blum (NOAO) Peter Conti (JILA) Elysandra Figuerêdo (Open Un.) Alessandro Moisés (IAGUSP) The Stellar Content of Galactic Giant HII Regions

3 Mellinger‏ 2MASS Many methods indicate Sb-Sc types Where are trhe arms? Longer wavelengths => clear view, but mixed structures

4 RVs of radio recombination lines from HII regions => Distances to HII regions + rotation curve face-on map (l,b) coordinates Clemens 1985

5 Sun HII Regions Russeil 2003

6 Radial velocities: - degenerate toward the GC line-of-sight - 2-valued r<R  Limitations of the method: Non-rotational components: - warm gas outflows from HII regions (  10 Km/s - density-wave attractive force ( up to 10 km/s) - collisions between GMCs

7 Project started ~15 years ago by Conti, Hanson, Blum… -K-band imaging+spectra of ionizing O-type stars -Spectroscopic parallax: robust physics like in the optical window -Errors constrained by multiple stellar spectra Giant HII Regions

8 Our Method: Giant HII Regions (NLyc=>10 50 ph/s =>10 O7V*) good tracers of the spiral arms selected from radio and FIR surveys 50 imaged with Blanco/SOAR

9 Colour- Magnitude Diagram: foreground stars ZAMS of the HIIR Candidates for spectroscopy

10 Spectroscopy of O-type stars: Distance Module D SpPt Hanson, Conti & Rieke (1996) Spectral Type O6VO8V Late O-type stars lines used to determine the spectral type

11 IdK dist kpc ref Spp dist kpc ref M82.8R030.6Bik04 W31 >4.1-12.3 C&E043.4 ± 0.5BDC M172.4R031.3Hans97 W423.7 -11.5R032.2 ±0.8BCD W436.2R03 5.9 ± 0.7 BDC W49A11.8Wetal048.4Bik04 W51A5.5R032.2F07 W3OH4.2R031.95 Xu06 NGC3603 * 7.9R036.0Stolte04 G282.0-1.2 G298.9-0.4 5.9 10.4R03 5.3 ± 1.2 3 F05 Bik04 G333.1-0.4 G331.5–0.1 3.5 10.8 R03 2.4 ±0.4 4.5 ±0.3 F05

12 All shifts are toward smaller distances! Conti & Crowther 2004 Sun GC

13 Star Formation Rate in the Milky Way Scaling the reduction to all sources NLyC = 1.7 × 10 52  ≥ 1.8 M  /year Conti & Crowther 2004 NLyC = 2.4 × 10 52  ≥ 2.6 M  /year

14 Trig. VLBA OH masers d = 1.95±0.04 kpc Xu et al. 2006 SpPht distance d = 2.2 kpc (optical) Humphreys 1978 W3OH: emblematic for distance discrepancy Perseus arm is at wrong kinematic distance! Kin. distance d = 4.2 kpc (RV = -45 km/s) Russeil 2003

15 What is the role of the reddening law? A K ~ 1/  Mathis (1990)  =1.7 Nishiyama et al. (2006)  =1.99 --Calibration uncertainty: MV = ± 0.7 Vacca et al. 1996 – Unresolved blends: 2 identical stars => Distance 40% smaller – Projected stars in the cluster line-of-sight Limitations of the method:

16 G353.19+0.64

17 A k =1 A k =2 A k =3

18 Name D K D Nish D Mat kpc M8 2.8 0.9 0.8 W31 >4.1-12.3 3.9 3.3 M17 2.4 1.7 1.6 W42 3.7-11.5 2.8 2.5 W43 6.2 6.3 4.7 W49A 11.8 14.7 11.0 W51A 5.5 4.0 3.0 G298.2-0.3 10.4 4.6 3.9 G333.1-0.4 3.5 3.3 2.4 G331.5-0.1 10.8 5.5 4.5

19 --- NGC3576 The slope of the luminosity function is independent of the Galactic ambient  = 0.35  0.05 K-band Luminosity Function --- G333.1-0.4 Salpeter In line with Massey 2003

20 L (H  ) [ergs/s]= ( 1.43 ×10 -12 ) NLyC [photons/s] Conti & Crowther 2004 3GHIIR + luminous M17 W49A NGC3603 Morphologic Type of Milk Way Kennicutt (1988)

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