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Spin structure of the nucleon

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1 Spin structure of the nucleon
Delia Hasch introduction to polarised DIS prerequisites quark polarisation gluon polarisation the (spin) structure of the nucleon

2 fascinated by spin …. N. Bohr W. Pauli
“You think you understand something? Now add spin…” -- R. Jaffe W. Pauli N. Bohr preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

3 what is spin ? Stern-Gerlach (1921): Uhlenbeck, Goudsmit: (1925)
[ Stern-Gerlach (1921): Uhlenbeck, Goudsmit: (1925) explanation of atomic spectra quantum number: ms=1/2 Pauli : exclusion principle preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

4 how to study the nucleon structure ?
… deep-inelastic scattering (DIS)  Q2 determines the resolution “deep” high resolution:  nucleon has a structure “inelastic” preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

5 the nucleon spin structure
gluons are important ! DG sea quarks: Dqs don’t forget the orbital angular momentum! QPM: EMC 1988: DS=0.123 ± ... Spin Puzzle SLAC, CERN, DESY: DS  preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

6 helicity densities Dq because of helicity conservation, the virtual photon can couple only to a quark of opposite helicity by changing the orientation of target nucleon spin or the helicity of incident lepton beam we can select q+(x) or q-(x)  Dq preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

7 experimental prerequisites (Hermes)
resolution: dp/p~2%, dq<1 mrad particle ID: lepton ID with e~98%, hadron contamination <1% RICH: p, K, p ID within 2<Eh<15 GeV Stern-Gerlach separation self-polarised electrons: e 27.5 GeV (e+/e-) <Pb>~ 0.53±0.03 Stern-Gerlach separation pure nuclear-polarised atomic gas, flipped at 90s time intervals, <Pt>~0.85 ±0.04 preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

8 DIS cross section leptonic part of the cross section
hadronic part of the cross section  contains information on nucleon structure  cannot be calculated from first principles leptonic part of the cross section  independent of nucleon structure  can be calculated explicitely preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

9 hadronic tensor parametrised by structure functions
(symmetry considerations, conservation laws) momentum distribution of quarks QPM: helicity distribution of quarks preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

10 how to measure cross sections / asymmetries
q = const. E’ = const. preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

11 quark helicity distributions
preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

12 Dq and DG from inclusive data (QCD fit)
one step further (evolution equations): parameterised minimisation : evaluate parameters preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

13 Dq and DG from inclusive data
Duv and Ddv (quite) well determined: Duv >0, Ddv <0 Dq and DG weakly constraint by data preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

14 how to further proceed ? unpolarised DIS Dq and DG from inclusive DIS data: via evolution equations requires wide kinematic range in Q2 and x only fixed target spin experiments so far … need polarised collider to extend kinematic coverage need more direct probes preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

15 polarised semi-inclusive DIS
, z=Eh/n probability that struck quark of flavour f fragments into hadron of type h with energy fraction z flavour tagging p+ ud fragmentation function K- us p- ud distribution function preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

16 polarised quark distributions
flavour separation by flavour tagging flavour content of final state hadrons related to flavour of struck quark via fragmentation functions Dqh not well known at √s~5-20 GeV of current polarised DIS experiments  preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

17 particle identification
double radiator RICH for p / K / p separation aerogel: n=1.03 C4F10: n=1.0014 Cerenkov light emission: Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

18 purity analysis @ HERMES
Delia Hasch Physics at Hermes Trieste (Italy),

19 measured hadron asymmetries
proton HERMES incl p+ h+ deuteron HERMES p- h+ h- p+ p- K+ K- incl h- h- p- K- us all sea objects x x preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

20 purities p+ p- u u d d s s K+ K-
probability that g* hit a quark of flavour q when hadron of type h was detected u u d d s s p+ K+ p- K- preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

21 quark/anti-quark helicity distributions
[HERMES, PRL92(2004), PRD71(2005)] u quarks large positive polarisation d quarks negative polarisation sea quarks (u, d, s ,s) compatible with 0 - first direct 5-flavour separation of polarised PDFs new data from COMPASS/RHIC coming preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

22 how to measure the gluon polarisation DG
…reminder: from scaling violation preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

23 direct measurement of DG
method: photon-gluon fusion q t  ħ/2mq open charm production (hard scale: mass of c-quark)  theoretically very clean: c g g* D cc-bar  D* , D0 g*p  D0 D0-bar X   experimentally very challenging:  vertex reconstruction inside massive target  S/B preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

24 direct measurement of DG
method: photon-gluon fusion q t  ħ/2mq hadron pairs with high transv. momenta (hard scale: PT)  experimentally very clean g g* h1 h2  highly model dependent preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

25 G from high-pT hadron pairs
3 main contributions to *p  h+h- X : h2 h2 h2 * q q * * q V q g p g q q h1 h1 QCDC VMD PGF h1 AQCDC ~ q/q AVDM = 0 APGF  G/G Contributions shown from paper: Pythia 5 … ! Infinite systematic error ! :-o  applicable at HERMES (COMPASS) ? : kine / resolved photons / intrinsic k_T  new Pythia 6 tuned to HERMES multiplicities: f_PGF much smaller  first time: sys. error estimated (Patty thesis) -- new paper in preparation  HERMES: quasi-real photoproduction estimate their relative contributions: Monte Carlo… 0.5 -1 preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

26 G from high-pT hadron pairs
3 main contributions to *p  h+h- X : h2 h2 h2 * q q * * q V q g p g q q h1 h1 QCDC VMD PGF h1 AQCDC ~ q/q AVDM = 0 APGF  G/G Contributions shown from paper: Pythia 5 … ! Infinite systematic error ! :-o  applicable at HERMES (COMPASS) ? : kine / resolved photons / intrinsic k_T  new Pythia 6 tuned to HERMES multiplicities: f_PGF much smaller  first time: sys. error estimated (Patty thesis) -- new paper in preparation  HERMES: quasi-real photoproduction [PRL84(2000)] preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

27 G from high-pT hadron pairs
first glimpse: preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

28 G from high-pT hadron pairs
first glimps: complementary preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

29 pp  p0X is sensitive to gg gg and gq gq
G from p0 at RHIC pp  p0X is sensitive to gg gg and gq gq STAR preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

30 pp  p0X is sensitive to gg gg and gq gq
G from p0 at RHIC pp  p0X is sensitive to gg gg and gq gq fractional contributions: uncertainty still large ... dramatic improvement by lumi and beam polarization (~70%) preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

31 future G measurements (2010)
COMPASS :  open charm  high PT first glimps: HERMES :  high PT on d RHIC :  p0  jets  prompt g  charm/bottom preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

32 Gluon Polarization at RHIC
Longitudinal double spin asymmetry in : Dominant processes:  or  photon  or  (heavy flavor) Direct photon production Di-jet production

33 ? ? where do we stand the nucleon puzzle is going to be completed
the (spin) structure of the nucleon … HERMES: first glimpse NMC,BCDMS,E665, H1, ZEUS COMPASS RHIC HERMES COMPASS RHIC JLab KEK …ecc. exclusive processes first results: HERMES JLab transversity ? HERMES (SMC, SLAC)  Compass  RHIC seminar by its own ? seminar by its own preface | introduction to polarised DIS | prerequisites | quark polarisation | gluon polarisation | the (spin) structure of the nucleon Delia Hasch spin structure of the nucleon GK: Freiburg-University 06/07/05

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