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Published byKathryn Watson Modified over 9 years ago
Search for New Phenomena in the CDF Top Quark Sample Kevin Lannon The Ohio State University For the CDF Collaboration
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon2 Why Look in Top Sample? Top only recently discovered Top turned 10 in 2005 Samples still relatively small Still plenty of “room” for unexpected phenomena Top is really massive Comparable to gold nucleus! Yukawa coupling near unity Special role in EWSB? Many models include new physics coupling to top u d s c b t Quark Masses GeV/c 2 5 orders of magnitude between quark masses!
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon3 What Might We Find? It’s not Standard Model top at all! Charge not 2/3? [Phys.Rev.D59:091503,1999; Phys.Rev.D61:037301,2000] Spin not 1/2? It’s not only Standard Model top Additional heavy particles decaying to high pt leptons, jets and missing energy (t ’) [Phys.Rev.D64:053004,2001; Phys.Rev.D65:053002,2002] Heavy resonance decaying to tt [Phys.Lett.B266:419,1991] t H + b ttH production [Phys.Rev.D68:034022,2003] Nothing but the Standard Model.... Not as bad as it sounds Test our abilities to calculate signal and background properties Important at the LHC top becomes background to other searches Constrains models that put new physics in the top sample [hep-ph/0504221]
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon4 The Tevatron and CDF Tevatron accelerator Highest energy accelerator in the world (E cm = 1.96 TeV) World record for hadron collider luminosity (L inst = 2.72E32 cm -2 s -1 ) Only accelerator currently making top quarks Central Cal Plug Cal Central Tracker Silicon Tracker Muon Detectors CDF Detector Trigger on high p T leptons, jets and missing E T Silicon tracking chamber to reconstruct displaced vertices from b decays
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon5 Tevatron Performance Integrated luminosity at CDF Total delivered: ~2.3 fb -1 Total recorded: ~1.9 fb -1 (~ 17 Run I!) So far for top analyses, used up to 1 fb -1 More analyses with 1.0-1.2 fb -1 in progress for winter and spring Doubling time: ~1 year Future: ~4 fb -1 by 2007, ~8 fb -1 by 2009 Peak Luminosity Today’s Presentation: 200 pb -1 ~ 1 fb -1 Integrated Luminosity Analyzed by Summer
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon6 Triggering on Top Need high efficiency, low fake rate trigger for high p T leptons Relies on track trigger (XFT) Fake rate increases with occupancy Occupancy increases with luminosity 3x higher than original design because Tevatron didn’t reduce bunch spacing (392 ns 132 ns) Z ee at low lum. 9 add. Int./crossing fake Fake tracks can be made from segments of different real physical tracks. Trigger for muons without upgrade Missing segments Instrumenting additional layers reduces fake rate. Efficiency stays high. Upgrade put into operation in October Efficiency = 96% for high p T tracks Fake track rejection factor = 5-7 Reduction factor ~ 4
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon7 Top Quark Production at Tevatron ~85% ~15% QCD pair production NLO = 6.7 pb First observed at Tevatron in 1995 EWK single-top production s-channel: NLO = 0.9 pb t-channel: NLO = 2.0 pb Not observed yet s-channelt-channel Other?: ??? (and LHC) 833 pb ~13% ~87% 10.6 pb 247 pb Associated tW 62 pb
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon8 Top Production Rates Like finding a needle in a haystack.... One top pair each 10 10 inelastic collisions at s = 1.96 TeV Efficient Trigger ~90% for high p T leptons Targeted event selection Distinctive final state Heavy top mass Advanced analysis techniques Artificial Neural Networks Needle in haystack (approx.)
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon9 SM Top Quark Decays Particular analysis usually focuses on one or two channels New physics can impact different channels in different ways Comparisons between channels important in search for new physics BR(t Wb) ~ 100%
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon10 Top Signatures Electron or muon: p T > 20 GeV Neutrino: Missing E T > 20-25 GeV Jet: E T > 15-20 GeV cone = 0.4 b-jet: identified with secondary vertex tag DileptonLepton + JetsAll Hadronic
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon11 Top Event Yields To give an idea of CDF sample sizes.... Based on top cross section of 6.7 pb Background and signal numbers based on event yields from current analyses, scaled by luminosity Assume no changes in event selection, efficiency, etc. Luminosity1 fb -1 4 fb -1 Total Top Events670026,800 Decay ModeDil.L + JL + J (b-tag)Dil.L + JL + J (b-tag) Before Event Selection330198513257940 Selected Signal Events5048029019019101140 Expected Background4022901601509150670 L+J: ~2k signal events with 4 fb -1 (signal:background ~ 1 : 5) L+J (b-tag): ~1k signal events with 4 fb -1 (signal:background ~ 2:1)
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon12 Searching for New Physics Precision study of top properties Non-SM behavior from top quark Evidence of something other than top in sample Direct search for new phenomena in top sample Resonant production Non-SM decays New particles with “top-like” signature New particles produced in association with top V tb
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon13 Top Properties Working Group Studying all properties of top quark (except mass) ~ 150 faculty, postdocs, students ~15 papers (so far) ~50 active analyses V tb
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon14 Precision Study: Cross Section Cross section Measured in different final states New physics can affect different final states differently Different techniques used in same final state Results combined at end for most precise answer tt production calculated to NLO Central value: 6.7 pb — 6.8 pb Uncertainties: 5.8pb — 7.4 pb For m top = 175 GeV/c 2 Combined result: 7.3 0.9 pb N Top = N obs - N background, or from fit
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon15 Two Best Measurements Both in Lepton + Jets Channel Vertex Tag (weight = 0.50, pull = + 0.88) Uses b-tagging to increase ratio of signal to background Counting experiment Count W+jets events with a b-tag Subtract expected background Excess attributed to top Kinematic Artificial Neural Net (weight = 0.32, pull = -1.14) Uses kinematic variables to separate signal from background Combines several variables in a neural network to increase sensitivity Fit for the number of top events Does not use b-tagging (lower signal to background ratio)
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon16 B-Tagging b-tagging: Identifying jets containing a b quark Take advantage of long b lifetime Look at precision tracking information for tracks within jet Reconstruct secondary vertices displaced from primary Efficiency Per jet 40% for b jet 9% for c jet 0.5% for light jet Per event (tt ) 60% for single tag 15% for double tag
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon17 Sample Composition Number of events with an identified W + 1 jets Signal regionControl region 695 pb -1 Backgrounds that produce W + jets signature Excess of data over background attributed to top production Agreement between data and background checks accuracy of background estimate
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon18 Lepton + Jets Vertex Tag Result One Tag + H T Cut 8.2 ± 0.6 (stat.) ± 1.0 (sys.) pb Two tags, no H T Cut Cross check 8.8 +1.2 -1.1 (stat.) +2.0 -1.3 (sys.) pb H T = scalar sum of lepton, jet, and missing ET
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon19 Using Kinematics to Identify Top Look for central, spherical events with large transverse energy Signal: PYTHIA tt monte carlo Background: ALPGEN + HERWIG W + 3p monte carlo Normalized to unit area H T scalar sum of lepton, jet, and missing E T Aplanarity uses lepton, jet and missing E T Max jet uses 3 highest E T jets; all others use 5 highest
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon20 Statistical Sensitivity Evaluate expected fit fractional error using MC-based pseudo experiments Single variable fits: fit signal fraction using distributions of a single kinematic variable Plotted Points: median fit fractional error Error bars: 68% interval
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon21 Multivariate Approach: Neural Nets Structure Composed of nodes modeled after neurons in nervous system Organized into layers Input layer: initialized by input variables Hidden layer: takes information from each input node and passes to output layer Output node: new discriminating variable with range [0,1] Training Neural net output determined by exposure to training data Iteratively adjust parameters to minimize error: Training accomplished through JETNET program (Peterson et al. CERN-TH/7135-94) 7 kinematic variables 7 input nodes Output node—range [0,1]—signal = 1 1 hidden layer, 7 hidden nodes Information flow
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon22 Statistical Sensitivity Evaluate expected fit fractional error using MC-based pseudo experiments Single variable fits: fit signal fraction using distributions of a single kinematic variable NN: fit NN output of data to NN templates Plotted Points: median fit fractional error Error bars: 68% interval NN Fit performs significantly better than single variable fits
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon23 Using NN to Fit Data Basic Approach Train NN to distinguish tt signal from backgrounds PYTHIA tt MC as signal model ALPGEN + HERWIG W + 3p MC as background model Use this NN to make templates for fitting the data Use same signal model as above Also extract QCD multijet template from data Supplement electroweak template with contributions from other processes: WW,WZ, Z + jets, single top Fit templates to NN distribution from data Binned maximum likelihood fit Three component fit Signal and electroweak float QCD constrained to value estimated using isolation vs missing E T method
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon24 Lepton + Jets Kinematic ANN Result SampleEventsFitted tt (tt ) W + 3 Jets2102324.6 31.66.0 0.6 0.9 pb W + 4-Jet461166.0 22.15.8 0.8 1.3 pb
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon25 Kinematics of b-Tagged Events Looks like top!
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon26 Systematic Uncertainties Main Systematic Uncertainties uncorrelated Lepton + Jets Vertex Tag b-tagging efficiency: 6.5% Background estimation: 3.4% Kinematic ANN Background shape modeling: 10.2% Jet Energy Scale: 8.3% For both results, uncertainty dominated by systematics Both are working to reduce for 1.2 fb -1 publications
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon27 Search for t H + b Compare top yield in four different channels Measurements consistent with SM Consider correlated effect of t H + b decays on four channels Exclude when changes make expectation inconsistent with data Limits for 6 sets of MSSM parameters and less model-specific scenarios Varying model parameters changes: BR(t H + b) BR(H + ) BR(H+ cs) BR(H+ t*b) BR(H+ W + h 0 ) BR(H+ W + A 0 ) Shown here: Variations as a function of tan particular set of MSSM parameters Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) 042003
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon28 MSSM Limits Calculate BR(t H + b) and H + BR’s as a function of M H+ and tan( ) Use 6 different MSSM “benchmarks” Results for “Benchmark #1” shown below
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon29 Less Model Dependent Limit “Tauonic Higgs” Model Assume BR(H + ) = 1 i.e. MSSM with high tan( ) “Worst” Limit Find arbitrary combination of H + BR’s that give least stringent limit
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon30 t ’ Production Consider possible contribution to “top” sample from heavier particles with “top-like” signature (t’) Examples 4 th chiral generation consistent with precision EWK data [Phys. Rev. D64, 053004 (2001)] “Beautiful Mirrors” Model: additional generation of quarks that mix with 3 rd generation [Phys. Rev. D65, 053002 (2002)] Consider decay of t’ Wq Happens when m t’ < m b’ + m W Precision EWK data suggests mass splitting between b’ and t ’ small Search for by fitting H T vs M reco H T = sum of transverse momenta of all objects in event M reco = Wq invariant mass reconstructed with a 2 fitter (same technique used in top mass reconstruction)
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon31 t ’ Search Results No evidence for t ’ observed Set 95% confidence level limits on t’ BR(t’ Wq) 2 Exclude m t’ < 258 GeV for BR(t’ Wq) = 100% Interesting behavior in high mass tails
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon32 Resonant top production: No evidence seen Exclude Leptophobic Z’ with M z’ < 725 GeV/c 2 Top Quark Lifetime (~10 -24 s in SM) Result: c < 52.5 m at 95% confidence level Consistent with detector resolution. W Helicity in Top Decay: SM: F 0 = 0.7, F - = 0.3, F + = 0.0 Result: F 0 = 0.61 0.13, F + < 0.09 Summary There are many more CDF results than I could show here. Top Mass measured to 2.4 GeV/c 2 (1.4%) uncertainty! Even More results on the public webpage No deviations from Standard Model so far Many results statistically limited More results with 1-1.2 fb -1 coming soon Results for ~2fb -1 by this summer Many new and updated analyses in progress Improved cross section measurements Single-top Top charge Flavor changing neutral currents Direct search for t H + b
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon33 The Future: Top at LHC “Top physics will be easy at the LHC” Top cross section increases by factor of ~ 100 Background cross sections increase by factor of ~10 Probe for new Physics M tt distribution Associated Higgs production: ttH Even used for LHC detector calibrations High precision results from Tevatron important Discover new physics ~ 1-2 GeV/c 2 precision on mass Production and decay well understood Looks a little like B physics at the Tevatron precision physics
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon34 Extra Slides
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon35 Top Cross Section vs Mass
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon36 Search for Resonant Production Motivation Some models predict particles decaying to top pairs Should be visible as resonance in tt invariant mass spectrum Example model: Topcolor assisted technicolor Extension to technicolor that includes new strong dynamics Couples primarily to 3 rd generation Includes new massive gauge bosons: topgluons and Z’
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon37 Search for Resonant Production Look for generic, spin 1 resonance (X 0 ) decaying to top pairs Assume X0 = 1.2% M X0 Test masses between 450 GeV and 900 GeV in 50 GeV increments Results No evidence for resonance Set 95% confidence level limit for X0 at each mass Exclude leptophobic Z’ with M z’ < 725 GeV
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon38 W Helicity in Top Decay V-A Forbidden W 0 Longitudinal fraction F 0 W - Left-Handed fraction F - t b W +1/2 -1/2 +1 W + Right-Handed fraction F + t W b +1/2 +1 -1/2 Helicity of W determined by V-A structure of EWK interaction 70% longitudinal 30% left-handed Right handed forbidden t W +1/2 0 W b
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon39 W Helicity in Top Decay Can be tested by measuring W helicity angle: * * = angle of the lepton relative to negative the direction of the top in the W rest frame. Can also use M lb 2 0.5(m t 2 -m W 2 )cos *
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon40 W Helicity Results Two CDF results with 955 pb -1 Use different kinematic fitters to reconstruct tt system: cos * Very consistent measurements of F 0 and limits on F + F 0 = 0.61 0.12(stat) 0.04 (syst) and F + < 0.11 at 95% C.L. F 0 =0.59 0.12(stat) +0.07 -0.06 (syst) and F + < 0.10 at 95% C.L. One measurement with 750 pb -1 Uses M lb and measures fraction of V+A F V+A < 0.29 at 95% C.L. Assuming F 0 = 0.7 F + < 0.09 at 95% C.L.
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon41 Top Quark Lifetime Measure impact parameter of lepton from Lepton + Jets top decay Evidence of displaced top suggests Production via decay of long-lived particle New long-lived particle in top sample Anomalous top lifetime Templates for SM processes Result: c < 52.5 m at 95% confidence level
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon42 Sample Composition W+light flavor: From pretag using mistag matrix W+heavy flavor: From pretag using MC for HF fraction and b-tagging eff. Single Top and Diboson: Estimated using theoretical cross section Non-W QCD: Estimated from MET and lepton isolation side-bands Difference between observed and predicted background attributed to top Event count before applying b-tagging Number of events with an identified W + 1 jets
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon43 The Search for Single Top Standard Model Rate |V tb | 2 Spin polarization probes V-A structure Background for other searches (Higgs) Beyond the Standard Model Sensitive to a 4 th generation Flavor changing neutral currents Additional heavy charged bosons W ’ or H + New physics can affect s-channel and t-channel differently Tait, Yuan PRD63, 014018(2001)
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon44 Signal and Backgrounds W + Heavy Flavor W + Light Flavor (Mistags) Multi-jet QCD tt Other EWK Total Background: 646 96 events Expected Single-Top: 28 3 events Signal / Background ~ 1/20 e or : p T > 20 GeV : MET> 20 GeV 2 jets: E T > 15 GeV, 1 b-tag Single-top Signature Backgrounds Must use multivariate, kinematic techniques to separate signal from background
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon45 Multivariate Discriminants Improve signal discrimination by combining several variables into a multivariate discriminant Neural Network and multivariate likelihood function both used Variables: ℓ b and dijet invariant masses, H T, Q , angles, jet E T and , W-boson , kinematic fitter quantities, NN b-tag output ZOOM
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon46 Single Top Multivariate Likelihood Result Best fit result for s- and t-channel separately s-channel: t-channel: 95% CL upper limit on combined s- + t-channel:
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon47 Single Top Neural Network Result Combined search: s-channel + t-channel combined in SM ratio Best fit: 95% CL Limit: Separate search s- and t-channel vary separately Best Fit: t-channel: s-channel: 95% CL Limit: t-channel: s-channel:
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon48 Single Top Matrix Element Result Best fit result:
SMU Seminar 2-5-07 K. Lannon49 Summary This is an exciting time to be at the Tevatron 1.2 fb -1 sample currently in hand and being analyzed Top sample has grown from ~30 events in Run I to ~ several hundred Larger samples coming soon (almost 2 fb -1 ) by summer Analysis techniques becoming increasingly mature and sophisticated Look forward to 1 fb -1 publications this winter No evidence for new physics in top sample so far Have many more top measurements than covered in this talk (see CDF public results webpage) Increasing precision continues to test consistency of measurements in different channels Many new analyses on their way (as well as updates of current results) Improved cross section measurements Single-top Top charge Flavor changing neutral currents Direct search for t H + b
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