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The earth and the sun Mary, Liselle, and Bea. 1. The Sun is currently 5 000 000 000 years old. 2. The Sun lasts for 10 000 000 000 years so we’re about.

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Presentation on theme: "The earth and the sun Mary, Liselle, and Bea. 1. The Sun is currently 5 000 000 000 years old. 2. The Sun lasts for 10 000 000 000 years so we’re about."— Presentation transcript:

1 The earth and the sun Mary, Liselle, and Bea

2 1. The Sun is currently 5 000 000 000 years old. 2. The Sun lasts for 10 000 000 000 years so we’re about midway through its lifespan. 3. The Earth used to have one continent called Pangaea. Continental shifting brought them apart. Basic facts about the Sun and the Earth

3 The sun is the star at the centre of our solar system. The Earth and all the planetary family orbit the sun. The average distance from the sun to the Earth is approximately 149 600 000 km. The Earth is one of the 4 th biggest planet in the solar system, it is also the third planet from the sun. It is the planet where all countries lay, and where all the humans are. What is a sun? What is the earth?

4 Our sun is seen as the bright object in the center of the circle of frames. It is still almost 8 million times brighter than the brightest star in Earth’s sky. It would be VERY VERY hot if you would touch it! You would probably have to get your hand cut off.. Or what ever else you used to touch it. Description of the sun

5 Scientists believe that about 5 billion years ago the earth, the sun, and all the planets of the solar system were nothing but a cloud of cold dust particles swirling through empty space. Slowly, these particles were attracted to each other and came together to form a huge spinning disk. As it spun, the disk separated into rings, and the furious motion made the particles white-hot. The center of the disk became the sun, and the particles in the outer rings turned into large fiery balls of gas and molten-liquid. Then they began to cool and condense and take on solid form. And at last, some four or five billion years ago, they became Earth, Mars, Venus and the other planets. Description of the Earth

6 Our Sun is approximately 5 000 000 000 years old and it is estimated that in 5 000 000 000 years from now the hydrogen in the Sun’s core will run low. The Sun will then become a red Giant, which is an expanded star. At the end of our Sun’s life cycle, the nuclear fusion will stop. It will then become cool and collapse into a White Dwarf no larger than the size of the Earth, with cold dead planets orbiting around it. Birth of the Sun

7 Millions of years ago the sun was divided into many parts forming planets, in which one of them was the earth at that time it was very hot as it was apart of the sun, later on it cools down taking 100 000 000s years! Birth of the Earth

8 Hydrogen Oxygen Helium Carbon Neon Iron Nitrogen Silicone Magnesium And Sulfur. Elements in the Earth

9 The Sun is approximately 5 000 000 000 years old. The Earth is roughly about 4 500 000 000 years old. Age of the Sun and Earth

10 It is first a Young Star, Planetary Nebula, than a Yellow Dwarf, than a Red Giant, then a White Dwarf. The white Dwarf is the end of the life cycle. Life cycle of the sun

11 The Earth will last as long as the Sun so it has roughly 5.5 billion years left. Life cycle of the Earth

12 First, the Sun's diameter is about 100 times that of the Earth. So, you'd have to line up 100 Earth's end-to-end to stretch across the face of the sun. Size of the Sun and earth

13 Inside the sun Inside the earth Inside the earth and sun: Pictures

14 Pictures

15 A Few more pictures.

16 Videos

17 Thank you for watching and listening! We hope you learned a ton!! Bye! End!

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