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1 Fundamental Physics through Astrophysics Christopher Stubbs Department of Physics Departme nt of Astronomy Harvard University

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Presentation on theme: "1 Fundamental Physics through Astrophysics Christopher Stubbs Department of Physics Departme nt of Astronomy Harvard University"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Fundamental Physics through Astrophysics Christopher Stubbs Department of Physics Departme nt of Astronomy Harvard University Christopher Stubbs Department of Physics Departme nt of Astronomy Harvard University

2 2 Astrophysical Evidence for New Physics  Matter-antimatter asymmetry Baryon number & CP violation in early universe?  Non-baryonic Dark Matter New particle physics sector?  Neutrino oscillations, mass constraints Non-zero masses, mixing/oscillations  Accelerating expansion of the Universe Evidence for weirdness in the vacuum Puzzle #1: why is this effect so small? Puzzle #2: why is this effect so large?  Matter-antimatter asymmetry Baryon number & CP violation in early universe?  Non-baryonic Dark Matter New particle physics sector?  Neutrino oscillations, mass constraints Non-zero masses, mixing/oscillations  Accelerating expansion of the Universe Evidence for weirdness in the vacuum Puzzle #1: why is this effect so small? Puzzle #2: why is this effect so large?

3 3 Focus is shifting… 10 years ago - What’s the Dark Matter? - What are the values of the cosmological parameters ( , q 0, H 0 )? - What’s the connection between primordial fluctuations and observed large scale structure? 10 years ago - What’s the Dark Matter? - What are the values of the cosmological parameters ( , q 0, H 0 )? - What’s the connection between primordial fluctuations and observed large scale structure? Now –What’s the Dark Matter? –What physics is responsible for accelerated expansion? –What’s the connection between primordial fluctuations, dark matter, and observed galactic structure? –How can we probe the foundations of gravity? Now –What’s the Dark Matter? –What physics is responsible for accelerated expansion? –What’s the connection between primordial fluctuations, dark matter, and observed galactic structure? –How can we probe the foundations of gravity?

4 4 A Cosmic Sum Rule General Relativity + isotropy and homogeneity require that (in the relevant units)  geometry +  matter +   = 1 If the underlying geometry is flat, and if  m <1 then the cosmological constant term must be non-zero. So it would seem……..

5 5 Emergence of a Standard Cosmology Our geometrically flat Universe started in a hot big bang 13.7 Gyrs ago. The evolution of the Universe is increasingly dominated by the phenomenology of the vacuum. Matter, mostly non-baryonic, is a minor component. Luminous matter comprises a preposterously low fraction of the mass of the Universe.

6 6 This picture is supported by multiple independent lines of evidence Lower bound on age, from starsLower bound on age, from stars Inventories of cosmic matter contentInventories of cosmic matter content Measurements of expansion history using supernovaeMeasurements of expansion history using supernovae Primordial element abundancesPrimordial element abundances CMB provides strong confirmation…. WMAPCMB provides strong confirmation…. WMAP Lower bound on age, from starsLower bound on age, from stars Inventories of cosmic matter contentInventories of cosmic matter content Measurements of expansion history using supernovaeMeasurements of expansion history using supernovae Primordial element abundancesPrimordial element abundances CMB provides strong confirmation…. WMAPCMB provides strong confirmation…. WMAP

7 Dark Energy Constitutes A Crisis in Fundamental Physics This crisis appears as profound as the one that preceded the advent of quantum mechanics. Supported by multiple lines of evidence ….  CDM Or, are we collectively under the influence of the “ether” of our time? Perhaps we can appeal to theory for some guidance…? This crisis appears as profound as the one that preceded the advent of quantum mechanics. Supported by multiple lines of evidence ….  CDM Or, are we collectively under the influence of the “ether” of our time? Perhaps we can appeal to theory for some guidance…?

8 8    . Well, that can’t be right…    0. Through some profound but not yet understood mechanism, the vacuum energy must be cancelled to arrive at value of identically zero ummm... Supersymmetry uhhh...Planck Mass    0.7, you say?? String landscapes….uhhhh No, wait! IT’S ANTHROPIC! Dark Energy Theory

9 Parameterizing our Ignorance of the Properties of Dark Energy At least 4 alternatives: Cosmological constant of Einstein Departure from GR Vacuum energy with some cutoff (QM) Weird new field(s) Use w  P/ , equation of state parameter, to try to discriminate: w  1? w  1? w  w(z) = w 0 + (1-a)w a ? w  w(z) = w 0 + (1-a)w a ? At least 4 alternatives: Cosmological constant of Einstein Departure from GR Vacuum energy with some cutoff (QM) Weird new field(s) Use w  P/ , equation of state parameter, to try to discriminate: w  1? w  1? w  w(z) = w 0 + (1-a)w a ? w  w(z) = w 0 + (1-a)w a ?

10 Probing the nature of Dark Energy with Observations SN Hubble diagram SN Hubble diagram Baryon oscillations Baryon oscillations Weak gravitational lensing Weak gravitational lensing Galaxy cluster abundances vs. redshift Galaxy cluster abundances vs. redshift See Dark Energy Task Force Report, Albrecht et al astro-ph/0609591, also Albrecht and Bernstein, astro-ph/0608269v2 SN Hubble diagram SN Hubble diagram Baryon oscillations Baryon oscillations Weak gravitational lensing Weak gravitational lensing Galaxy cluster abundances vs. redshift Galaxy cluster abundances vs. redshift See Dark Energy Task Force Report, Albrecht et al astro-ph/0609591, also Albrecht and Bernstein, astro-ph/0608269v2 Surveys!

11 Survey Figure of Merit Surveys exploit the 3 enabling technologies of contemporary optical astronomy: high efficiency detectors large aperture optics large aperture optics computation and data storage Surveys exploit the 3 enabling technologies of contemporary optical astronomy: high efficiency detectors large aperture optics large aperture optics computation and data storage Source flux, signal to noise System: Collecting Area Field of View Efficiency Site: sky brightness, seeing

12 Survey Figure of Merit Number of objects detected per unit time, to given SNR better

13 13 The Current Generation: Measuring w Wide field multiband, 2.5 m survey systemWide field multiband, 2.5 m survey system SDSS, SDSS 2 Mosaic CCD imagers, 4 m, shared timeMosaic CCD imagers, 4 m, shared time ESSENCE SN survey - CTIO 4m CFHT Legacy Survey - CFHT 4m Deep Lens Survey - 28 sq deg, CTIO 4m Blanco Cosmology Survey - 100 sq deg … Hubble Space Telescope, shared timeHubble Space Telescope, shared time Cosmos - 2 degrees, HST GOODS survey Wide field multiband, 2.5 m survey systemWide field multiband, 2.5 m survey system SDSS, SDSS 2 Mosaic CCD imagers, 4 m, shared timeMosaic CCD imagers, 4 m, shared time ESSENCE SN survey - CTIO 4m CFHT Legacy Survey - CFHT 4m Deep Lens Survey - 28 sq deg, CTIO 4m Blanco Cosmology Survey - 100 sq deg … Hubble Space Telescope, shared timeHubble Space Telescope, shared time Cosmos - 2 degrees, HST GOODS survey

14 14 Dark Energy’s Equation of State w = 0, matter P = w  w = 1/3,radiation w =  1,  w =  N/3, topological defects w = 0, matter P = w  w = 1/3,radiation w =  1,  w =  N/3, topological defects For a flat Universe, luminosity distance depends only upon z,  , w. (assumes w is constant)

15 15 (Hubble Space Telescope, NASA) Supernovae are powerful cosmological probes Distances to ~6% from brightness Redshifts from features in spectra

16 16 Schmidt et al, High-z SN Team

17 17 The ESSENCE Survey Our goal is to determine the equation of state parameter to 10%Our goal is to determine the equation of state parameter to 10% This should help determine whether  belongs on the left or right side of the Einstein equations…This should help determine whether  belongs on the left or right side of the Einstein equations… w =  1 or dw/dz = 0 favors QMw =  1 or dw/dz = 0 favors QM Supernovae are well suited to this task – they probe directly the epoch of accelerating expansion.Supernovae are well suited to this task – they probe directly the epoch of accelerating expansion. Our goal is to determine the equation of state parameter to 10%Our goal is to determine the equation of state parameter to 10% This should help determine whether  belongs on the left or right side of the Einstein equations…This should help determine whether  belongs on the left or right side of the Einstein equations… w =  1 or dw/dz = 0 favors QMw =  1 or dw/dz = 0 favors QM Supernovae are well suited to this task – they probe directly the epoch of accelerating expansion.Supernovae are well suited to this task – they probe directly the epoch of accelerating expansion.

18 18 Claudio Aguilera --- CTIO/NOAO Claudio Aguilera --- CTIO/NOAO Brian Barris --- Univ of Hawaii Brian Barris --- Univ of Hawaii Andy Becker --- Bell Labs/Univ. of Washington Andy Becker --- Bell Labs/Univ. of Washington Peter Challis --- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Peter Challis --- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Ryan Chornock --- UC Berkeley Ryan Chornock --- UC Berkeley Alejandro Clocchiatti --- Univ Catolica de Chile Alejandro Clocchiatti --- Univ Catolica de Chile Ricardo Covarrubias --- Univ of Washington Ricardo Covarrubias --- Univ of Washington Alex V. Filippenko --- Univ of Ca, Berkeley Alex V. Filippenko --- Univ of Ca, Berkeley Arti Garg --- Harvard University Arti Garg --- Harvard University Peter M. Garnavich --- Notre Dame University Peter M. Garnavich --- Notre Dame University Malcolm Hicken --- Harvard University Malcolm Hicken --- Harvard University Saurabh Jha --- UC Berkeley Saurabh Jha --- UC Berkeley Robert Kirshner --- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Robert Kirshner --- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Kevin Krisciunas --- Notre Dame Univ. Kevin Krisciunas --- Notre Dame Univ. Bruno Leibundgut --- European Southern Observatory Bruno Leibundgut --- European Southern Observatory Weidong D. Li --- Univ of California, Berkeley Weidong D. Li --- Univ of California, Berkeley Thomas Matheson --- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Thomas Matheson --- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Gajus Miknaitis --- Fermilab Gajus Miknaitis --- Fermilab Jose Prieto --- The Ohio State University Jose Prieto --- The Ohio State University Armin Rest --- NOAO/CTIO Armin Rest --- NOAO/CTIO Adam G. Riess --- Space Telescope Science Institute Adam G. Riess --- Space Telescope Science Institute Brian P. Schmidt --- Mt. Stromlo Siding Springs Observatories Brian P. Schmidt --- Mt. Stromlo Siding Springs Observatories Chris Smith --- CTIO/NOAO Chris Smith --- CTIO/NOAO Jesper Sollerman --- Stockholm Observatory Jesper Sollerman --- Stockholm Observatory Jason Spyromilio --- European Southern Observatory Jason Spyromilio --- European Southern Observatory Christopher Stubbs --- Harvard University Christopher Stubbs --- Harvard University Nicholas B. Suntzeff --- CTIO/NOAO Nicholas B. Suntzeff --- CTIO/NOAO John L. Tonry --- Univ of Hawaii John L. Tonry --- Univ of Hawaii Michael Wood-Vasey --- Harvard University Michael Wood-Vasey --- Harvard University ESSENCE Survey Team

19 19 A 200-SN Hubble Diagram, with particular attention to systematics (ESSENCE team Monte Carlo, Garnavich et al, in prep)

20 20ImplementationImplementation 6 year project on 4m telescope at CTIO in Chile6 year project on 4m telescope at CTIO in Chile Wide field images in 2 bandsWide field images in 2 bands Same-night detection of SNeSame-night detection of SNe SpectroscopySpectroscopy  Magellan, Keck, Gemini telescopes Near-IR from HubbleNear-IR from Hubble Goal is ~200 SNe, 0.2<z<0.8Goal is ~200 SNe, 0.2<z<0.8 6 year project on 4m telescope at CTIO in Chile6 year project on 4m telescope at CTIO in Chile Wide field images in 2 bandsWide field images in 2 bands Same-night detection of SNeSame-night detection of SNe SpectroscopySpectroscopy  Magellan, Keck, Gemini telescopes Near-IR from HubbleNear-IR from Hubble Goal is ~200 SNe, 0.2<z<0.8Goal is ~200 SNe, 0.2<z<0.8

21 21 Equation of State Dependence Difference in apparent SN brightness vs. z,   =0.70, flat cosmology Miknaitis et al, astro-ph/0701043

22 22 ESSENCE: 5 of 6 seasons completed, 3 recent papers Miknaitis et al, Survey design and optimization, astro-ph/0701043 Wood-Vasey et al, Constraints on w, w’ astro-ph/0701041 Davis et al, Constraints on exotic theories astro-ph/0701510

23 23 Wood-Vasey et al, astro-ph/0701041

24 24 Joint SN & BAO Limits on w From Wood-Vasey et al, astro-ph/0701041From Wood-Vasey et al, astro-ph/0701041 Combines ESSENCE and SNLS and nearby and HST supernovaeCombines ESSENCE and SNLS and nearby and HST supernovae BAO limits from Eisenstein et alBAO limits from Eisenstein et al Complementarity of techniquesComplementarity of techniques Different systematicsDifferent systematics From Wood-Vasey et al, astro-ph/0701041From Wood-Vasey et al, astro-ph/0701041 Combines ESSENCE and SNLS and nearby and HST supernovaeCombines ESSENCE and SNLS and nearby and HST supernovae BAO limits from Eisenstein et alBAO limits from Eisenstein et al Complementarity of techniquesComplementarity of techniques Different systematicsDifferent systematics (Assumes flat Universe)

25 25

26 26 Potential sources of systematic error Flux calibrationsFlux calibrations Bias in distance determination codesBias in distance determination codes ExtinctionExtinction Host galaxy Our Galaxy Atmosphere Passband errorsPassband errors K corrections Photometry normlization Nonlinearity in flux measurementsNonlinearity in flux measurements Flux calibrationsFlux calibrations Bias in distance determination codesBias in distance determination codes ExtinctionExtinction Host galaxy Our Galaxy Atmosphere Passband errorsPassband errors K corrections Photometry normlization Nonlinearity in flux measurementsNonlinearity in flux measurements

27 Potential Systematics, Cont. Hubble bubble trouble Hubble bubble trouble Gravitational lensing Gravitational lensing Evolutionary effects in Sne Evolutionary effects in Sne Biases or errors in low z sample Biases or errors in low z sample Contamination by non Ia’s Contamination by non Ia’s Malmquist bias Malmquist bias Hubble bubble trouble Hubble bubble trouble Gravitational lensing Gravitational lensing Evolutionary effects in Sne Evolutionary effects in Sne Biases or errors in low z sample Biases or errors in low z sample Contamination by non Ia’s Contamination by non Ia’s Malmquist bias Malmquist bias

28 28 Next-Generation Facilities Microwave background - Better angular resolution CMB maps Detection of clusters of galaxies vs. z Supernovae – Dedicated Dark Energy satellite mission Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Weak Gravitational Lensing Both ground-based and space based Probing the foundations of gravity Equivalence principle Inverse square law SNAP, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory LSST Corporation

29 29 Imminent (~12 mo) PanSTARRS 1PanSTARRS 1 1.8 m aperture 7 square degree field 1.5 Gpix imager Deep depletion detectors Latitude +20 SkymapperSkymapper 1.35 m aperture 5.7 sq degrees Bands optimized for stellar astronomy Latitude  30 Galaxy cluster surveysGalaxy cluster surveys South Pole Telescope Atatcama Cosmology Telescope Optical followup –Spectroscopy –Imaging PanSTARRS 1PanSTARRS 1 1.8 m aperture 7 square degree field 1.5 Gpix imager Deep depletion detectors Latitude +20 SkymapperSkymapper 1.35 m aperture 5.7 sq degrees Bands optimized for stellar astronomy Latitude  30 Galaxy cluster surveysGalaxy cluster surveys South Pole Telescope Atatcama Cosmology Telescope Optical followup –Spectroscopy –Imaging PS 1 on Haleakala

30 PanSTARRS-1: a prototype 1.8m telescope, 7 square degree FOV Telescope now in shakedown 1.4 Gpix camera slated for July 2007 Image processing pipeline, May 2007 Operations to begin early 2008 1.8m telescope, 7 square degree FOV Telescope now in shakedown 1.4 Gpix camera slated for July 2007 Image processing pipeline, May 2007 Operations to begin early 2008

31 31 Pan-Starrs bands g r i z y 4000 A break at z of 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.25 1.5

32 Detector-based system throughput determination  nm QE Spectrum of Vega NIST photodiode QE

33 Tunable laser (400 nm - 2 microns) Second harmonic (532 nm) generator Mixer (to 355 nm) 1.064 micron NdYAG pulsed pump laser Tunable downconverter Second harmonic (532 nm) generator Mixer (to 355 nm) 1.064 micron NdYAG pulsed pump laser Tunable downconverter


35 35 Atmospheric Transmission Visible to NIR (from SNAP team website)

36 Atmospheric Transmission Simultaneous multiband imager Differential spectroscopy (CTIO 1.5m)

37 37 Dark Energy SurveyDark Energy Survey Equip CTIO 4m with 3 sq deg camera 1/3 of the time, 5 year survey Cluster photo-z’s, SNe, Weak Lensing, LSS Spectroscopic BAO surveysSpectroscopic BAO surveys WFMOS, SDSS follow-on… Photo-z’s not accurate enough for BAO? PanSTARRS 4PanSTARRS 4 Four 1.8m telescopes, PS-1 is prototype Large Synoptic Survey TelescopeLarge Synoptic Survey Telescope 8.4m aperture 9.6 sq degree field Dark Energy SurveyDark Energy Survey Equip CTIO 4m with 3 sq deg camera 1/3 of the time, 5 year survey Cluster photo-z’s, SNe, Weak Lensing, LSS Spectroscopic BAO surveysSpectroscopic BAO surveys WFMOS, SDSS follow-on… Photo-z’s not accurate enough for BAO? PanSTARRS 4PanSTARRS 4 Four 1.8m telescopes, PS-1 is prototype Large Synoptic Survey TelescopeLarge Synoptic Survey Telescope 8.4m aperture 9.6 sq degree field In the Planning/Design phase

38 New Camera for CTIO 4 meter telescope, plus analysis pipeline Telescope and primary mirror exist Camera design and development under way: LBNL deep depletion CCDs Software under development BCS is precursor Not yet fully funded, to my knowledge… 2010? New Camera for CTIO 4 meter telescope, plus analysis pipeline Telescope and primary mirror exist Camera design and development under way: LBNL deep depletion CCDs Software under development BCS is precursor Not yet fully funded, to my knowledge… 2010? Dark Energy Survey

39 39 PanSTARRS 4 Basic notion is that multiple apertures are cheaper, for a given A Basic notion is that multiple apertures are cheaper, for a given A  PS - 1 is a prototype, and software testbedPS - 1 is a prototype, and software testbed Plan is to place PS-4 on Mauna KeaPlan is to place PS-4 on Mauna Kea Partially fundedPartially funded Basic notion is that multiple apertures are cheaper, for a given A Basic notion is that multiple apertures are cheaper, for a given A  PS - 1 is a prototype, and software testbedPS - 1 is a prototype, and software testbed Plan is to place PS-4 on Mauna KeaPlan is to place PS-4 on Mauna Kea Partially fundedPartially funded

40 40 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Highly ranked in Decadal Survey Optimized for time domain scan mode deep mode 10 square degree field 6.5m effective aperture 24th mag in 20 sec >20 Tbyte/night Real-time analysis Simultaneous multiple science goals Simultaneous multiple science goals

41 41 LSST Merges 3 Enabling Technologies Large Aperture OpticsLarge Aperture Optics Computing and Data StorageComputing and Data Storage High Efficiency DetectorsHigh Efficiency Detectors Large Aperture OpticsLarge Aperture Optics Computing and Data StorageComputing and Data Storage High Efficiency DetectorsHigh Efficiency Detectors

42 42 Large Mirror Fabrication University of Arizona

43 43 Cost per Gigabyte

44 44 Large Format CCD Mosaics Megacam, CfA/Harvard

45 45 So Why Should Physicists Care About the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope? Fundamental Physics via Astrophysics Fundamental Physics via Astrophysics Nature of Dark Matter (strong, weak and  lensing) Nature of Dark Matter (strong, weak and  lensing) Dark Energy (SNe, lensing, Large Scale Structure) Dark Energy (SNe, lensing, Large Scale Structure) Extreme Systems (linkages with LISA, EXIST…) Extreme Systems (linkages with LISA, EXIST…) Qualitative leap in capabilities: A  product an order of magnitude better than today.

46 46 Some Examples Thousands of type Ia supernovaeThousands of type Ia supernovae  Detailed study of  physics  Isotropy of Hubble diagram  Subdivide data set Host galaxy type Redshift shells SN color/decline parameter Time delays from strongly lensed SneTime delays from strongly lensed Sne  Constrains nature of dark matter Weak Lensing of galaxies as a probe of nature of dark energyWeak Lensing of galaxies as a probe of nature of dark energy Optical counterparts to gravity wave sourcesOptical counterparts to gravity wave sources  Break degeneracy in (1+z)M chirp Thousands of type Ia supernovaeThousands of type Ia supernovae  Detailed study of  physics  Isotropy of Hubble diagram  Subdivide data set Host galaxy type Redshift shells SN color/decline parameter Time delays from strongly lensed SneTime delays from strongly lensed Sne  Constrains nature of dark matter Weak Lensing of galaxies as a probe of nature of dark energyWeak Lensing of galaxies as a probe of nature of dark energy Optical counterparts to gravity wave sourcesOptical counterparts to gravity wave sources  Break degeneracy in (1+z)M chirp

47 More LSST Opportunities Neutrino masses probed to Neutrino masses probed to (Wang et al PRL 94, 011302, 2005) (Wang et al PRL 94, 011302, 2005) Photometric redshift catalog to 26th magnitude : Photometric redshift catalog to 26th magnitude : Baryon oscillations Catalog of 200,000 clusters …. See LSST white paper submitted to Dark Energy Task Force, at See LSST white paper submitted to Dark Energy Task Force, at Neutrino masses probed to Neutrino masses probed to (Wang et al PRL 94, 011302, 2005) (Wang et al PRL 94, 011302, 2005) Photometric redshift catalog to 26th magnitude : Photometric redshift catalog to 26th magnitude : Baryon oscillations Catalog of 200,000 clusters …. See LSST white paper submitted to Dark Energy Task Force, at See LSST white paper submitted to Dark Energy Task Force, at

48 48 Near Earth Asteroids Inventory of solar system is incompleteInventory of solar system is incomplete R=1 km asteroids are dinosaur killersR=1 km asteroids are dinosaur killers R=300m asteroids in ocean wipe out a coastlineR=300m asteroids in ocean wipe out a coastline Demanding project: requires mapping the sky down to 24 th every few days, individual exposures not to exceed ~20 sec.Demanding project: requires mapping the sky down to 24 th every few days, individual exposures not to exceed ~20 sec. LSST will detect NEAs to 300mLSST will detect NEAs to 300m Inventory of solar system is incompleteInventory of solar system is incomplete R=1 km asteroids are dinosaur killersR=1 km asteroids are dinosaur killers R=300m asteroids in ocean wipe out a coastlineR=300m asteroids in ocean wipe out a coastline Demanding project: requires mapping the sky down to 24 th every few days, individual exposures not to exceed ~20 sec.Demanding project: requires mapping the sky down to 24 th every few days, individual exposures not to exceed ~20 sec. LSST will detect NEAs to 300mLSST will detect NEAs to 300m

49 49

50 Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) Initial concept from LBL group for satellite dedicated to imaging and spectroscopy of supernovae: “SNAP” NASA solicited other proposals, 2 others selected for concept studies: “Destiny”: Infrared grism imaging of supernovae. “Adept”: H-  survey for baryon acoustic oscillations, plus SN photometry. Initial concept from LBL group for satellite dedicated to imaging and spectroscopy of supernovae: “SNAP” NASA solicited other proposals, 2 others selected for concept studies: “Destiny”: Infrared grism imaging of supernovae. “Adept”: H-  survey for baryon acoustic oscillations, plus SN photometry.

51 51 Common Challenges Common Challenges Systematics!Systematics! These are observations, not experiments. Diversity of techniques is essential SoftwareSoftware Real-time processing and transient classification High-throughput image processing and data access Database technology Precision Calibration of PhotometryPrecision Calibration of Photometry Point Spread FunctionsPoint Spread Functions Photometric redshiftsPhotometric redshifts International astro-politicsInternational astro-politics Multiagency/interdisciplinary support?Multiagency/interdisciplinary support? Systematics!Systematics! These are observations, not experiments. Diversity of techniques is essential SoftwareSoftware Real-time processing and transient classification High-throughput image processing and data access Database technology Precision Calibration of PhotometryPrecision Calibration of Photometry Point Spread FunctionsPoint Spread Functions Photometric redshiftsPhotometric redshifts International astro-politicsInternational astro-politics Multiagency/interdisciplinary support?Multiagency/interdisciplinary support?

52 A Sobering Note… and 3 questions Evidence of Dark Energy seems compelling Current data favor w  1, w a = 0 1. What if this is the real answer? When do we quit? 2. How do we assign value to this parameter space, absent guidance from theory? 3. What combination of ground and space-based facilities is the most cost-effective approach? Evidence of Dark Energy seems compelling Current data favor w  1, w a = 0 1. What if this is the real answer? When do we quit? 2. How do we assign value to this parameter space, absent guidance from theory? 3. What combination of ground and space-based facilities is the most cost-effective approach?

53 53 SummarySummary Astrophysics is a fruitful avenue for exploring new fundamental physics  Makes sense to go where the signal is! Imperatives include  Understanding the physics of an apparent non-zero   Determining nature and distribution of dark matter  Probing foundations of gravity Next-generation facilities offer tremendous leap in capability: Pan-Starrs, DES, LSST, SPT, JDEM…. Astrophysics is a fruitful avenue for exploring new fundamental physics  Makes sense to go where the signal is! Imperatives include  Understanding the physics of an apparent non-zero   Determining nature and distribution of dark matter  Probing foundations of gravity Next-generation facilities offer tremendous leap in capability: Pan-Starrs, DES, LSST, SPT, JDEM….


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