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Word Graphs in Architectural Design B. de Vries Joran Jessurun, Nicole Segers, Henri Achten.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Graphs in Architectural Design B. de Vries Joran Jessurun, Nicole Segers, Henri Achten."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Graphs in Architectural Design B. de Vries Joran Jessurun, Nicole Segers, Henri Achten

2 Architectural Design Draft Sketch of Le Corbusier

3 Research Related research: Intelligent drawing objects Sketch recognition Our approach: Annotations

4 Design Entities Sketch Words Image Marks

5 Lexical Associations Semantic: theoretical, common understanding Episodic: not theoretical, individual perception (After Silbermann)

6 Word Graphs

7 Direct Relations Noun SynonymEquivalent AntonymExact Opposite HyponymSubordinate – … is a kind of HypernymSuperordinate – is a kind of … MeronymIs a part of HolonymIs a whole of Verb SynonymEquivalent AntonymExact Opposite TroponymParticular ways to do this HypernymSuperordinate – is one way to… EntailmentCannot without, … entails doing Adjective SynonymEquivalent AntonymExact Opposite SimilarNot exactly the same PertainymRelational Adjective Adverb SynonymEquivalent AntonymExact Opposite

8 Indirect Relations Hypernym 2 Holonym 2

9 Word Graph test system

10 Redundancy Filtering Ignore Transitive Hypernyms Ignore Transitive Holonyms Ignore Secondary Synonyms house building structure

11 Relevance Filtering Ignore Same Syntax Words Remove Generated Distractors wall structurewall object

12 Word Recognition

13 Experiment (brief) Prototype recordings Panel ratings Questionnaire 19 Professional Architects

14 Experiment Set-Up

15 Snapshot Work Desk

16 Results(1) Is the design positively influenced? Answer: Not significantly Observation: Correlation with attitude towards words

17 Results(2) Does the architect have more associations, ideas, and concepts? Answer: Yes Observation: Increase of design activity after acceptance of word graph

18 Results(3) Which word graphs are accepted by architects and why? New words (49%) Graph structure (20%) Relationship between new and existing words (28%)

19 Results(4) Is fixation reduced? Answer: Not significantly Observation: Dependent on abstraction level assignment

20 Results(5) Is the design process positively influenced? Answer: Yes Observation: Correlation with attitude towards words

21 Outlook Personalized Design Ontology Design Indexing by Annotation Marks for Episodic Associations

22 Acknowledgements Nicole Segers Computational Representations of Words and Associations in Architectural Design

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