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Predmet: anglický jazyk

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1 Predmet: anglický jazyk
Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: ARCHITECTURAL STYLES 2nd part (Architektúrne štýly – 2.časť) Predmet: anglický jazyk Dátum: Autor: Mgr. Vladimíra Damková

2 Classical architecture
derived from the principles of Greek and Roman architecture decorative and constructive elements: column, arch, collonade, stoa (covered walkway) Ephesus, Turkey Roman architecture , Nimés, France Parthenon, Greece Roman aqueduct, Southern France Colosseum, Rome, Italy Pantheon, Rome, Italy

3 Medieval architecture
early Byzantine architecture - built as a continuation of Roman architecture features: geometric complexicity brick and plaster used domes upon massive piers Bulgaria The basilica in Ravenna Thessaloniki the 11th-century monastery in Greece

4 Medieval architecture
the medieval state of Kievan Rus centers – Kiev and Novgorod architectural style – established after the adoption of Christianity in 988 strongly influenced by the Byzantine Saint Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod one of the most famous Russian medieval churches St. Michael the Archangel Church in Kaunas Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev

5 Medieval architecture
Romanesque architecture - characterized by rounded arches Croatia buildings: simple domestic buildings, elegant town houses, civic buildings, castles, bridges, village churches, abbey churches, large cathedrals Abbey Church of St James, Hungary The Civic Hall, Italy UK Timber frame style Saint Nicholas Rotunda, Poland Denmark

6 Medieval architecture
Gothic architecture - evolved from Romanesque - 12th-century - 16th century features: pointed arch ribbed vault flying buttress large windows rose windows towers spires ornate façades buildings: abbeys castles town halls cathedrals

7 Medieval architecture
Asian architecture: the architecture of the Song dynasty (China) - Buddhist pagodas - stone and wooden bridges - extravagant palaces Ottoman architecture: the architecture of the Ottoman Empire features - vast inner spaces massive domes American architecture: - stepped pyramids

8 Renaissance architecture
Italy Renaissance architecture the early 15th and early 17th centuries began in Italy and spread through Europe rebells against the all-powerful Church succeeded by Baroque architecture Croatia features: classical domes rounded arches Levoča Poland St. Peter's Basilica Florence Dresden Castle

9 Baroque architecture began in late 16th-century Italy
characteristics: new explorations of form, light, shadow, features: use of colour and ornaments Italy Poland Mexico Copenhagen Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Prague

10 Neo-classical architecture
"new" classical architecture inspired by the classical architecture ancient Greece and Rome domof inated during the 18th century The US Capitol features: symmetrical shape all columns that rise the full height of the building domed roof British Museum Arc de Triomphe The White House US Supreme Court Jefferson’s Monticello house

11 Modern architecture influenced by the Industrial Revolution (19th century) rebellion against traditional styles brought steel, plate glass, and mass-produced components features: emphasizes function little or no ornamentation structural frames man-made materials

12 Postmodernism response to the formalism combination of functionality
with aesthetics focused on the needs and desires of the present generation in terms of comfort and design Ottawa Sydney London Prague Barcelona London

13 Sources:

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