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Review Final Exam Chapters 1 – 8, 9 – 12. Review 2 Exam Topics Chapters 1 – 3 Chapters 1 – 3: Overview of Computer Hardware and Software Chapter 4 Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Final Exam Chapters 1 – 8, 9 – 12. Review 2 Exam Topics Chapters 1 – 3 Chapters 1 – 3: Overview of Computer Hardware and Software Chapter 4 Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Final Exam Chapters 1 – 8, 9 – 12

2 Review 2 Exam Topics Chapters 1 – 3 Chapters 1 – 3: Overview of Computer Hardware and Software Chapter 4 Chapter 4: Operating Systems and File Management Chapters 5 – 7 Chapters 5 – 7: Computer Networks and The Internet Chapter 8 Chapter 8: Digital Media Chapters 10 – 12 Chapters 10 – 12: Information Systems Development, Management and Maintenance

3 Review 3 Exam Information  90 questions, 1-2 points each = 100 points  True/False and Multiple Choice  1 hour and 45 minutes to complete  Exam Weight: 30% of final grade  Use study aids at end of each chapter  Use self-tests and quick quizzes in BookOnCD or online at Course Technology site.  Review slides presented in class  Take prototype exam and check answers  Email me if you have questions or need clarifications

4 Final Review 4 2: Computer Hardware KEY CONCEPTS:  Main components of computer system  Microprocessor: CPU… ALU  Memory vs. storage  RAM…ROM…EEPROM  Magnetic vs. optical storage

5 Final Review 5 2: Computer Hardware data in RAM and data on the hard drive A critical difference between data in RAM and data on the hard drive is that data in RAM _____________ and data on the hard drive _____________. a)is numeric only…. can contain letters and special characters b)is directly accessible to the CPU…. is stored for future access c)can be compiled…. is machine code only d)is binary…. is ASCII

6 Final Review 6 3: Computer Software KEY CONCEPTS:  Application Software vs. System Software  Utilities  Common classes of applications/suites –document production –spreadsheet –database –graphics –entertainment  Vertical vs. Horizontal Applications

7 Final Review 7 3: Computer Software System Software and Application Software A critical difference between System Software and Application Software is that System Software _____________ and Application Software _____________. a)is written in C…. is written in Java b)can access the Internet…. can use only local data c)manages the computer’s resources…. allows end users to use of the computer to accomplish tasks d)is based on a command line user interface…. uses a GUI (Graphical User Interface)

8 Final Review 8 4: Operating Systems & File Management KEY CONCEPTS:  What is an operating system?  What is a BIOS? kernel  What is the OS kernel? file system  What is a file system?  How are files stored? bootstrap  What is the bootstrap routine?

9 Final Review 9 4: Operating Systems & File Management BIOS and Operating System A critical difference between a computer’s BIOS and Operating System software is that the BIOS __________ and the Operating System __________. a)acts as the master controller for the computer’s input and output functions…. manages the user file system b)contains essential input and output functions that get the computer started…. acts as the master controller for all activities that take place within a computer system c)manages the computer’s resources…. allows end users to use of the computer to accomplish tasks d)is loaded from ROM…. is loaded from RAM

10 Final Review 10 5: LANs and Wireless KEY CONCEPTS:  LAN vs. WAN  Wired vs. Wireless LANs  Standards  Topologies  LAN security considerations

11 Final Review 11 5: LANs and Wireless wired LAN and wireless LAN A critical difference between a wired LAN and wireless LAN is that a wired LAN ____________ and a wireless LAN ___________. a)has a low error rate from interference…. encounters significant environmental interference b)has no security issues…. has significant security issues c)uses standard communication protocols…. uses proprietary communication protocols d)allows direct access to the Internet…. require a wireless router to access the Internet

12 Final Review 12 6: The Internet KEY CONCEPTS:  Internet vs. World Wide Web  Domain name… IP address… DNS  Internet protocol stack  Client-server technology  What is a packet?  Data transfer through the Internet

13 Final Review 13 6: The Internet LAN and the Internet A critical difference between a LAN and the Internet is that a LAN ____________ and the Internet ___________. a)can’t be accessed directly by end users…. allows end user access via a browser b)is typically owned and operated by a single individual or institution…. is a wide area network that has no single owner/operator c)has no standards for communications…. is based on well-defined communications standards d)uses a protocol…. uses no defined protocols

14 Final Review 14 7: The Web and Internet Applications KEY CONCEPTS:  Application protocols … their purpose –HTML, SMTP, FTP,  URL and its components  Cookies and their use  E-Commerce.... security considerations  E-mail basics of operation –standard mail vs. web mail  Symmetric Key vs. Public Key Encryption

15 Final Review 15 7: The Web and Internet Applications World Wide Web and the Internet A critical difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet is that the World Wide Web __________ and the Internet _________. a)is the data…. is the network b)is global.... is local c)uses search engines to find documents…. uses routers to find documents d)contains many different types of documents…. contains only text and numeric documents

16 Final Review 16 8: Digital Media KEY CONCEPTS:  Analog vs. digitized sound and pictures  Digital audio… sampling… digitization  Bitmap graphics vs. vector graphics  Resolution and color depth  Compressed vs. raw images  Digital video basics

17 Final Review 17 8: Digital Media bitmap graphics and vector graphics A critical difference between bitmap graphics and vector graphics is that bitmap graphics __________ and vector graphics _________. a)cannot be edited…. can be manipulated directly b)has superior color depth…. has limited color palettes available c)is optimized for image storage…. requires vast amounts of storage for simple images d)specifies attributes for each pixel…. specifies attributes for each object

18 Final Review 18 10: Information Systems KEY CONCEPTS:  Transaction processing… Management information… decision support system  SDLC “waterfall”…. purpose and key phases  Planning… build team, scope project  Analysis… decide what must be done  Design… decide how to do it  Implementation… do it and test it  Maintenance… operate, fix, improve it

19 Final Review 19 10: Information Systems System Analysis and System Design A critical difference between System Analysis and System Design is that System Analysis __________ and System Design __________. a)describes how the systems processes data…. describes what data the system uses b)determines what to do…. decides how to do it c)defines the systems look and feel…. defines the systems operation d)is done before the project team is formed…. is done by the project team

20 Final Review 20 11: Databases KEY CONCEPTS:  What is a database and how is it used?  Flat file vs. relational model  Tables…records…fields  Data management tools and applications  Data independence  Distributed database basics  SQL basics

21 Final Review 21 11: Databases flat file database and other database models A critical difference between a flat file database and other database models is that with flat files ____________ and other models ___________. a)have no structure…. are hierarchically structured b)can be edited/updated with a simple text editor…. require a database application to update data c)each record is an independent entity…. establish relationships between database records d)are simply lines of text…. use a structure of tables, fields and records

22 Final Review 22 12: Computer Programming KEY CONCEPTS:  Source code…machine code… compiler  High-level language vs. low-level language  Problem statement…algorithm…coding  Development tools… editors… IDEs…VDEs  Procedural programming  Object-oriented programming

23 Final Review 23 12: Computer Programming source code and machine code A critical difference between source code and machine code is that source code ___________ and machine code ___________. a)is plain text…. is encrypted b)is created by humans…. is created by programs c)is machine dependent…. is operating system dependent d)supports decision branches and different data types…. only supports straight-line execution using numeric data

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