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1 Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 26th meeting, 16-17 April 2007 Wojciech Nawrocik JINR Scientific Council,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 26th meeting, 16-17 April 2007 Wojciech Nawrocik JINR Scientific Council,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 26th meeting, 16-17 April 2007 Wojciech Nawrocik JINR Scientific Council, Session

2 2 Status of modernization of IBR-2 reactor The PAC was informed by A. Vinogradov about the status of the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor. It is confirmed that important results in the reactor refurbishment are expected in 2007, according to the schedule. However, the fact of the missing funding from Rosatom will directly affect the financing of the cryogenic moderators. This will lead to an unacceptable delay in the effective use of the IBR-2M long-pulse reactor until 2013. The innovative exploitation of the IBR-2M reactor depends on the use of the broad wave-length band of neutrons imperatively including cold neutrons.

3 3 The PAC therefore expects the JINR and FLNP directorates to take all necessary measures to ensure the continuation of the work for IBR-2 modernization, including the cold moderators’ complex, according to the schedule.

4 4 Evaluation of the projects of spectrometers for IBR-2M A. Balagurov reported on the thorough evaluation of the proposals for spectrometers at the IBR-2M reactor. Two of the main criteria in the evaluation were the highlighting of modern and interesting science which can be optimally investigated with the IBR-2M features including the essential cryogenic moderators. The PAC approves the list agreed for 2007 of “unfinished projects: FSD, REMUR and the “projects with external support: SKAT, Epsilon, GRAINS and HRFD”. The DN-6 project should be also supported if the budget is sufficient.

5 5. The PAC awaits further proposals to make best use of the IBR-2M reactor with its cryogenic moderators and, in particular, a proposal for small- angle scattering (SANS) instruments. The PAC supports the request for external expertise for the SANS complex to be funded.

6 6 1.SNS, Oak Ridge, USA, 2008 2.TS-II, ISIS, UK, 2009 3.J-PARC, Japan, 2010 4.IBR-2M, JINR, Russia,2010 5.ESS, Europe, 20?? Competitiveness of the IBR-2M reactor is doubtless! New pulsed neutron sources The IBR-2M for a long time would be unique neutron source in Russia and other member-countries of JINR.

7 7 The PAC supports fabrication work being undertaken by FLNP whenever appropriate. This implies, for example, the housing for the neutron guide of SKAT & Epsilon Agreement should be obtained between the leaders of the corresponding projects and themes to evaluate the costs. It is certain that an increase in the available budget for 2007 will be necessary. This demand should be made under the same topic of “effective innovative exploitation of the IBR-2M reactor”. There is a double cost arising from the IBR-2M refurbishment with a cryogenic moderator and the demand for innovative instrumentation with the aim to get the most effective restart of the reactor-instrumentation complex in 2010. This double charge will remain until the return to the normal budget in 2010.

8 8 A minor but important point is to continue the Users’ Programme, despite the reactor stop, to allow for the reimbursement for outside helper.

9 9 Projects of new spectrometers Ch. Scheffzuek presented a “proposal for a bent neutron guide at beam line 7A of the modernized IBR-2M to feed the diffractometers EPSILON and SKAT. The scientific case for strain/stress and texture analysis in geo-science was well presented as well as the need for the new neutron guide. The two spectrometers, which meet A. Balagurov’s criteria mentioned above, are already contained in the list of “projects with external support” and thus are supported at this stage.

10 10 The PAC heard and discussed the project of the new multifunctional reflectometer GRAINS presented by V. Lauter- Pasyuk. Due to its horizontal geometry, this reflectometer will be especially suited for studying liquids, a field which includes applications from biomolecular and materials sciences, nanochemistry, etc. GRAINS will be an extremely versatile reflectometer capable of integrating and simultaneously treating specular and off-specular, as well as grazing-incidence small- angle neutron scattering. This approach will result in full 3D information for both chemical and magnetic structures. The PAC strongly supports the implementation of this ambitious project by 2011 which would then contribute to making IBR-2 one of the world’s most attractive neutron centres for the decade 2011– 2020.

11 11 The PAC was informed about the status of the DN-6 project by B. Savenko. This instrument with an increased incident neutron flux will provide great advances in high-pressure and microsample studies. The PAC supports this development within the constrains of the budget.

12 12 Scientific reports The PAC heard with interest the scientific report “Heavy fermions in transition-metal oxide LiV 2 O 4 ”, presented by V. Yushankhai, which concerned a theoretical consideration of strongly correlated electron systems. It demonstrates that the effect of heavy fermion behaviour in thermodynamics may be realized in transition metal oxides without the Kondo effect itself. Such d-electron systems are prototypical of the important class of functional materials with practical applications. Developments in the field of theory for these substances is highly appreciated by the PAC.

13 13 The PAC was interested to hear the scientific report “Induction and reparation of DNA double strand breaks in human lymphocytes by radiation with different linear energy transfer” presented by A. Boreyko. The speaker reported methodology and results on high-energy heavy ions damage of living cells with special attention to double strand breaks in DNA and the destruction of cell nuclei. The Laboratory of Radiation Biology is as a leader in the field of biological effectiveness of heavy ions, thanks to the complexity and originality of the performed studies. The PAC recommends supporting this research to a larger extent.

14 14 The PAC heard with interest the scientific report “Recent development of gaseous position-sensitive thermal neutron detectors for the IBR-2 spectrometers” presented by A. Churakov. The professional approach to the production of such detectors, with the provision of clean room, gas-handling facilities, etc. is evident. The PAC strongly supports the continuation of this programme, with close collaboration between the detector group and the instrument scientists.

15 15 Status of organization of medical research with beams of the Nuclotron The PAC was informed by J. Ružička about the status of organization of medical research with beams of the Nuclotron. The PAC notes that interesting results have been obtained and recommends that Nuclotron ion beams be made available for this type of research. Furthermore, that similar studies should be extended to filtered beams with larger maximal area. However, the PAC considers that the quality of the beams, the reliability of the source and also the running costs should be evaluated and compared with commercial proton therapy devices, before considering an application for use in human medicine.

16 16 Depth Dose Distribution of 12С beam measured by diamond detector in Water Phantom

17 17 Next meeting of the PAC The next meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics will be held on 21–22 January 2008. Its tentative agenda will include: Reports and recommendations on the projects to be completed in 2007 Status of the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor An updated list of instrument parameters and their comparison with the best available equivalents elsewhere in the world Scientific reports including a talk on hydrogen storage materials and an increased number of poster presentations Visit to the Laboratory of Radiation Biology.

18 18 Thank you for your attention

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