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Character Strengths vs. Being Skills. Rate your success out of 100 for each goal.

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Presentation on theme: "Character Strengths vs. Being Skills. Rate your success out of 100 for each goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Strengths vs. Being Skills

2 Rate your success out of 100 for each goal.

3 Success I put my shoes on. Went to the gym on Thursday. I went to the gym but only stayed for 5 minutes then had to leave, something came up. Challenges Kids had a school project due the next day. Monday night is football and nothing gets done. My kid got hurt at practice and I had to pick him up. Personal Rating: I was 90% successful because I got to the gym but didn’t stay long enough to workout out. Coach Rating: 100% because the goal was to get to the gym!

4 VIA Institute


6 Take a free assessment at


8 Be aware of your thoughts Are they positive? Are they encouraging? Are they helpful? Are they optimistic? Are they productive? Are they energizing? Be mindful Observe

9 Challenges and Obstacles for being happy

10 Take your character strength and bring it to class next week. Highlight your top 3 “surprise” character strengths. Underline the 3 you agree with most. Choose one strength you would like to improve. Write a S.M.A.R.T. goal for this behavior. If you can’t make it to class, email your results to Fit4Life to earn your points

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