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Please make yourself at home, look around the room and find your child’s seat. Don’t forget to respond to your letter! Please sign up to send something.

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Presentation on theme: "Please make yourself at home, look around the room and find your child’s seat. Don’t forget to respond to your letter! Please sign up to send something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please make yourself at home, look around the room and find your child’s seat. Don’t forget to respond to your letter! Please sign up to send something in for our parties throughout the year--Sign up sheets are on the back table.

2  610-579-4186 

3  7:00-7:20 Homeroom and Content  7:20-7:35 Reading  7:40-7:50 Math  7:50-8:00 Tour of the building

4  Homeroom Parents-TBD  Can you donate? The donation list is in the hallway!  Email and phone list- being sent around Thank you in advance for donations and help through the year!

5  8:40-9:00 - Morning Routine  9:00-9:30 - Word Study  9:30-10:00 - Mini lesson, writing, publishing  10:00-11:00 - Math  11:00-12:00 - Recess/Lunch  12:00-12:45 - Guided Reading  12:45-1:00 - 100 Book Challenge  1:00-2:00 - Specials  2:00-3:00 – WIN and Science and Social Studies  3:05 - Dismissal

6  Monday  Music/Gym  Tuesday  Art  Wednesday  Library Class/Guidance  Thursday  Book exchange/Study Skills  Friday  Music/Gym

7  Curriculum is on school wires  Units of study  Plants  Sun, Moon, Earth  Rocks and Minerals  Map Skills  Our Community and Beyond  Government

8  No news is good news!!  All About Me  Classroom Jobs  Snack  Birthdays  School Wires-

9  No Perfect Attendance  Please do not send in sick children!  Conferences  Combined conference- 15 minutes  Sign ups for conferences will be online details to follow. Field Trips 14 th - Longwood Gardens TBA – Play in Media Rock and minerals assembly here at GVES February 9 th.

10  Weekly class meetings  Topics  What is a bully?  What is bullying?  Bullying rules  Bullying books  How to help a victim?  How to get help if you are the victim?

11  Upgrades are to ensure a safe learning environment for students, staff, and visitors.  Visitors will press an intercom button to communicate with the office staff.  Visitors will enter the building, show their identification and sign in to the building.  We appreciate your support with these upgrades.

12  Mrs. Goodwin- Room 226  Mrs. Alderfer- Room 235

13  Going Green!!  Family letter with weekly news, updates, and reminders  Homework for the week on the back  Wednesday-Writer’s Notebook  100 BC strategy  I do check for completion-rewards, etc.

14  16 lines per week- two lines in class/one at home  15 minutes of reading per line  Read and get a signature  By Friday, students must be on the goal for the week.- On HW letter  At least 1 line must be from the leveled books brought home-Additional lines can be choice reading.

15  Narrative  Persuasive  Descriptive  Free Write  Read alouds  Mini lessons  Peer editing  Teacher conference

16  4 Blocks  Word Study  Grammar  Skills  Spelling  Guided Reading  Small and large group  Trade books  Writing  Narratives, persuasive, informational  Free-writes and prompts  Publish pieces in lab  Writing folders, writing center, flash drives  100 Book Challenge  Conferencing

17  Differentiated groups  Same words for 2 weeks (possible)  10-15 minutes of practice in school with homeroom teacher (T, W, Th)  2 nights of homework in spelling notebook.  School and home word sort

18  Mrs. Agostinelli comes in to read with us.  Genres- Mysteries, poetry, fiction, non fiction, fairy tales, biographies, differentiate all books  Mini lesson as a whole group

19  Stefanowicz - 230  Flanagan - 228  Razzano - 242  Mack – 227  Goodwin – 226  Beitz- 239

20  Math Class with Mrs. Goodwin  Please pick up a math packet on the counter.

21  Daily Math each day  Homework packet  Signed, done each night, spot checked the next day, collected on Friday  Some nights-two sheets each night  Regular and critical thinking sheet  Math Facts- quality over quantity!!  Expectation is 5 lines a week.

22  Math folder with challenge work will be kept in the classroom  Friday Folder  Pretest each chapter-differentiate each lesson based on needs  Math series - envision

23  Garnet Valley selected math materials from Pearson Publishing Company.  Our new program, called enVision Math, is fully aligned to the PA Core Standards

24  Our curriculum is aligned to the new PA Core Standards for Mathematics  All units begin with a stimulating topic opener, provide opportunities for interactive learning, as well as sufficient opportunities for differentiation, and meaningful assessments. Students will have a hard copy of the text as well as online access to that resource.

25  Emphasis will be placed on-  reasoning,  problem solving,  modeling,  decision making,  engagement in mathematics.

26  1-Numeration  2-Numer Sense- Addition/Subtraction  3- Use Place Value to Add and Subtract  4- Meanings of Multiplication  5- Multiplication Facts- Use Patterns  6- Multiplication Facts- Known Facts  7- Meanings of Division  8- Division Facts  9- Understanding Division  10- Fraction Comparison and Equivalence  11- Two Dimensional Shapes and Attributes  12- Time  13- Perimeter  14- Area  15- Liquid Volume and Mass  16- Data

27  students in the primary grades will have time to fully develop a strong understanding of numbers).  (numeration and place value),  master addition and subtraction fact concepts,  develop the ability to compose and decompose shapes (visualization)

28 Call or email me anytime. 610-579-4186

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