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Mainstream DAPE What Works For Me! Tracie Hofmann DAPE Teacher * Richfield Public Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Mainstream DAPE What Works For Me! Tracie Hofmann DAPE Teacher * Richfield Public Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainstream DAPE What Works For Me! Tracie Hofmann DAPE Teacher * Richfield Public Schools

2 PE/Para/DAPE Teacher Relationship: ★ First and foremost, there needs to be a relationship between the general PE teacher, the Para and the DAPE teacher. ★ Common beliefs of inclusion, etc ★ Or at least an understanding of beliefs ★ Daily check-ins, Emails, Phone, Google Calendar, Text ★ Happy hour :)

3 All classes, in general: ★ Preferential seating…. Preferential “teaming” ★ Wear jersey or no jersey ★ Color of ball/stick ★ Spots/zones the kids have to stay in/go to ★ General PE teacher puts my kids on the bottom of their class list; included in attendance/teams ★ Daily check in with Gen Ed teacher ★ Daily communication with a peer; wave, knuckles, hi-5, “hi”, iPad app ★ Visuals, pictures, label equipment ★ Peer partners

4 Strength Training: ★ Adjusted record sheet ★ Adjusted sets/reps ★ Dot drill warm up; visual of patterns, 3 rounds, not 6 ★ Fitness/Choice when all done with their workout ★ “check out” with me ★ Peer partners ★ Gen Ed partner ★ Modified lifting; class does free weights, we do all machines




8 Power clean Power clean video1 Power clean video2 Power clean video3

9 Volleyball: ★ Can catch the ball and then hit it over during a volley; “Ahmed’s rule” ★ Throw overhand over the net ★ Only back row/only front row ★ Light flight ball ★ X’s marked on floor for rotation spots ★ Volleyball #1 Volleyball #1 ★ Volleyball #2 Volleyball #2 ★ Volleyball #3 Volleyball #3

10 Basketball: ★ Choices: full court, half court, shooting by themselves ★ Hula hoops in bleachers ★ Beach ball ★ Koosh ball on elastic string ★ 2v2; ★ Dribble around the gym, while other teams are rotating ★ Basketball #1 Basketball #1 ★ Basketball #2 Basketball #2 ★ Basketball #3 Basketball #3

11 Basketball:

12 Team Handball: ★ Additional/extra handballs in games ★ Additional/extra goals (mats) ★ Small sideline games ★ Poly spots positioning ★ Play only defense/offense ★ Toss the jump ball ★ My student must touch ball before a score counts ★ Ben Ben

13 Floor Hockey: ★ Spots on floor, one on each end; run back and forth ★ Smaller stick/broken stick works great ★ 2nd or even 3rd ball in the game; different color ★ Stick handling around curtain during games ★ Student in walker can walk and play (broken elevator for a year! First time Joe was down there, side-by-side transfer, carried him down 5 steps) ★ Tape/velcro hockey still to wheelchair/walker ★ Cal Cal ★ Joe Joe ★ Joe2 Joe2 ★ Joe3 Joe3

14 Floor Hockey:



17 Dodgeball: ★ Hate it, try not to but sometimes the kids just LOVE it! ★ Hockey net fort ★ Alternate activity

18 Teambuilding: ★ Peer partners ★ Hand picked teammates: preferential teaming ★ Paper Wars Paper Wars ★ 1 1 ★ 2 2 ★ Tennis Ball Travel Tennis Ball Travel ★ 1 1 ★ River Cross River Cross ★ 1 1

19 Swimming: ★ Separate changing area ★ Wear goggles ★ Wear shorts/tshirts ★ Ear plugs ★ Wear fins to help kick ★ Milk jugs-floating ★ Noodles ★ Gym mats

20 Swimming Swimming 2 Swimming 3 Swimming 4 Swimming Ben Water Polo

21 Tennis/Raquet Sports: ★ Tie whiffle/ball to racket/paddle ★ Balloons/Mylar ★ Racketball racket vs. Tennis racket (smaller) ★ Jordan Jordan ★ Jason Jason ★ Joe Joe ★ Joe2 Joe2

22 Badminton: ★ Wheelie in a stander, holds racket ★ Holds racket and hits a birdie off tray ★ Pick up birdie with hand and throw over net ★ Class rotates games winners/losers, mine stay and volley cuz I give them the choice ★ Lower net ★ Shorter racquet/broken racquet ★ Larger birdie ★ Yellow balloon-latex or mylar ★ Hit birdie hanging from a suspended hoop ★ Badminton #1 Badminton #1




26 Softball/Bomball/Kickball: ★ Softball/baseball/Bomball/Kickball-outdoor ★ Whiffle ball tied on with elastic ★ Bell inside whiffle ★ Knock ball off of a tee with chair/arm/foot, etc ★ Cruz in the outfield (Joe) ★ Teammate kicks and student goes around bases (careful not to burn out on 2nd base-Joe) ★ Joe-throw Joe-throw ★ Daniel-tee Daniel-tee ★ Mark-running bases Mark-running bases



29 Ultimate Frisbee/Football: ★ Additional frisbees in games ★ Spots marked on field ★ My kids are the “throw off” people ★ Plays only offense/only defense ★ My kids are the “hikers” ★ Cal Cal ★ Cal-2 Cal-2

30 Fitness Testing: ★ Curl-ups:Sitting leg lifts/laying leg lifts ★ Push ups: Arm circles ★ 5 min run: Walker walk/drive in and out of cones/student wheels chair ★ Shuttle run: ★ V-sit:

31 Fitness Fever: ★ Pulse bars ★ Only do leg exercises on video ★ Only do arm exercises on video ★ Chair exercises; only do arms ★ Teacher do it with them; peer partner ★ Buy brand new water bottles ★ Smartphone app/watch; student owned ★ MJ-walking MJ-walking ★ MJ-video MJ-video ★ Class final project Class final project ★ Class final project 2 Class final project 2








39 Locker Room: ★ Separate changing bathroom/area ★ Key lock, direction lock-lanyards ★ Only change shirt/shoes ★ Change in my office-hook ★ Student check in with me in my office ★ Write locker combo on wall, key in office ★ Para support, if needed ★ Peer helpers

40 Field trips: ★ Augsburg ★ Skyzone ★ Bowling, paddle boating, lawn bowling, mini golf (future) ★ Skyzone prep Skyzone prep ★ Skyzone RHS Skyzone RHS

41 Railroad tracks: ★ wheelie before wheelie before ★ Scooter before Scooter before ★ After! After!

42 DAPE Semester Final DAPE Syllabus

43 3 - ideas you already use in your classroom for mainstream inclusive.. 2 - ideas you learned today AND will try in your classroom…. 1 - Concern or question you have after today’s presentation...

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