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 Check Daily  Sign Behavior Chart  Use Clear Pouch for lunch money and communication  Homework Planner  Reading Responses/Reading Logs  Spelling.

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Presentation on theme: " Check Daily  Sign Behavior Chart  Use Clear Pouch for lunch money and communication  Homework Planner  Reading Responses/Reading Logs  Spelling."— Presentation transcript:


2  Check Daily  Sign Behavior Chart  Use Clear Pouch for lunch money and communication  Homework Planner  Reading Responses/Reading Logs  Spelling  Math Homework  PTO Notes Students are sent to the cafeteria in the morning to turn in lunch money and purchase ice cream tickets.

3 Reading 20 min/night or 120 min/wk Nightly Reading Responses (Daily Folder Math Will vary – check homework planner Due next day Spelling Daily Folder – paper homework Pretest Thursday Test Friday Lists on website & spelling city – no paper copies provided Spelling will start later in September (wanting on student supplies)

4 P ositive A ccountable W illing S afe “What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to others." -Confucius

5 We use the campus wide behavior system. If students move their clip down, I will make a note in their folder. Consequences include PAWS to Think, parent contact, office referrals, time out at recess (to complete missed work), change in seating arrangement. We also use I Matters and Mr. Potato Head.

6 Class Newsletter: Fridays - e-mailed and posted to website Website: updated with spelling lists on Fridays Remind : text @vogel to 281-417-3108 For ASE news, text @asep to 267-867-0922 Phone : 281-641-3644 Email Conference: 9:05-9:55 Tues. Thurs. Fri., before or after school as needed

7 7:55-8:05 Morning Work & Announcement 8:05-8:20 Moments Matter 8:20-9:05, 9:50-10:50 Math 9:05-9:50 Fine Arts 10:50-11:10 Social Studies 11:10 – 11:40 Recess 11:40-12:10 Lunch 12:10-1:45 Reading 1:45-2:10 Science 2:10-3:00 Writing 3:15 Dismissal

8 There will be an afternoon snack- healthy, low sugar foods please! Water bottle- with their name or initials on it. Send a sweater or jacket for your child to have if they get cold in the classroom. When your child has P.E. for Fine Arts, please make sure they wear appropriate shoes.

9 If items are forgotten, please feel free to drop them off in the front office. The office staff will deliver it to your child. There is a lost and found area located near the gym. Label all items.

10 Dress Code: Please refer to your Humble ISD Student Code of Conduct Handbook. Bikes: If your child will be riding a bike to school, please write down the serial number for their bike and keep it someplace safe. In the event that their bike is stolen, this will be a great piece of information for the police. Please make sure that your child knows how they will get home in the event of a Rainy Day Dismissal.

11 Promotes hand-eye coordination Strengthens pencil grip to prepare for cursive handwriting Develops listening skills and following directions Kinesthetic & visual learning Creative writing and story telling Develop character writing and personal narratives Integrates math (geometry) and science (plants, weather, life cycles) Serves as an enrichment to the current curriculum

12 Developed by published author and illustrator Wendy Halperin Wendy has worked for esteemed authors such as Cynthia Rylant, Douglas Wood, Mary Ann Hoberman, and many more. She has written, illustrated, and published many of her own books.




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