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HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Objectives: What was the international response to fascism? What was the international.

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Presentation on theme: "HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Objectives: What was the international response to fascism? What was the international."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Objectives: What was the international response to fascism? What was the international response to fascism? What were the early events of World War II? What were the early events of World War II? Why did tension between the United States and Germany increase? Why did tension between the United States and Germany increase? Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? Section 4: War Breaks Out

2 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 2 International response to fascism U.S. Congress passed a series of _________________ in 1939 that reflected Americans’ desire for peace. U.S. Congress passed a series of _________________ in 1939 that reflected Americans’ desire for peace. European leaders adopted a policy of ________________, but also sped up rearmament. European leaders adopted a policy of ________________, but also sped up rearmament. In November of 1933, after years of hostility between the two countries, the U.S. recognized the _________________. In November of 1933, after years of hostility between the two countries, the U.S. recognized the _________________. Section 4: War Breaks Out

3 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 3 Countries Choose Sides Axis Powers Axis Powers ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ Allied Powers Allied Powers ____________________ ____________________

4 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 4 Early events of World War II 1939: Hitler occupied ________________ and signed a nonaggression pact with ____________. 1939: Hitler occupied ________________ and signed a nonaggression pact with ____________. 1939: Germany invaded _____________ and ___________ and Britain declared war. 1939: Germany invaded _____________ and ___________ and Britain declared war. 1940: Germany occupied ______________, ______________, __________________, ___________________, ___________________, and ____________________. 1940: Germany occupied ______________, ______________, __________________, ___________________, ___________________, and ____________________. 1940: British citizens rescued the British army from _________________, and Germany established a puppet government in France. 1940: British citizens rescued the British army from _________________, and Germany established a puppet government in France. Section 4: War Breaks Out

5 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 5 Reasons for climbing tensions between U.S. and Germany increasing U.S. aid to the ________________ increasing U.S. aid to the ________________ German ____________________ attacks German ____________________ attacks Roosevelt’s “_____________________” orders Roosevelt’s “_____________________” orders ________________ of Britain and ________________ of the US met secretly in August of 1941 and agreed to the ____________________. ________________ of Britain and ________________ of the US met secretly in August of 1941 and agreed to the ____________________. Section 4: War Breaks Out

6 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 6 Reasons for Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor freezing of all Japanese ____________ in the U.S freezing of all Japanese ____________ in the U.S embargo on American shipments of ___________, _______________, ________________, and ___________ to Japan. embargo on American shipments of ___________, _______________, ________________, and ___________ to Japan. On _________________________ Japan lauched their attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. On _________________________ Japan lauched their attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt described Pearl Harbor as “_____________________________________” President Roosevelt described Pearl Harbor as “_____________________________________” Section 4: War Breaks Out

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