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National Mythology Exam Theme: The Underworld. NME: The Underworld Whom had Ixion ruled? A. the Lapith people B. the Laomedon people C. the Lapidis people.

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Presentation on theme: "National Mythology Exam Theme: The Underworld. NME: The Underworld Whom had Ixion ruled? A. the Lapith people B. the Laomedon people C. the Lapidis people."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Mythology Exam Theme: The Underworld

2 NME: The Underworld Whom had Ixion ruled? A. the Lapith people B. the Laomedon people C. the Lapidis people

3 NME: The Underworld Whom/What had Ixion mistaken for Hera? The centaurs were born from this union. A. a horse B. a bull C. the clouds

4 NME: The Underworld What was Ixion’s punishment in the underworld? A. he rolled a rock uphill and chased it back down B. he reached for food and drink, which were taken away from him C. he whirled around on a flaming wheel

5 NME: The Underworld Who was the only kind, educated centaur? A. Lapith-boy B. Chiron C. Charon

6 NME: The Underworld Who was Chiron’s father? A. Cronus B. Poseidon C. Zeus

7 NME: The Underworld Where did Chiron live in a cave? A. Mount Olympus B. Mount Pelion C. Mount Aetna

8 NME: The Underworld What was the name of the child that Chiron raised, and who was the child’s immortal father? A. Hercules, Apollo B. Asclepius, Apollo C. Daphne, Zeus

9 NME: The Underworld What was Asclepius’ profession? A. musician to the gods B. tamer of horses C. healer of the sick

10 NME: The Underworld What did Asclepius have around his staff? A. serpents B. ivy C. oak leaves

11 NME: The Underworld What were the first hospitals? A. temples B. mountaintops C. homes

12 NME: The Underworld Which of Asclepius’ children was responsible for cleansing patients and their wounds? A. Hyglepia B. Asclepia C. Hygeia

13 NME: The Underworld Who disliked Asclepius because he was so successful at his job? A. Hades and Persephone B. Hades and the Fates C. Hades and Zeus

14 NME: The Underworld How did Asclepius die? A. the Cyclopes killed him B. Zeus killed him with a thunder- bolt C. Asclepius’ own daughter killed him

15 NME: The Underworld How did Apollo avenge Asclepius’ death? A. he sent a plague B. he caused Zeus to become ill C. he killed the Cyclopes

16 NME: The Underworld How was Apollo punished after he avenged Asclepius’ death? A. he served as a slave for a year on earth B. he was sent to the underworld C. he had to serve Zeus for a year

17 NME: The Underworld Who were the Muses’ parents? A. Apollo and Daphne B. Zeus and Mnemosyne C. Apollo and Melpomene

18 NME: The Underworld Who stole fire from Mt. Olympus? A. Prometheus B. Epimetheus C. Orpheus

19 NME: The Underworld Where did the Muses live? A. Mount Pelion B. Mount Olympus C. Mount Parnassus

20 NME: The Underworld Which one was NOT a Muse? A. Euterpe B. Terpthalia C. Polyhymnia D. Clio

21 NME: The Underworld Who is the Muse of Epic Poetry? A. Terpsichore B. Melpomene C. Calliope

22 NME: The Underworld Which of the following did NOT happened when Orpheus performed his music? A. the gods wept B. trees uprooted themselves C. warriors stopped fighting

23 NME: The Underworld Eurydice died on her wedding day. How did she die? A. a snake bit her B. her husband killed her C. Artemis shot her with an arrow

24 NME: The Underworld Which of these did Orpheus’ song NOT affect? A. Cerberus B. the Erinyes C. the Styx D. Hades

25 NME: The Underworld On what condition could Orpheus take Eurydice back to the upper world? A. he couldn’t perform music B. he couldn’t look back C. he couldn’t take his lyre with him

26 NME: The Underworld Who led Eurydice back to the underworld? A. Hermes B. Hades C. Persephone

27 NME: The Underworld How did Orpheus die? A. he killed himself B. he was killed by a band of frenzied nymphs C. he was killed by Cerberus

28 NME: The Underworld Why was Tantalus punished? A. he tried to travel to Mt. Olympus B. he sacrificed his daughter C. he fed his son to the gods

29 NME: The Underworld How was Pelops restored? A. his foot was replaced with silver B. his shoulder bone was replaced with ivory C. he was rejuvenated on Mt. Olympus

30 NME: The Underworld How was Tantalus punished? A. he spun around on a wheel B. he chased a boulder uphill C. he reached for food and drink, which were then snatched away

31 NME: The Underworld Who had given Oenomaus a team of horses? A. Zeus B. Poseidon C. Ares

32 NME: The Underworld What contest did a suitor have to win to marry Hippodamia? A. chariot race B. foot race C. boat race

33 NME: The Underworld How many suitors had already lost the contest? A. 6 B. 12 C. 20

34 NME: The Underworld How did Oenomaus die? A. he was killed by Pelops B. he was thrown from his chariot to his death C. he was trampled by his horse

35 NME: The Underworld What caused Oenomaus’ chariot to wreck? A. the wooden pins on the wheel axles were replaced with wax pins B. the horses broke free and caused the chariot to go off of a cliff C. Pelops’ chariot cut him off

36 NME: The Underworld How did Pelops honor Oenomaus? A. he built a huge monument B. he renamed Elis for Oenomaus C. he established athletic games, which became known as the Olympics

37 NME: The Underworld What did Sisyphus tell Asopus? A. Asopus was destined to die an early death B. Aesopus’ daughter had been abducted by Zeus C. he would give Asopus a spring

38 NME: The Underworld Into what was Aegina transformed? A. a rock B. an island C. a spring

39 NME: The Underworld How did Sisyphus trick Hades? A. he chained up Hades B. he caused Hades to argue with Hermes C. Sisyphus brought his own wife with him to the underworld

40 NME: The Underworld What request did Sisyphus make to his wife? A. put coins on his eyes B. give him a proper burial C. allow him to go the underworld as a beggar

41 NME: The Underworld How did Sisyphus finally die? A. Zeus struck him with a thunderbolt B. Hades sent Hermes to kill him C. Sisyphus died of old age

42 NME: The Underworld What was Sisyphus’ punishment in the underworld? A. to reach for food and drink, which were then taken away B. to whirl around on wheel C. to roll a boulder uphill and then chase it back down the hill

43 Finis

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