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1 Transistors, Boolean Algebra Lecture 2 Digital Design and Computer Architecture Harris & Harris Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Transistors, Boolean Algebra Lecture 2 Digital Design and Computer Architecture Harris & Harris Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Transistors, Boolean Algebra Lecture 2 Digital Design and Computer Architecture Harris & Harris Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2007

2 2 Overview Review Beneath the digital abstraction Transistors Boolean expressions Boolean algebra

3 3 Logic Gates

4 4 More Two-Input Logic Gates

5 5 Multiple-Input Logic Gates

6 6 Beneath the Digital Abstraction Suppose: 5 V = 1, 0 V = 0 What does 4.99 V = ?

7 7 Logic Levels and Noise Margins

8 8

9 9 DC Transfer Characteristics

10 10 DC Transfer Characteristics

11 11 The Static Discipline Logic Family V DD V IL V IH V OL V OH TTL5 (4.75 - 5.25) CMOS5 (4.5 - 6)1.353.150.333.84 LVTTL (Low Voltage) 3.3 (3 - 3.6) LVCMOS3.3 (3 - 3.6)

12 12 Logic Gates

13 13 How do we build logic gates?

14 14 Silicon

15 15 Transistors: nMOS

16 16 Transistors: pMOS

17 17 Transistor Function

18 18 CMOS Gates: NOT Gate

19 19 CMOS Gates: NAND Gate

20 20 CMOS Gate Structure

21 21 NOR Gate How do you build a two-input NOR gate?

22 22 Other CMOS Gates How do you build a two-input AND gate?

23 23 Boolean Expressions

24 24 Boolean Expressions

25 25 Sum-of-Products Form

26 26 Boolean Expressions

27 27 Product-of-Sums Form

28 28 Next Time Combinational Logic –More Boolean Expressions / Boolean Algebra –Karnaugh maps –X’s and Z’s

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