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Radio Operations and Aircraft Control Matt Winit Fern Prairie Modelers AMA #1921

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Presentation on theme: "Radio Operations and Aircraft Control Matt Winit Fern Prairie Modelers AMA #1921"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radio Operations and Aircraft Control Matt Winit Fern Prairie Modelers AMA #1921

2 4 Channel Radio  This is your basic non-computerized 4 channel radio - Trainer Switch Throttle/Rudder Nosewheel Trims Control direction of servo movement On/Off Switch Aileron/Elevator

3 Definitions  Trainer switch – allows the instructor to take control of the aircraft for training  Trims – sets the neutral position of the control surfaces for straight and level flight  Throttle – controls the power developed by the engine

4 Definitions  Rudder – controls the yaw of the aircraft, or more simply its side to side movement

5 Definitions  Elevator – Controls the pitch of the aircraft

6 Definitions  Ailerons – Control the roll of the aircraft

7 Quiz time…  What would this do to the aircraft?

8 Answer…  This would move the elevator down, thus pitching the aircraft down.

9 Quiz time…  What would this do to the aircraft?

10 Answer…  This would increase the throttle, speeding up the aircraft.

11 Quiz time…  What would this do to the aircraft?

12 Answer…  This would move the right aileron up, the left aileron down, and start a turn to the right.

13 Quiz time  What would this do to the aircraft?

14 Answer…  Move the rudder to the left, thus moving the tail to the right and the nose to the left. It would also move the nosewheel to the left.

15 Practicing  Sitting with your transmitter and thinking through a flight can help quite a bit when it comes time for your next lesson. This is also known as “chair flying”  There are a number of flight simulators on the market that quite accurately recreate R/C flying

16 More information…  For more information on aerodynamics, visit the NASA web site of the Glenn Research Center at 12/airplane/guided.htm 12/airplane/guided.htm

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