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Wind on airplanes. Wind effect on airplane plane speeds up or slows down according to the speed and direction of the wind since a flying plane is suspended.

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Presentation on theme: "Wind on airplanes. Wind effect on airplane plane speeds up or slows down according to the speed and direction of the wind since a flying plane is suspended."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind on airplanes

2 Wind effect on airplane plane speeds up or slows down according to the speed and direction of the wind since a flying plane is suspended in the air, the air can be considered to be still and the plane moving - wind is only wind in reference to the ground and not the aircraft - but since the aircraft has to go front one ground location to another the wind speed and direction effect how the plane is flown

3 Wind effect on airplane wind directly in front or behind the plane is easy to calculate as it just adds or subtracts the speed from the aircraft - wind from other directions tend to push the aircraft to one side or the other - to compensate the rudder (control surface on the tail) is used which makes the plane "crab" or fly so the nose doesnt point forward but the plane flies at an angle to its forward motion

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