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Industry Views on Switching to XML Reporting Neil Passman, Standish Technologies Brian Huxtable, Westinghouse.

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Presentation on theme: "Industry Views on Switching to XML Reporting Neil Passman, Standish Technologies Brian Huxtable, Westinghouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry Views on Switching to XML Reporting Neil Passman, Standish Technologies Brian Huxtable, Westinghouse

2 Objectives  The XML switchover date  Lessons learned from XML implementation  Item level obligation tracking on Form 741

3 The XML switchover date  2008 NMMSS meeting DOE interest in supporting only XML reporting NRC suggested licensees identify a date for switching to XML – Date to stop supporting 80-column  Current Dates: XML switchover on 1/1/2010 80-column retirement on 1/1/2011  Further discussion?

4 Lessons learned from XML implementation  Give User a choice between 80-column and XML formatting  If XML formatting is selected, give user the option to report source material to 3 decimal places  This option can eliminate rounding error

5 Lessons learned from XML implementation  If 3 decimal place reporting is selected, warn user with regard to NUREG restrictions:  “…both the shipper and receiver must report at the kilogram unit, unless they both agree to report at the three-decimal unit”  “…for consistency, the licensee must continue to report to the same decimal place for that material type”

6 Lessons learned from XML implementation  If 3 decimal place reporting is selected, warn user with regard to D-24 restriction:  “The RIS must attain authorization from NRC to report to the 3rd decimal.” (page 8, footnote 4)  NUREG does not appear to require NRC authorization.  What is the official NRC position?

7 Lessons learned from XML implementation  Implementation using either standard Visual Basic or C++ code is straightforward  Numerous examples on the internet and in books on the subject  SAMS 2.0 CD includes a separate program that can convert 80-column to XML  SAMS 2.0 will not process 80-column input or produce 80-column output

8 Item level obligation tracking on Form 741  Not included in the D-24  80-column: data code 5, columns 38-41 XYZ XYZ 000101 A M201LNU FISSION 20309 J XYZ XYZ 000101 A M501 34WR 4141400 32032 3030300 XYZ XYZ 000101 A M202NPPU PRODUCTION 50309 J XYZ XYZ 000101 A M502 34 900400 146849 800200 XYZ XYZ 000101 A M203LNU FISSION 20309 J XYZ XYZ 000101 A M503 00 9678900 39462 8753300 XYZ XYZ 000101 A M204TNPU DECAY 50309 J XYZ XYZ 000101 A M504 00WR 30200 261978 30200

9 Item level obligation tracking on Form 741  XML (record 1)

10 Item level obligation tracking on Form 741  XML definition Tag name – Child of – Sibling of Attributes – OBLIGATIONCODE: Obligation Code of type Char(2); this is an essential field (use ’00’ for unobligated material) – WR: WR Indicator or type Char(2); this is an essential field (use ‘WR’ for WR obligated material, otherwise use ‘NO’) For more information see the May/June/July 2008 NMMSSnews

11 Summary  The XML switchover date  Lessons learned from XML implementation  Item level obligation tracking on Form 741  Questions?

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