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M ODEL -V IEW -C ONTROLLER. I NTRODUCTION This is a software development concept that developed for the purpose of implementing multiple User interfaces.

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Presentation on theme: "M ODEL -V IEW -C ONTROLLER. I NTRODUCTION This is a software development concept that developed for the purpose of implementing multiple User interfaces."— Presentation transcript:


2 I NTRODUCTION This is a software development concept that developed for the purpose of implementing multiple User interfaces. Divides an application into 3 interconnected parts. 1. Model 2. View 3. Controller

3 P ATTERN Model: Contains the data Methods for accessing the data View: Renders contents of model for user and also updates when model changes. Controller: Translates actions in the view into operations in the model


5 P OPULAR U SAGE MVC has become greatly popular in web applications across multiple languages. Since it separates the views from the data logic, It can allow the UI to greatly evolve without needing to change data models. Used by most major companies

6 M EMCACHED A memory caching system used to speed up Dynamic Databases. Very popular concept used by most Large scale web applications like Face book, YouTube, Reddit and the likes.


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