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Battle Summations and Presentation The War for Independence in snapshots.

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Presentation on theme: "Battle Summations and Presentation The War for Independence in snapshots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Battle Summations and Presentation The War for Independence in snapshots

2 Revolutionary War Slideshow  Your job will be to simply create a one page slide show on your particular battle.  Paul Revere's Ride Paul Revere's Ride  Battle of Bennington Battle of Bennington  Concord and Lexington Concord and Lexington  Battle of Saratoga Battle of Saratoga  Americans Capture Ticonderoga Americans Capture Ticonderoga  Valley Forge Valley Forge  Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Bunker Hill  Treaty of Amity with France Treaty of Amity with France  King George Declares Colonies in Rebellion King George Declares Colonies in Rebellion  Battle of Monmouth Battle of Monmouth  Attack on Canada Attack on Canada  Settlers Massacred at Wyoming Settlers Massacred at Wyoming  U.S. Navy Created U.S. Navy Created  Americans Capture Stonypoint Americans Capture Stonypoint  Common Sense Published Common Sense Published  John Paul Jones & Bonne Homme Richard John Paul Jones & Bonne Homme Richard  Siege of Boston Siege of Boston  Siege of Charleston Siege of Charleston  Each slide must contain as much of the following information as possible:  Leaders, numbers, location, winners, dates, etc  It must include the causes, effects or impact/significance of the battle  Include a works cited Battle of Guilford Court House Battle of Princeton Battle of Hobkirks Hill British Capture of Ticonderoga Battle of Eutaw Springs Battle of Brandywine Articles of Confederation Ratified Battle of Germantown Battle of Yorktown Battle of Orinsky Treaty of Paris Massacre of Jane McCrea Battle of Valcour Bay Battle of King Mountain Retreat Through N.J. Battle of Cowpens Battle of Trenton Declaration of Independence Battle of Camden Battles of New York Arnold a Traitor

3 Battle signup sheet  Concord and Lexington  Bunker Hill  Attack on Canada  New York (Saratoga)  Valcour Bay  Trenton  Princeton  Arnold  Monmouth  Charleston  Camden  King Mountain  Valley Forge  Eutaw  Brandywine  Germantown  Yorktown  Eli.  Steven. .  Ryne.  Payton.  Alex.  Scott. .  Travis.  Kayla.  Andre.  Kelly.  Paige.  Clara.  Rafael.  Oberle.

4 Trenton (Dec 25, 1777 )  George Washington led ___________ troops across the ______________ river on Dec 25 th, 1777.  His American troops won the battle as __________ German Hessians were captured. This happened because ____________  It was a landmark victory, because __________________  It also ________________ for the American forces, which had been ________________ George Washington led this famous raid and it ultimately led to one of the first American victories in the American Revolutionary War. It demonstrated ___________, and without this victory, _______________________.

5 Major chart Battle nameDatewinner

6 Major chart Battle nameDatewinner

7 Major chart Battle nameDatewinner

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