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Battle of Lexington and Concord The battle of Lexington and Concord took place on April 18, 1775. The colonists were hiding gunpowder in a village near.

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Presentation on theme: "Battle of Lexington and Concord The battle of Lexington and Concord took place on April 18, 1775. The colonists were hiding gunpowder in a village near."— Presentation transcript:

1 Battle of Lexington and Concord The battle of Lexington and Concord took place on April 18, 1775. The colonists were hiding gunpowder in a village near Concord. The British went to go fight. When it was all over, the British went back to Boston injured and killed.

2 Capture of fort Ticonderoga Fort Ticonderoga was a old British fort located at the southern end of Lake Champlain in New York. In May 1775 militiamen led by Ethan Allen and Benjamin Arnold had seized the fort. Washington had only 36 barrels of gunpowder but he said he had 1,800 instead but the British didn’t believe him and Washington ended up begging for more. Washington did get the gunpowder but he didn’t attack the British forces because he didn’t have the weapons to do so.

3 Second Continental Congress meets The second continental congress met in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775. John Adams had an idea that the congress should create a “continental army” made up of troops from all the colonies. George Washington was elected to be commander- in- chief of the new continental army.

4 Battle on Bunker Hill In June 1775, militiamen near Boston dug a crude fort on top of Breed’s Hill. The fort worried the British general so he ordered an immediate attack. When the British troops reached where the Militiamen were they fired and the British troops broke and fell back in confusion. The troops regrouped and attacked, and on the third attack the troops took the hill only because the Americans had no gunpowder left and pulled back. The battle of Bunker Hill was short but bloody. More than 1,000 British troops were killed or injured.

5 Washington named Commander in Chief Washington was named commander in chief of the continental army on June 19, 1775. He was selected over other people because of his previous military experience and hope that he could help unite the colonies. After eight years of war Washington resigned his commission as commander in chief on December 23, 1783.

6 Battle of Quebec The battle of Quebec was fought on December 31, 1775 between the American Continental army and the British defenders of Quebec. Montgomery’s forces and Arnold’s made a plan to go into the lower city before scaling the walls that were protecting the upper city. Arnold was injured early in the attack and Morgan led the assault in his place until he got trapped in the lower city and he had to surrender.

7 British Withdraw from Boston On March 4, 1776 Boston soldiers woke up to cannons aimed at the city. Their general left the city, followed by 9,000 British troops going out of the Boston harbor. 1,100 Loyalists who preferred to leave their homes behind than live with rebels left on ships out of the Boston Harbor as well.

8 Declaration of Independence issued In July 1776, the continental Congress appointed a committee to write a declaration of independence. The youngest member of the committee, Thomas Jefferson who lived in Virginia was to draft it. His job was to explain to the world why the colonies were choosing to separate from Britain. Overall, the declaration of Independence allowed the colonies to be free and independent states.

9 Battle of Long Island The battle of long island was on August 27, 1776. It took place in New York. There were 20,000 British and hessian troops and around 10,000 Americans. The British drove the Americans from Brooklyn and forced them to leave New York.

10 Battle of Trenton/ Crossing the Delaware On December 25, 1776 Washington’s army crossed the ice chocked Delaware river in small boats. On their way to Trenton, a snow chilled the men and the guns were too wet to fire. When they reached Trenton they were happy because they found everyone was sleeping. Washington took 868 prisoners. Without losing a single man.

11 British Occupy New York On august 27,1776 the American and British armies met in Brooklyn, New York. The two armies started to fight. By the end, The British army pretty much won and the American army surrendered. The British army chased the Americans out of New York, through New Jersey and across the Delaware river into Pennsylvania. By the time Washington reached Pennsylvania most of his men were unclothed, and unfit for service.

12 Battle of Brandywine The battle of Brandywine took place on September 9, 1777. The British started marching toward Washington. Washington and his troops set up defense because of the British coming to Brandywine.

13 British Occupy Philadelphia On September 26, the British marched into Philadelphia. In anticipation of the arrival the capital was abandoned by the patriots. When the forts were held by the patriots, were taken by the British a steady supply of food and equipment flowed into the city. They were ready to settle in a warm, cozy winter. When the British feared an attack from the French they left the city.

14 Battle of Saratoga The British wanted to take control of the Hudson river to cut off new England from the other colonies. The general had 7,700 troops. On his way, his troops defeated American forces at fort Ticonderoga. Two other groups joined him, one from Canada and one from New York. The troops from Canada ran in to Benedict Arnold and his American militia, and then were forced to retreat to Canada. On the third Attack they lost and the general surrendered.

15 Articles of Confederation issued The continental congress agreed on November 5, 1777 that the articles of confederation served as a bridge between the initial government. The articles were written during the early part of the American revolution by a committee of the second continental congress.

16 Encampment at Valley Forge Valley Forge was the encampment site for George Washington’s continental army during the winter of 1777/1778. Arriving at valley forge after several defeats the army had a winter of disease. During the encampment it was drilled into an effective fighting force.

17 Battle of Monmouth Courthouse The battle took place on June 28, 1778 in Monmouth New Jersey. This battle was between the army of British and German troops against American Continental troops and militia. It was 10,000 British troops against 11,000 Americans. In the end, the battle is taken as a draw.

18 Fall of Savannah Savannah was considered to be a key port by the British. In December 1778 Henry Clinton sent 3500 regulars and Tories against Savannah. This port was to be a base where the British would have access to the southern American colonies as well as the west indies. Savannah was defended by about 1000 militia from Georgia and neighboring South Carolina.

19 Battle of Yorktown The battle of Yorkton took place on September 28 to October 19, 1781. It was between the Americans and French and the British. There were 8,000 Americans, 7,800 French and 6,000 British. The Americans and French beat the British.

20 Cornwallis Surrenders On October 19,1781 American and British troops formed two long lines that stretched for more than a mile along the road to Yorktown. After hours of waiting, the people watched the 8,000 British troops leave Yorktown to lay down their arms. The defeated troops moved slowly to a tune that was played when the British surrendered at Saratoga.

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