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TIE Conference 2013 Using Wikispaces to Solve Technology Issues and Create a Learning Culture Stephanie Hansen Presentation College Edmodo course code.

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Presentation on theme: "TIE Conference 2013 Using Wikispaces to Solve Technology Issues and Create a Learning Culture Stephanie Hansen Presentation College Edmodo course code."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIE Conference 2013 Using Wikispaces to Solve Technology Issues and Create a Learning Culture Stephanie Hansen Presentation College Edmodo course code su6mqy

2 WikispacesWikispaces Introduction Free for teachersteachers –Wikispaces classroomWikispaces classroom Easy to use Intuitive Training –VideosVideos –You Tube ChannelYou Tube Channel –BlogBlog –WebinarsWebinars

3 Uses Classroom –Lessons –Group work –Common location for links Professional Groups –Join others Cool tools for school Book Club 2.0 –Professional learning Network E course –Best Wikis of 2011Best Wikis of 2011 –Educational WikisEducational Wikis

4 Solving Technology Issues Presentation College –Post tech fixes, announcements and updates –Post trainings, webinars, information –Post articles, files and links Pedagogy Class management Current trends –Learning Management System Blackboard Moodle

5 Creating a Learning Culture Repository –Educational resources –Professional development opportunities –Inspirational materials –Pedagogical content Plagiarism Copyright Pedagogy –New teaching strategies »Flipped classroom »Blended learning »Online learning –Millennial learners –Change

6 Benefits Privacy –Invite users –Accept or deny requests Content –Control who accesses –Control edits –Access history and comments Contributions –Others contribute information –Comments and reviews

7 Template Provided By 500,000 Downloadable PowerPoint Templates, Animated Clip Art, Backgrounds and Videos

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