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A whole class teaching tool created by Paul Turner, Round Diamond School.

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Presentation on theme: "A whole class teaching tool created by Paul Turner, Round Diamond School."— Presentation transcript:

1 A whole class teaching tool created by Paul Turner, Round Diamond School

2 Learning intentions: To know what a fair test is. To interpret results. To write a conclusion. To know that results can be presented in different ways.

3 An investigation to see how the temperature of water affects how long it takes an ice cube to melt.

4 Apparatus temperature sensor container water stop watch RCX brick ice cube flask for keeping water at right temperature

5 Apparatus continued Infrared transmitter for downloading programs and uploading data to and from brick. Computer with Robolab software coffee to keep Mr Turner going!

6 How did Mr Turner keep his test fair? Used the same amount of water each time. Used the same size ice cube. Only changed the temperature of the water. Tried to place ice cube in water after same amount of time.

7 Method First of all I wrote a program using Robolab Investigtor to record temperatures every 5 seconds 100 times.

8 I then downloaded my program to the RCX brick. You can just see the brick showing a temperature of 20.7 degrees C.

9 I put water from a flask into a container that was marked so that I used the same amount of water each time.

10 I then placed the temperature sensor in the water and started the program running. After about 20s I placed an ice cube in the water and started the stop watch.

11 When the ice had completed melted I stopped the stop watch and wrote down the time to the nearest second. I then stopped the program on the brick running. I then took the brick back to the computer to upload the data from the brick to the computer. I repeated the experiment twice for different temperatures of water.

12 Temperature of water (degrees C) Time taken for ice cube to melt (s) 63.7100 42.8135 27.5295 Results What do the results show? (Conclusion)

13 The greater the temperature of the water the quicker the ice cube melted. Or Conclusion The lower the temperature of the water the longer it took the ice cube to melt.

14 Other ways of presenting results, using line graphs.



17 It took 100s for ice cube 1 to melt


19 It took 135s for ice cube 2 to melt


21 It took 295s for ice cube 3 to melt

22 ice cube 1 ice cube 2 ice cube 3 Combining all 3 graphs.






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