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FORMALIZING REQUIREMENTS Hartmut Lackner, 16 th July 2011, VINO‘11.

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Presentation on theme: "FORMALIZING REQUIREMENTS Hartmut Lackner, 16 th July 2011, VINO‘11."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORMALIZING REQUIREMENTS Hartmut Lackner, 16 th July 2011, VINO‘11

2 The Role of Requirements  Requirements are the building blocks for developing a software product.  Detecting errors early saves costs.  Requirements can be considered as the contract between stakeholder and developer.  Tests can „show“ that the requirements are met.  How to formalize requirements for test generation?

3 Contents  Introduction to a Single Requirements Document  Possible Formalizations in  UPPAAL  (UML)  (MS SpecExplorer)  What is this going to be?  (Interactive) Modeling Session

4 The Requirements Document  ECU: Protect a valve to freeze, by killing the engine. The valve controls the gas flow from the tank to the engine.  Definitions  Temperature Sensor reads: invalid, warm, cold, too cold  Time Window: Short (3s), Long (15s)  Initial values  Time Window: Short  Temperature: invalid

5 Rules  If the temperature sensor is more than 3s (short delay) "too cold" a quick stop occurs and the engine is shut off.  If the temperature sensor was invalid and switches to valid again and during the following 3s the temperature is not warm a long delay of 15s is activated. In this state a "too cold" triggers the quick-stop after 15s (long delay). (Long delay replaces the initial short delay).  If the temperature is “warm" then the 3s (short delay) is valid again.  If the valid temperature switches to invalid the 3s (short delay) is valid again.  If during the delay the valid temperature is not "too cold" for more than 0.2s the delay timer is reset to start a new delay period. Definitions Temperature Sensor reads: invalid, warm, cold, too cold Time Window: Short (3s), Long (15s)

6 Modeling: UPPAAL

7 Rule 1 If the temperature sensor is more than 3s (short delay) "too cold" a quick stop occurs and the engine is shut off.  Design Decisions:  One template for each rule  Global Declarations  Channels: changeTemp, quickstop;  clock x;  int[-1,2] temp;  int[3,15] delay; Temperature SensorEngine Rule 1

8 Rule 2  Attention: Clock x is reused  Bad Design?  This Template is dependent on Rule 3 + 4! If the temperature sensor was invalid and switches to valid again and during the following 3s the temperature is not warm a long delay of 15s is activated. In this state a "too cold" triggers the quick-stop after 15s (long delay). (Long delay replaces the initial short delay).

9 Rule 3 + 4 3. If the temperature is “warm" then the 3s (short delay) is valid again. 4. If the valid temperature switches to invalid the 3s (short delay) is valid again. Rule 3Rule 4

10 Rule 5  Local Declaration:  clock y; If during the delay the valid temperature is not "too cold" for more than 0.2s the delay timer is reset to start a new delay period.

11 Next Steps

12 Future Work  Design the UML model  Compare the models to the requirements  Is modeling „straight-forward“?  Generate tests from the models  How strong is the „fault detection capability“ for each model?  Mutation analysis

13 Thanks for your Attention! Questions?

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