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K. Miuchi NEWAGE -- A direction-sensitive dark matter search Kentaro Miuchi ( Kyoto University) H. Nishimura T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, S. Kabuki, K. Tsuchiya,

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Presentation on theme: "K. Miuchi NEWAGE -- A direction-sensitive dark matter search Kentaro Miuchi ( Kyoto University) H. Nishimura T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, S. Kabuki, K. Tsuchiya,"— Presentation transcript:

1 K. Miuchi NEWAGE -- A direction-sensitive dark matter search Kentaro Miuchi ( Kyoto University) H. Nishimura T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, S. Kabuki, K. Tsuchiya, A. Takada, Y. Okada, K. Hattori, K. Ueno, S. Kurosawa A. Takeda (ICRR), H. Sekiya (ICRR) (New generation WIMP search with an advanced gaseous tracker experiment)

2 K. Miuchi OUTLINE Introduction Detector NEWAGE surface run FUTURE PLANS & SUMMARY

3 K. Miuchi Introduction: Direct DM search in 2010’s What happened in 2000’s… DAMA (~100kg) : 7 years’ result LIBRA (post DAMA): “challenge DAMA” (~10kg): CDMS, EDELWEISS, XENON10 YES search **GeV ! at LCH, GLAST NO Please for SUSY What will happen in 2010’s YES NO “challenge SUSY” (~100kg): SUPER**, **0 BACK to YES, but not conclusive… use various nuclei, and or, MAYBE

4 K. Miuchi 1. Direction sensitive DM search “WIMP-wind” detection The WIMP-wind WIMP V 0 =230 km/s SOLAR SYSTEM 220 km/s PLB 578 (2004) 241

5 K. Miuchi WHY “Direction-sensitive” ? Large mass for exclusion ( and indication ) BUT Annual modulation is not enough… Direction-sensitive for detection WIMP WIND γ F F Annual modulation direction

6 K. Miuchi Sensitivities Goal: Detect the WIMP-wind ( 2010~ ) underground ・ low pressure ( CF 4 0.05 bar ) ・ large volume ( 1m 3 × N ) CURRENT: surface ・ CF 4 0.2 atm ・ 30cm cube sensitivity

7 K. Miuchi 2. DETECTOR June 22, 2007 SUSY in 2010’s

8 K. Miuchi 2 micro-TPC (3D tracking device) Feb. 20, 2007 APPEAL07 Position Encoder  PIC (×5000) GEM(×10) TPC Particle tracks e Preprints: physics/0701085 K.Miuchi 40cm TPC X readout ( 768ch ) Y readout ( 768ch ) FAGA position encoder ( 1536ch ) 23×28×31cm 3

9 K. Miuchi Readout electronics 768 anode + 768 cathode Digital (LVDS) signals at ASD (X,Y,T) at the position encoder 31cm gas volume TPC system Gas volume DRIFT length 31cm CF 4 0.2bar gas 100MHz, pipeline 2D imaging device:  -PIC (gas gain 5000) 400mm pitch 589824 pixels 768+768 readout 30cm μPIC (Toshiba)

10 CF 4 +C 4 H 10 (9:1) 0.2 atm n -> p forward scattering (emulation of WIMP -> F scatterings) Jan 27, 2007 3rd MPGD workshop Recoil direction image 252 Cf ( NE45° zenith35° ) 1 0 Cos   n p CF 4 +C 4 H 10 252 Cf run Proton tracks n 252 Cf Y X -15cm 15cm -15cm 30cm Z(drift) 0cm TPC performance 1: nuclear tracks, imaging Preprints: physics/0701118 K.Miuchi

11 K. Miuchi TPC performance 2: gamma-ray rejection energy length correlation gamma-rays from 137 Cs neutron ( BG )

12 K. Miuchi gamma-ray rejection ( continued ) spectrum, BG subtrucction gamma rejection < 2e-4 ( statistics limited ) neutron ( BG ) Subtracted energy spectrumEnergy spectrum thick: 137Cs run hatched: no source consistent with 0 ( >100keV )

13 K. Miuchi 3. SURFACE RUN June 22, 2007 SUSY in 2010’s

14 K. Miuchi Surface run ① 2006 Nov.1 st ~ Nov.27 th exposure 0.15 kg days (=0.0089kg ×16.7days) @Kyoto university (N35.03 E135.783 ) Energy spectrum ( conventional method ) Energy spectrum 3 Surface run

15 K. Miuchi Surface run ② The sky map (by nuclear recoil tracks) flat neutron background is seen North sky view seen by C and F nuclei (100-400keV) DM direction

16 Jan 27, 2007 3rd MPGD workshop Surface run ③ Cosθ distribution consistent with a flat distribution Cosθ 分布 (100-400keV) DM limit First step to the NEWAGE WE ARE HERE

17 K. Miuchi KAMIOKA LAB-B Underground run @ KAMIOKA Data taking since January 2007. low background material selection background neutron measurement 4 Next step… TPC improvements @ KYOTO larger TPC (30cm cube -> 60cm cube) lower threshold (100keV -> 30keV) readout ASIC (with KEK)

18 K. Miuchi SUMMARY μTPC : 30cm cube in operation direction-sensitive method works! NEWAGE : underground run just started Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas: "Discoveries of Higgs Particles and Supersymmetry to Pioneer the Particle Physics in the 21st Century"

19 K. Miuchi 2006 年 11 月 17 日 TPC performance ② stability Drift velocity: fast drop ⇒ slow decrease after 1 day gain, energy resolution : stable within the systematic error

20 K. Miuchi TPC performance: nuclear track efficiency neutrons from 252 Cf 0.4 @ 100keV

21 K. Miuchi エネルギー校正 ガラスに蒸着した 10 B ( 厚さ 0.6μm ) ドリフトケージ内部にセット、外から 252Cf の中性子を減速して照射 10B(n,a)7Li 反応 (Q=2.70MeV 1.8MeV for  ) 原子核による校正、低エネルギーへの線形性は別途確認示す必要あり 現状では、校正には 6 時間程度、見せれる絵には 12 時間程度かかっている XY イメー ジ keV スペクトル エネルギー vs 飛跡長 keV   Li 2000 スペクトル (GEANT4 ) 検出器応答

22 K. Miuchi 位置分解能から角度分解能 アルファ線の飛跡を直線フィット、残差を求める: 0.8mm BG run の C,F recoil での 飛跡長 / (nhit-1) = 1mm ( サンプリング密度 ) 上記二つのパラメータをもちいて simulation 振る。 NHIT=3 で直線 FIT すると左の様に なる。 ローレンツィアンで FIT して、 γ=25°(=HWHM) 検出器応答

23 K. Miuchi エネルギー分解能 高エネルギー( 5-8MeV )ではラドンのピークを使ってモニタ 40 % FWHM これは検出器固有の数字(ゲインのばらつきが効いている) 低エネルギーでは、以前の Ar での実測 60 % FWHM@60keV これが電子数統計とすると、 W 値、エネルギーで外挿すると、 60×sqrt((54/26)×(60/100)) = 70 % FWHM @100keV 60%@59.5keV 検出器応答

24 K. Miuchi Gas gains operation gain for MIPs ~50,000 Gain curves Gain map Gain uniformity Maximum / minimum = 2.2 TPC performance (with Ar+C2H6 gas)

25 K. Miuchi June 11, 2007 DBD07

26 K. Miuchi TPC performance ① tracking 400  m digital “HIT” ( for tracking) + summed analog ( for energy) F 500keV 5~6mm in 0.2atm CF 4 F,C tracks n 252 Cf Y X -15cm 15cm -15cm 30cm Z(drift) 0cm X,Y image Z projection Fidutial 24×21.5×31cm 3 (CF4 8.9g) FLAT response trigger Trigger : z=0 cm 30 Preprints: physics/070118 K.Miuchi gamma rejection < 2e-4 ( statistics limited )

27 K. Miuchi データ シミュレー ション クロスセクショ ン 検出器の 方向依存感度マップ 測定値 「 DM の 風」 測定値 × sim = Expected 「 DM の風」 sim Expected cosθ 分布( DM ) Input: エネルギー分解能、角度分解能、 WIMP 質量、エネルギー BIN Input: エネルギー BIN 、絶対検出効 率 For given WIMP 質量、 反跳エネルギー WIMP 質量、エネルギー BIN ごとに用意 比較

28 K. Miuchi June 11, 2007 DBD07

29 Jan 27, 2007 3rd MPGD workshop Spectra Energy spectra from the whole volume (with energy corrections) 109 Cd linearity Energy resolution 133 Ba 241 Am Ag-K  Cu-K  Cs-K  Cu-K  59.5keV 60%@59.5keV 22.2+24.9keV 31keV 8keV

30 Jan 27, 2007 3rd MPGD workshop Particle Tracking muons Electrons (~100keV) Protons (~2MeV) 30cm Neutrons ( 252Cf ) 511keV  ‘s ( 22Na ) Cosmic ray muons

31 Jan 27, 2007 3rd MPGD workshop 3D Spatial resolution Fit muon tracks with straight lines plot the residuals Residual muon tracks data Fitted line data residual Residual (short drift) Residual (long drift) Drift length  -PIC  dependence on drift length r [cm] l [cm]

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