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Under the Hood By Izzy Feltrop 2 period. Save Files Flash Drive Folder I Cloud CD Email.

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1 Under the Hood By Izzy Feltrop 2 period

2 Save Files Flash Drive Folder I Cloud CD Email

3 Hardware Keyboard- It helps you type, and search for things. Mouse- The mouse helps you click on things. Desk Top- “This refers to the information on the screen or the file which the computer user has called up and is working on.” Monitor – “An instrument or device used for observing, checking, or keeping a continuous record of a process or quantity: "a heart monitor". Disk- “An information storage device for a computer in the shape of a round flat plate that can be rotated to give access to all parts of the.”

4 Websites I Used puter- speaker.html puter- speaker.html timeline.htm timeline.htm 288815/

5 Hardware Pt 2 Speaker- “ Speakers are a way for computers to make sounds by means of digital or analog audio. The speaker has given the computer a new way to interact with its users.” Microphone- “An instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations, which may then be amplified.” Video Camera- “A camera for recording images on videotape or for transmitting them to a monitor screen”. Hard Disk- “A rigid no removable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity”. System Unit- “A system unit, also known as a S.U., is the main unit of a personal computer, typically consisting of a metal or plastic enclosure.”

6 Software System- “Written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a.” Applications- “Application software, also known as an application, is computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple.” Data- “Program that merges files from several databases, extracts, filters, and summarizes the data without loss of integrity and without interference, and presents it in an easy to use format.”

7 10 Important Things In Computer History “1937Alan Turing: Alan Turing develops the concept of a theoretical computing machine 1939George Stibitz: George Stibitz develops the Complex Number Calculator - a foundation for digital computers 1963The Computer Mouse: Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse (nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end) 1971E-mail: E-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson 1972First Video Game: Atari releases Pong, the first commercial video game 1972 The CD: The compact disc is invented in the United States. 1981Microsoft: MS-DOS Computer Operating System increases its success 1994YAHOO is created in April, 1994. 1998Google: Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998 2006Skype announces that it has over 100 million registered users.”

8 Measurement Terms KiloByte- A unit of memory or data equal to 1,024 (210) bytes MegaByte- A unit of information equal to 220 bytes or, loosely, one million bytes. GigaByte- A unit of information equal to one billion (109) or, strictly, 230 bytes. TeraByte- A unit of information equal to one million million (1012) or strictly, 240 bytes. PetaByte- A unit of information equal to 1000 terabytes or 10^15 bytes. ExaByte- A unit of information equal to one quintillion (10 18) bytes, or one billion gigabytes. ZettaByte- a unit of information equal to 1000 exabytes or 10^21 bytes. YottaByte- a unit of information equal to 1000 zettabytes or 10^24 bytes. RAM- R andom access memory

9 PC "The personal computer (PC), which is also called the microcomputer and was designed for use by one person, was first developed for businesses in the early 1970s. Digital Equipment Corporation made the PDP8 for scientific laboratories. Steve Wozniak (1950– ) and Steve Jobs (1955– ), college dropouts who founded Apple Computer in 1976, are credited with inventing the first computer for home use. Working out of a garage, they spent six months developing the prototype (initial model) for Apple I. It was bought by some 600 hobbyists, who had to know how to wire, program, and set up the machine. Apple II was introduced in 1977 as the first fully assembled, programmable microcomputer. Nevertheless this machine still required customers to use their televisions as screens and to use audio cassettes for data storage. The Apple II sold for just under $1,300. That same year Commodore and Tandy introduced affordable personal computers. In 1984, Apple Computer introduced the Macintosh (Mac), which became the first widely used computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). By 1981, IBM (International Business Machines) had introduced a PC that quickly over-took the Mac.”

10 First Lab Top “The laptop was invented by Adam Osborne in 1981. It was called 'Osborne 1' and cost $1,795. It came bundled with $1,500 worth of programs. It had a tiny computer screen built into it. It was invented by Osborne Computers.”

11 Virus, Worm, And Trojan Horse Virus- “Computer viruses are often spread by attachments in email messages or instant messaging messages. That is why it is essential that you never open email attachments unless you know who it's from and you are expecting it. Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video files.” Worm- “A computer worm is a type of virus that replicates itself, but does not alter any files on your machine. However, worms can still cause havoc by multiplying so many times that they take up all your computer's available memory or hard disk space. If a worm consumes your memory, your computer will run very slowly and possibly even crash. If the worm affects your hard disk space, your computer will take a long time to access files and you will not be able to save or create new files until the worm has been eradicated.” Trojan Horse- “Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. One of the most insidious types of Trojan horse is a program that claims to rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses into your system.”

12 5 Major Companies 1. Apple- Founded by Ronald Wayne, Steve Woziak, an Steve jobs. 2. Dell- Founded by Michael S. Dell. 3. Toshiba- Founded by Hisashige Tanaka. 4. IBM- Founded by Charles Ranlett Flint, and Thomas J. Watson. 5. HP- Founded by William Reddington Hewlett and David Packard.

13 Future I think that in the future we will be able to have touch screen computers. We can not type we could speak and it would type for us. I also think that they will make touch screen Lab Tops, they will also make Lab Tops smaller and easier to carry.

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