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Found Poetry Found poetry uses words and phrases from other sources to craft a poem. It can draw from any of the following sources: Newspaper articles.

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Presentation on theme: "Found Poetry Found poetry uses words and phrases from other sources to craft a poem. It can draw from any of the following sources: Newspaper articles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Found Poetry Found poetry uses words and phrases from other sources to craft a poem. It can draw from any of the following sources: Newspaper articles Speeches Graffiti Movie Lines Novels Other poems

2 OR... Using a two paragraph passage, write your found poem exclusively using words and phrases from those passages.

3 Requirements Minimum of two stanzas (quatrains) Should include at least two allusions per stanza Does not have to rhyme, but can Doesn’t need to have a recurring message or theme, but should flow from one message to the next Underneath your poem, catalogue your sources

4 Example Some say the word will end in fire--- Great---but can it wait? I have miles to go before I retire, so please delay that date. Fourscore and seven years ago, something happened. I forget what. My history teacher would be upset, But, like Michael Scott, I often forget. Would any of you like the answer to the question: What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? 42. What, you wanted the one ring?

5 Example #2 http://www.readwriteth lesson_images/lesson 1034/sample.pdf

6 Homework Start gathering words and phrases for your found poem. You can even include whole lines. Make a sight reading appointment if you haven’t yet. Thursday is the final day to read.

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