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IDS 2007 091 117 70691 Ethiopia: Policy-making in a federal context - views from the regions Amdissa.

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Presentation on theme: "IDS 2007 091 117 70691 Ethiopia: Policy-making in a federal context - views from the regions Amdissa."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDS 2007 091 117 70691 Ethiopia: Policy-making in a federal context - views from the regions Amdissa Teshome FACE Coordinator

2 IDS 2007 091 117 70692 The formal, federal level process e.g. PASDEP (new PRSP – focus on growth and commercial agriculture)  Expert led, Addis-based, donor influenced, some civil society ‘consultation’  Strong policy ‘narrative’, but lacks alternatives  Lack of attention to regional/local specifics  Not known outside elite policy circles – lacking ownership

3 IDS 2007 091 117 70693 A bottom-up process based in the regions: future agricultures  Genuine participation of rural communities in generating ideas for agricultural transformation (“rural communities have lost their voice and want it back”)  Triangulation of ideas with the scientific community  Informing, engaging policy makers and implementers

4 IDS 2007 091 117 70694 The findings … so far (1) In contrast to policy statements, there is considerable pressure on agricultural labour  Population structure  Low productivity  Attitude to work/culture  Universal primary education  Child rights  Disease i.e. local findings suggest fundamental assumptions of policy framework are questioned

5 IDS 2007 091 117 70695 The findings … so far (2) Investment in agriculture is not just about capital in ‘new’ agricultural enterprises (e.g. flowers), but also about investment in the ‘old’ agriculture (the majority)  Investment in knowledge, belonging… as well as capital  Fostering urban-rural linkages and bringing the urban to the rural  Emphasis on staple crop/livestock production and livelihoods

6 IDS 2007 091 117 70696 The findings … so far (3)  Business as usual will not work… need for a re- thinking of institutions and their roles (government, donors, NGOs) (“What difference does it make to Ethiopian farmers today if MoARD ceases to exist”?)  Demand for a bottom-up driven process of reform of key institutions… but resistance, because policy comes from the top!

7 IDS 2007 091 117 70697 Diversification [??] Intensification [1990s] Commercialisations [1960s, 2000s] Depopulation [1980s-] Diverse pathways for future agricultures

8 IDS 2007 091 117 70698  Inconsistency in policy positions – creating uncertainty, lack of commitment (and poor results)  Government policy shifts due to external influences – WB, donors, political contexts  Lack of embedded, national policy processes – consensus building, ownership etc.

9 IDS 2007 091 117 70699 BUT…  Each pathway of future agricultures found in each region – depends on where, for whom etc?  But integrated, locally-focused policy is not evident!  Result – regions confronted every 5 years or so with a totally different policy frame – which doesn’t fit local needs Therefore: need a bottom-up policy process, building evidence and designs from below….critical in a federal context like Ethiopia

10 IDS 2007 091 117 706910 Alternative sources of evidence for policy? e.g. % involved in agriculture in 20-25 yrs, the message from the experts are clear….

11 IDS 2007 091 117 706911 The way forward? We are…  convinced that the process is worth doing, despite some critics  seeking to refine the process  planning to engage and disseminate at higher levels More broadly – Emerging lessons for moving beyond technical, expert-led policy processes, particularly in decentralised, federal settings with diverse agricultures, now and in the future

12 IDS 2007 091 117 706912 Thank you FACE team Contact in Ethiopia:

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