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Imperialism The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the.

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2 Imperialism The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the people of that nation.

3 *Why?  Political  Balance of Power  Celebrity status  Military victories

4 Economic  Industrialization:  raw materials  new markets  Cheap Labor  Investment Opportunities

5 The Unknown  Adventure  Hunting  Exploring  Medical Research  Scientific Research

6 The Call of Religion  Christianize the “savages”  Protect the missionaries  Missions  Teaching European manners and ideas

7 Ideological  “White Man’s Burden” to bring “civilization” to the world  “Social Darwinism” argued that Europeans were superior to other cultures.  “survival of the fittest”  Europeans technologically advanced = Europeans fittest  Nation…Why not an Empire???

8 How?

9 Innovations  Transportation  Trains speed of 35 m.p.h vs. stagecoach 10 m.p.h.  Steamships, cross Atlantic in 15 days, not 3 months  Ability to cross vast distances quickly.

10 Weapons  Maxim Gun, first automatic machine gun  fires hundreds of bullets per minute  Took 2-3 people to fire/feed ammo  “Whatever happens we have got the Maxim gun and they have not”. Hilaire Belloc

11 Communication  Telegraph  Lay wire on sea floor to connect countries  Can communicate over vast distances

12 Medicine  Quinine, protects against malaria  White mans’ grave.  Sick and die,  People who live there get sick, immunity,  does not cure-it is a protection.  Sap from a tree in S. America Cinchona

13 Forms of Management  Direct Control, expensive but effective  ruled through European civil servants,  goal to assimilate natives- make them in to Europeans  Indirect Control, cheap but not always reliable  ruled through local chiefs, develop local leaders to help rule

14 Forms of Imperialism  Colony  a country or a region governed internally by a foreign power  Protectorate  Internal native government but under control of outside foreign power  Sphere of Influence  outside power claims trade & investment rights – usually in the best interests of the foreign power

15 Africa “The Dark Continent”

16 Pre-Imperial  Diversity  over 1,000 languages  various sizes of political bodies (from villages to empires)  large Christian, Muslim and Traditionalist religions  Europeans enter the scene around 1450 C.E.  They only could build forts on the coasts because of disease and strong African armies  Wanted slaves and refueling stations for ships to reach Asia

17  1880 European nations controlled only 10% of Africa


19 China was carved into many Spheres of Influence by Europe and Japan.

20 Explorer, Dr. David Livingstone  Goal= bring “Christianity, commerce and civilization”  Took 3 trips into the interior of Africa between 1841 and 1873  Wrote travel adventure books  Made Africa into an adventure area  “Discovered” Victoria Falls

21 Scramble for Africa  Started by King Leopold II of Belgium  Conquered the Congo Basin, to “end slave trade”  Brutally forced Africans to collect wild rubber

22 $$$$  Wealth discovered—minerals and cash crops  Minerals (Gold, Diamonds, Tin, Copper, Uranium, etc.)  Diamonds in South Africa in 1867  Gold in South Africa in 1886  Cash Crops (Peanuts, Palm- Oil, Rubber, tobacco, cocoa, etc.)

23 Rivalry  Britain wanted Cape Town to Cairo (north/south)  France wanted Dakar to Djibouti (east/west)  Germany and Italy fearing to be left out rush to claim the leftovers

24 Berlin Conference  Fearing a war Bismarck sets up Berlin Conference of 1884-1885  set up rules for nations to carve up Africa  colonies had to be "effectively occupied".  not enough simply to put up a flag and say the region was yours.  had to officially defend and administer the area  By 1913, only Ethiopia and Liberia were free of European control

25 Effects of Imperialism  Positive  Reduced local warfare  improved sanitation  Hospitals and Schools  Economic growth (telegraphs, railways, etc.)  United in their hatred towards Europeans  people live longer  Negative  lost lands, lost lives (to warfare and diseases)  Cash crops caused famine  destruction of cultures and traditional borders

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