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©2006 Richard Watson Todd A new methodology for Thailand? Richard Watson Todd King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.

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2 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd A new methodology for Thailand? Richard Watson Todd King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

3 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The recent history of ELT in Thailand n Based in traditional teaching of language knowledge n 1980s and 1990s: move towards CLT n 1999: National Education Act n 1990s-present: use of standards n 1990s: use of self-access in universities n 2000s: use of task-based teaching and e-learning in universities n 2004: use of self-access in secondary schools

4 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The reality of ELT in Thailand n Most teachers say they use CLT n Many teachers are not aware of the standards and the National Education Act n Innovations are rarely implemented effectively n Little has really changed: traditional approaches still dominate

5 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd 3 recent methodological innovations n Autonomous learning (aka learner- centredness) n Project learning n Data-driven learning

6 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Autonomous learning n Autonomy = learners are willing to and capable of taking charge of their own learning n Autonomy = learners take responsibility for decisions traditionally belonging to the teacher n Autonomy is not innate, and can only be achieved slowly

7 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Autonomous learning n Methods of encouraging autonomy –Groupwork led by students –Self and peer evaluation –Teacher-student consultations –Reflective activities –Self-access learning –Learner contracts –Portfolio assessment –Student-generated materials and topics

8 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Project learning n Types of projects –Research projects (e.g. gathering information about a local temple) –Correspondence projects (e.g. e-mail keypals) –Survey projects (e.g. asking tourists about problems) –Encounter projects (e.g. inviting a guest speaker) –Production projects (e.g. making a class newspaper) –Organisational projects (e.g. forming an English club)

9 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Project learning n Long-term learning n No predetermined language objectives n Focus on content n Student-centred, with teacher providing support and resources n Cooperative n Authentic with a real-world purpose n Potentially motivating, empowering and challenging

10 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Data-driven learning n Teachers provide concordances to students n Students generate their own understandings by making inductions from concordances n Students are exposed to language, think about language, and work with language

11 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd

12 3 recent methodological innovations n Autonomous learning (aka learner- centredness) n Project learning n Data-driven learning

13 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Reasons why methodologies do not lead to change n Source of the methodology –core countries v. Thailand –appropriacy of the methodology to the situation availability of facilities availability of resources level of students match with cultural expectations influence of testing top-down imposition by the Ministry

14 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Reasons why methodologies do not lead to change n Do we really need methodologies? –Objectives of teaching –Radical v. gradual change –View of teachers in methodologies –Methodologies v. strategies

15 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Positive factors promoting change in Thai ELT n Ministry of Education standards n National Education Act of 1999 n Ministry of Education decentralisation

16 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Ministry of Education standards n Use English specifically for communication, management in learning, further education and careers n Search for an effective way of learning a foreign language and for one’s own effective learning style n Use English language in searching for knowledge relevant to other subjects to widen world knowledge

17 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Ministry of Education standards n Linking knowledge gained to real life n Self-directed learning n Groupwork, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, assignments n Completing various activities and research collaboratively as project work

18 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The National Education Act n The learning process shall aim at... self- reliance; creativity; and acquiring thirst for knowledge and capability of self-learning on a continual basis.

19 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The National Education Act In organizing the learning process, educational institutions shall: –provide substance and arrange activities in line with the learners' interests and aptitudes, bearing in mind individual differences; –provide training in thinking process, management, how to face various situations and application of knowledge for obviating and solving problems; –organize activities for learners to draw from authentic experience... enable learners to think critically and acquire the reading habit and continuous thirst for knowledge;

20 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The National Education Act In organizing the learning process, educational institutions shall: –ensure that both learners and teachers may learn together from different types of teaching-learning media and other sources of knowledge; –enable individuals to learn at all times and in all places. n Educational institutions... shall contribute to strengthening the communities by encouraging learning in the communities themselves.

21 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Ministry of Education decentralisation n Schools can choose own texts n Schools are encouraged to produce own curricula and materials

22 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Ministry of Education recommended textbooks n Primary schools –19 books recommended –7 written by Thai teachers n Secondary schools –25 recommended textbooks –NONE written by Thai teachers

23 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd Model materials produced by Thai teachers n Lesson/unit materials available on the Internet – on__to_materials.htm on__to_materials.htm –Keep our school cleanKeep our school clean –Local signsLocal signs –SuperstitionsSuperstitions –Local productsLocal products

24 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The challenge n No need to copy Western methodologies n Thai teachers should be developing their own methods n Thai teachers should develop their own materials n By making these available to other Thai teachers, all Thai education will benefit

25 ©2006 Richard Watson Todd The Thai methodology n Not a teaching/learning methodology n A methodology for professional development n Developing and sharing materials and approaches for the greater benefit of all

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