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Let’s talk about your family members or friends. Name Age (年龄) Appearance ( 外貌 ) Favourite food\colur Job Hobbies.

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4 Let’s talk about your family members or friends. Name Age (年龄) Appearance ( 外貌 ) Favourite food\colur Job Hobbies

5 Tell me about your pen pal. What does he like to do? His hobby is painting, and that’s my hobby,too! How does he go to school? Does he go to school by car? No, he goes on foot, because his school is not too far.

6 To: Liu Yun @ From: Alice @

7 预测: Alice 会给 Liu Yun 写点什么?快 速阅读,找出相应的答案。 Age 岁数 City Job 职业 QQ number Favourite colour Family members Favourite colour HobbiesStudy C 在阅读短文时我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信 息快速浏览,获取关键信息。 Learning tip (学习方法小提示) :

8 To: Liu Yun @ pen From : Alice @ pen Dear Liu Yun, I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in Australia.I like swimming, diving, and riding my bike. My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites.I like sports, but she likes art. We look the same, butwe don’t like the same things. Tell me something about you: what’s your hobby? Your new pen pal, Alice.

9 Age 岁数 City Job 职业 QQ number Favourite colour Family members Favourite colour HobbiesStudy √ √ √

10 放慢阅读速度,找出相应的答案 1.What’s Alice’s hobby ? 2.What’s Ann’s hobby ? Alice Ann A riding a bike E making kites B sports F diving C art G drawing pictures D swimming 在阅读时如需要寻找细节信息,应该放慢阅读速 度,在找到的关键信息处划线或做标记。 Learning tip ② (学习方法小提示) :

11 To: Liu Yun @ pen From : Alice @ pen Dear Liu Yun, I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in Australia. I like swimming, diving, and riding my bike. My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites. I like sports, but she likes art. We look the same, but we don’t like the same things. Tell me something about you: what’s your hobby? Your new pen pal, Alice.

12 Task2 : Read and choose the right answers. Alice Ann A riding a bike E making kites B sports F diving C art G drawing pictures D swimming A riding a bike D swimming F diving B sports G drawing pictures E making kites C art

13 To: Alice @ From: Liu Yun @

14 Discussion( 小组讨论) Suppose ( 假设) you are Liu Yun What do you like to write to Alice? To: From :

15 Dear Alice, Australia must be fun! I live in China with my mom and dad. I don’t have a sister or brother. My mom is a singer. She likes swimming. My dad is a TV reporter. He likes listening to music. I like playing the violin and writing emails. Your new friend, LiuYun.

16 1.There are three people in LiuYun’s family. ( )family 2.LiuYun’s mother likes listening to music. ( )music 3.LiuYun’s father is a TV reporter, and he likes swimming. ( )wimming 4.LiuYun likes writing emails. ( )emails √ √ × × Task 3: Listen and tick or cross.

17 1.What is LiuYun’s hobby? 2.What is her mother’s hobby? 3.What is her father’s hobby? 4.What’s Alice’s hobby? 5.What is her sister’s hobby? Read the two emails again and try to answer the questions. Task 4:

18 Read the two emails again and try to answer the questions. 1.What is LiuYun’s hobby? 2.What is her mother’s hobby? 3.What is her father’s hobby? 4.What’s Alice’s hobby? 5.What is her sister’s hobby? She likes playing the violin and writing the emails. She likes swimming. He likes listening to music. She likes swimming, diving and riding her bike. She likes drawing pictures and making kites.

19 To: From: Sammy Poem Dear Sammy: I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in SanShui. I am a teacher. I like swimming,singing and drawing. I have a sister.Her name is Candy. She is a manager. She is very kind, My mother is a housewife. She is very friendly. My father is a boss. He is very strict. I am afraid of him. Tell me something about you? Your new pen pal, Poem.

20 John: Kay: Kay Apple: Apple

21 关于爱好的: playing basketball( 打篮球 ), making models( 制作模型 ), doing crafts( 做手工艺品 ), doing puzzles( 拼拼图、解谜语 ) , roller-skating( 滑旱冰 ) , board skating( 滑滑板 ) 等; 关于职业的: housewife( 家庭主妇 ), beautician( 美容师 ), vendor( 小贩 ), driver( 司机 ), boss( 老板 ), manager( 经理 ), assistant( 服务员 ) Write an e-mail to make a new pen pal. To: From:

22 1.Write an e-mail to me with Computer 2.Write an e-mail to make a new pen pal.


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