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Agenda: Monday 11/22/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: Monday 11/22/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: Monday 11/22/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday 1. Bring your book 2. Be back in your assigned seat today 3. Bell Work: 1.No bell work paper this week 2.You have to write it neatly 4. Net Force Notes 5. Motion Practice

2 Bell Work 11/22/10 (Write Q&A) Answer neatly on Page 36: A car is travelling at a constant velocity, What information is needed to determine its acceleration ( hint: it’s a trick )? The car is at constant velocity = no acceleration The car is speeding up, what information do you need to determine its acceleration? a=F/mnet force & mass of the car Net force = sum of all forces acting on the car

3 Net Force Net force is the sum of the forces acting on an object. Gravity is a force that is always acting on you Gravity (g= 9.8 m/s 2 ) Forces are usually found in pairs. What is the net force of a stationary object (hint: a= 0 m/s 2 )? ◦ A stationary object is not moving, so all forces are equal. Net force = 0 N If an object is moving the net force must be? ◦ > 0 N

4 What forces are acting on your desk ( assume your desk has a mass of 50kg )? Is your desk moving? Then what is the force of the desk? ◦ = to gravity Net Force Gravity Force of Desk

5 If two people were pushing on your desk what forces are acting on your desk? What do we need to know to solve for acceleration? ◦ Net Force (so we need all the forces on the object) ◦ Mass of the object Net Force Gravity Force of Object 2 nd person 1 st person

6 What is the acceleration of your desk if it has a mass of 50 kg, the first person is pushing with 12 N of force & and the 2 nd person is pushing with 16 N of force? ◦A◦A =F/m ◦M◦M =50kg ◦G◦G ravity = force of object (cancels out) ◦1◦1 6-12 N = 4 N ◦A◦A =4 N/ 50 kg ◦A◦A = 0.08 m/s 2 Net Force Gravity Force of Object 2 nd person 1 st person

7 Agenda: Monday 11/22/10 1. Cornell Notes: Net Force 1.Attach to page 127 2. Practice net force problems 1.Attach to page 126 3. Work on handout: F=MA 1.1-5 goes on page 124 2.6-10 goes on page 125 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday

8 Agenda: Tuesday 11/23/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday 1. Be back in your assigned seat today 2. Bell Work: 1.No bell work paper this week 2.You have to write it neatly 3. Notes: Gravity & Weight 4. Motion Practice

9 Bell Work 11/23/10 (Write Q&A) Answer neatly on Page 36: Draw the diagram. What is the net force acting on the box? What direction is the net force? If the box has a mass of 50 kg, what would be its acceleration? Net force= (5N+3N+2N) – 12 N = -2 N  a=F/m A= 2 N/50kg A=0.04 m/s 2 5 N 3 N 12 N 2 N

10 Weight Weight = mass X gravity (w=mg) ◦ Gravity = 9.8 m/s 2 ◦ Weight is a result of the force of gravity and is measured in Newtons Mass is ◦ The amount of matter in an object Weight is the force of gravity on the mass of an object ◦ Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravity (9.8 m/s 2 )

11 Agenda: Tuesday 11/23/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday 1. Cornell Notes: Weight 1.Attach to page 129 2. Practice Weight & gravity problems 1.Attach to page 128 3. Work on handout: F=MA 1.1-5 goes on page 124 2.6-10 goes on page 125

12 Agenda: Wednesday 11/24/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday 1. Be back in your assigned seat today 2. Bell Work: 1.No bell work paper this week 2.You have to write it neatly 3. Quiz 4. Get Caught Up

13 Bell Work 11/24/10 (Write Q&A) Answer neatly on Page 37: Draw the diagram. What is the net force acting on the box? What direction is the net force? If the box has a mass of 10 kg, what would be its acceleration? Net force= (5N+2N) – (3N+ 9 N) = -5 N  a=F/m A= 5 N/10kg A=0.5 m/s 2 5 N 3 N 9 N 2 N

14 Agenda: Wednesday 11/24/10 Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday Academic Standards: cp.1.21- cp.1.23 Reminders: No Notebook Check this week Quiz Wednesday 1. Be back in your assigned seat today 2. Quiz 1.Get netbook and go to class page. 2.Click link under quiz and take the online quiz 3. Get Caught Up

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