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Legal Fragmentation Analyzer. Outline Background and Objective of technique Method How technique works Screen shots of program.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Fragmentation Analyzer. Outline Background and Objective of technique Method How technique works Screen shots of program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Fragmentation Analyzer

2 Outline Background and Objective of technique Method How technique works Screen shots of program

3 Objective of Ecosystem-Based Management Manage for connections in ecosystem Need to know: – Where does management account for the ecosystem? – Where do we need to restructure/add new law? These will differ by ecological system, socio- cultural and economic context, and geography!

4 Method of Gap Analysis Given the relationships between components defined in an ecosystem model: Which relationships are explicitly acknowledged in law? Which are not explicitly addressed in law? (=gaps) Gap = Linkage that exist in the ecosystem that is absent in management NOTE: Laws (statutes and regulations) are used to represent management

5 Ecosystem 1: Food Web of the Gulf of Farallones ( /FoodWeb.pdf) Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones Ecosystem 2: Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Two Ecosystem Models How technique works

6 Ecosystem 1: Food Web of the Gulf of Farallones ( b.pdf) Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

7 Food Web of the Gulf of Farallones Ecosystem linkage (represented by an arrow in the pictorial diagram) Convert to matrix format Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

8 Food Web of the Gulf of Farallones State law and regulation Federal law and regulation Ecosystem linkage Gap (ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad ) These are the sections of law that potentially acknowledge, account for, or even mitigate for the ecosystem links These are the ecosystem relationships that are absent in law Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

9 Food Web of the Gulf of Farallones Federal law and regulation Ecosystem linkage Gap (ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad ) Interpretation Overall low degree of fit between entire ecosystem and laws Some of the food web interactions are potentially accounted for in law Interactions involving lower trophic levels are not explicit in law or regulation Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

10 (Suggested amendments from Ecosystem 2: Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

11 Amended from Direct ecosystem linkage Indirect ecosystem linkage Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Convert to matrix format Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

12 State law and regulation Federal law and regulation Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Direct ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Direct ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

13 Federal law and regulation Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Direct ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Direct ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) These are all sections of law that potentially acknowledge, account for, or even mitigate for the ecosystem links. Reveal areas that could be strengthened to deal with these interactions Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

14 Federal law and regulation Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Direct ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Direct ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

15 Federal law and regulation Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Direct ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Direct ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

16 Federal law and regulation Species with Biophysical Conditions and Human Stressors Direct ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with one more section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad Indirect ecosystem linkage with no section of law containing co-occurrence of dyad (=gap) Interpretation Lower degree of fit between entire ecosystem and laws A few stressors to species interactions may be accounted for in law Species interactions, and stressors- species interactions are not explicit in law or regulation Demonstration of analyses for Gulf of Farallones How technique works

17 Legal Fragmentation Analyzer Screen shots of alpha version Beta version release: January 2009

18 Institutional-Ecosystem Analysis





23 Gaps Results

24 Visualizing results Allows user to view graphical representation of laws and regulations that pertain to the user- defined ecosystem

25 Visualizing results Laws and regulations Allows user to view graphical representation of laws and regulations that pertain to the user- defined ecosystem

26 Visualizing results Agency involvement Laws and regulations Allows user to view graphical representation of laws and regulations that pertain to the user- defined ecosystem

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