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Mechanical Engineering Department Summer 2013 Internships Brief January 15 2013.

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1 Mechanical Engineering Department Summer 2013 Internships Brief January 15 2013

2 Procedures/Deadlines Not fully updated yet but it will be in next day or so.



5 Procedure/Deadlines over 55 ME internship positions available. Procedure: 1.Talk to POC 2.Fill the application form 3.Submit electronic (hard copy) directly to the ME department internship coordinator by February 1 2013. Div Rep: CDR Jack Rice,, Aero Rep: CDR James Pfeiffer,, ECE Rep: CDR Hartley Postlewthwaite,, Mech E Rep: Prof Luksa Luznik,, NAOE Rep: CDR Josh LaPenna,, Systems Rep: Prof Randy Broussard,, Internship Name_ContactUSNA POC 1PNNL_Unmanned Systems_MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 2PNNL_Text Analytics_MnelsonProf. M. Nelson 3PNNL_Signature Discovery_MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 4PNNL_Safeguards_MnelsonProf. M. Nelson 5PNNL_Portable Rad Detector_MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 6PNNL_Counterintelligence_MnelsonProf. M. Nelson 7PNNL_Climate Change_MnelsonProf. M. Nelson 8PNNL_Asia Shift_MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 9PNNL_Advanced Radiological Sensing_MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 10PNNL Electronics and Measurements _ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 11PNNL Radiochem _ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 12DTRA _ Nuclear Wpns Mat_ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 13DTRA _ SNM Detection _MnelsonProf. M. Nelson 14NRLCode_6770 Neutron Detectors_ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 15NSTec _ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 16NDC _ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 17Dahlgren _ MNelsonProf. M. Nelson 18NAVSEA_JDoughtyLCDR J. Doughty 19NUWC Newport _ CerzaProf. M. Cerza 20NPS _ CerzaProf. M. Cerza 21EM at NRL _ AsmithProf A. Smith 22EM at NSWC Dahlgren _ ASmithProf A. Smith 23NRL CORROSION _ KoulProf. M. Koul 24NRL Directed Energy _ PjoyceProf. P. Joyce 25NPS Directed Energy _ WatkinsCAPT J. Watkins 26NSWCCD _ SgrahamProf. S. Graham 27ORNL_LLuznikProf. L. Luznik 28ORNL _ Cowart and CatonProf. J. Cowart

6 Over 20 internships available Relevant to detection, measurements, radiological sensing Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Washington) USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Marty Nelson (RI337)

7 4 internships available NAVSEA Review systems engineering plans and get involved in Test & Evaluation working groups USNA Point of Contact: LCDR Jamer Doughty (RI 318)

8 4 internships available UAV Engine Development USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Jim Cowart (RI 361)

9 6 internships available NUWC Newport, RI Naval Postgraduate School USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Marty Cerza (RI 365)

10 6 internships available Electromagnetic Railgun research USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Andrew Smith (RI 352)

11 5 internships available Corrosion Research & Prevention USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Michelle Koul (RI 311)

12 Directed Energy on Composites USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Peter Joyce (RI 353) Directed Energy Beam Control Investigation USNA Point of Contact: CAPT Joe Watkins (RI 303)

13 Remote Sensing of an Air Water Interface USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Ralph Volino (RI 353) Renewable energy, tidal turbines USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Luksa Luznik (RI 353) Fabrication of Composites USNA Point of Contact: Prof. Steve Graham (RI 353)

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