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Supporting learning and creativity through the best in digital services Audio Network plc and RBC.

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1 Supporting learning and creativity through the best in digital services Audio Network plc and RBC

2 ‘Information Age - edit’ ‘Information Age - main mix’ Composer - Blair Booth Publisher - Audio Network plc Information Age I said, Name your number, State your age; Knowledge is power It’s the information age. Everybody’s doing it, and doing it free, Surfing the net for possibilities. Super-dot and supercharged and ready to go; It’s data in the comfort of your home sweet home. I said Name your number, State your age; Knowledge is power Information’s game. Name your number, I said… Audio Network plc and RBC

3 Music Copyright and the Audio Network Education Licence The Audio Network Education Licence has been developed to provide pupils, students, teachers, schools and colleges with world-class music recordings over the National Education Network and the UK national education broadband networks. Education users will now have access to the same high quality music resource that is used by professional film, television and media producers. The service enables the ‘free’ download of Audio Network music files for use in school and college projects including ‘synchronisation’ use in audio-visual productions together with general guidance on music copyright. June 2005 Audio Network plc and RBC

4 The Education Licence Keeps the school/college legal. Within school or college the music files can be used without charge to support many areas of the curriculum. Work can be exchanged WITHIN the secure National Networks but NOT over the WWW or CD/DVD/video etc. Uses Helps teacher by providing a wide range of music styles/genres with assured quality and known-by-the-teacher standard file types. Soundtracking for digital videos, films, presentations, multimedia, etc. Performance, dance, drama, movement, art installations, v-jaying. Supports ICT and key skills teaching and learning. Helps teachers make digital resources and keeps them clear for wider publication. Provides a common resource for collaborative work and cross school/college training. Curriculum Supports ICT; music; PE; drama; dance; arts; multimedia. Projects in any subject using digital video or ‘powerpoint-type’ presentations. Good for Nursery, Primary, Secondary, FE and HE – inclusive! Awards and vocational work courses Good for e-essays and the new generation of e-assessment awards such as Dida. Provides vocational students with a professional process: selection, cue sheets, etc.

5 The Audio Network-RBC service provides free industry- quality easy-to-use music files online over the National Education Networks for education use WITHIN schools and colleges. They are ideal for digital video productions, ICT and supporting projects in many areas of the curriculum. Additional licences are required for their use OUTSIDE schools or colleges, for: public performance distribution or sale of videos, CD or DVD publishing on the WWW broad/narrow casting This is similar to the process that is commonly used in education for performing plays or musicals. The Audio Network service provides an assured one-step process to achieving this. Licence boundaries Audio Network plc and RBC

6 Music copyright The music we hear in the media (film, television, DVD, etc.) is produced by the effort, creativity and skills of a wide range of people and organisations: Composer and/or song writer (lyricist) Arranger Music publisher Recording artists and singers/musicians Recording and mastering engineers Record label Artist or composer management Distributor or sub-publisher Many of these people have rights associated with the final music composition and/or recording and all have careers, professional reputations and a living to make. The following notes are focussed on the Audio Network Educational Licence for audio-visual production and do not attempt to cover every aspect of audio or music copyright - which is a vast, complex and ever-developing subject. Audio Network plc and RBC

7 Composing and performing There are two main areas of copyright: the ‘composition’ the ‘recording’ Copyright in the composition and/or song. In the EU (inc. UK) generally the life of the composer + 70 years But it can be different in USA and other countries ( “territories” in copyright speak). Copyright in the recording… Generally 50 years from the date of the recording. Composer Arranger Song Writer Music Publisher Singers Musicians Record Company Audio Network plc and RBC

8 “Synchronisation” and types of use Synchronisation Synchronisation refers to the use of recordings (music, SFX, actualities, etc) in audio-visual productions (film, video, TV, websites, games, presentations, etc); the sound is “synched” to the visuals. In schools recorded music is required to support an increasingly wide range of activities: In the curriculum ICT; Music; Media Studies; Drama; Dance and movement; digital video work in History, English, RE; Citizenship; Art. Teacher produced resources. Performance or live production Presentations (e.g. ‘PowerPoint’); Drama and dance and movement; school productions; V-jaying Recording live production Presentations; Drama and dance productions; Digital-games; V-jaying. Audio-Visual production Creating soundtracks to accompany videos, films and animations to be recorded on digital videos and DVDs. Broad and Narrow casting School websites; school radio stations. Audio Network plc and RBC

9 Clearing music usage rights To obtain permission to perform or use music you have to apply to one (or more) of several organisations. On the left are the uses; on the right the organisations Public performance in schools of the composition/song of the recording through websites PRS (Performing Right Society) PPL (Phonographic Performance Ltd.) PRS Broadcast Dept & PPL Sheet musicMusic publisher Multimedia “synchronisation” of the composition/song of the recording Music publisher and/or composer Record label and artists Traditional Uses Video/DVD duplication or Retail Sale of the composition/song of the recording Music publisher or MCPS (The Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society) Record company Audio Network plc and RBC New Uses

10 New forms of music sharing and music access on the Internet with systems such as ‘i-pod’ are largely based on personal use. The rules for personal use associated with the purchase of music CDs and/or downloading music, etc do not cover many uses required by school or college projects. ‘Fair use’ of recorded material can provide some access in schools – often for playing, sometimes for acknowledged copying, but not usually for creative work, production or public performance. School licences with for instance ERA or CLA don’t specifically cover music or it’s re-purposing. Copyright free? There are a lot of sound effects and music resources on the web available under the terms ‘copyright free’, ‘royalty free’ or ‘free’ – but not all of it is truly rights cleared; the ‘free’ often referring to the service provided by the website rather than the source of the materials. Copyright may not have been cleared. User beware. Creative licences New initiatives such as ‘Creative Commons’ and ‘Creative Archive’ are trying to provide artists with a way of safeguarding their rights while supporting creative endeavour. They are not, however, an “anything goes” proposition. The RBC Audio Network education licence is part of this general movement to provide creative people with quality materials and the ways to using them within legal frameworks fit for the digital age. Personal use rules Audio Network plc and RBC

11 …so is there an answer? This is a fragmented, often confusing and always time-confusing process. Sometimes the rights can’t be cleared or can’t be cleared in the time available and substitute music has to be used. It is even more complex when distributing productions in other countries and it is found that a part of the music used isn’t cleared for those countries. The audio-visual production produced in a school or college has to obtain the same basic usage rights as a corporate video or feature film. composerpublisherartistsrecord co distribution – usually CD overseas agents local societies single use licence libraries PRS Audio Network plc and RBC Clearing rights to use recorded music in audio-visual media projects can be a nightmare … The traditional model means the film, TV or web producer has to clear the rights all along the chain of the music‘s production - composer, publisher and recording, and then deal with overseas rights and territories. The recording Company does not usually have the composing rights and vice versa. The producer will have to undertake this process for each piece of music used in the production. PPL

12 composerpublisher artists record co distribution – usually CD overseas agents local societies single use licence libraries PRS Old Model PPL Blanket licence tailored to fit all user requirements PRS Audio Network Model composers, producers, artists The fragmented and complex process is replaced by a one-step process easily available through online delivery – the blanket licence. The Audio Network initiative … Audio Network brings these separate steps into one instant synchronisation licence. Audio Network commissions new compositions from leading composers which are performed, recorded and pre-cleared for synchronisation use. The producer now only has to think about the public performance/broadcasting rights or the rights to duplicate or retail sale the resultant finished audio-visual product (such as film/ DVD or Video.…) Audio Network plc and RBC

13 Public Performances in schools The Schools Office of the PRS can give guidance regarding what is covered by the existing school licence with the PRS (Performing Right Society) and what constitutes a public performance outside the existing schools licence. For example they can advise if you want to enter a competition or festival, perform to a paying public, etc. To contact the schools office of the PRS call 01494 836205 PRS website Public Performances over web sites… If you want to use music or an audio-visual production containing music on a web-site that can be accessed by members of the public you will need to get clearance from the PRS broadcast office on 020 7306 4500 Note on MCPS blanket licences If as a producer you elect to cover the music use in a production under an MCPS blanket licence that authorises the use of Commercial Music, you are responsible for paying MCPS fees which include the use of Audio Network music. There are more details on this in the Notes. Audio Network plc and RBC

14 Duplication or Retail Sale of DVDs/Videos The RBC Audio Network Education Licence allows students and teachers are allowed to use [synchronise] as much Audio Network music as they like from the LGFL web-site in their audio-visual projects and the creation of one copy of a DVD or Video and one additional DVD or Video for back-up purposes free of charge. The licence does not cover the sale of audio-visual products or the reproduction of additional copies of videos, DVDs, or other products containing the musical compositions whether or not for sale. The RBC have negotiated a special low-cost rate with Audio Network for students and school users to reproduce and distribute or sell a limited number of copies of student or school DVDs and Videos containing Audio Network music from £15, with significant discounts available for groups. This covers both rights in the recording and rights in the composition. Alternatively, the MCPS ( The Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society) offer a more restrictive limited clearance licence for school based audio-visual projects using a limited amount of music from more than one source – with rights in the recording needed to be cleared separately. Audio Network plc and RBC There is more information on this topic in the full notes.

15 Cue Sheets Cue sheets are used by audio-visual producers (from film and television to corporate producers) to track exactly what music is used and to ensure that the music used in the production has been properly cleared with the various copyright owners. The cue sheet records title, timing, duration and details of composer, publisher and record company and also shows how the music has been used in a production ; for instance a piece of music which influences the action of the actors is referred to as featured music, whereas music that simply creates a mood or ambience is referred to as background music. Cue sheets are also used by performing rights societies to allocate performance royalties – for example royalties are paid by broadcasters whenever music is used on television and allocated to composers and artists on the basis of cue sheets provided by the producer to the broadcaster. For the schools licence you are advised to make cue sheets to record the music used in your productions. In particular, cue sheets will be needed if you are seeking a licence to perform or distribute an audio-visual production in public. You can download a cue sheet template from the Audio Network website at or make your own simpler version to suit your production needs. Audio Network plc and RBC

16 Summary Ease of use: digital and on-line over the education broadband networks. Free: school users do not have to pay. Choice: huge range of types of music. Quality: industry quality recordings. Legal: all rights cleared for education use in school/college. Creative Licence: resources can be used creatively. Restrictions: can’t be distributed or performed outside school/college or on WWW without additional licences. Additional licences: one-step process for public performance/distribution. Curriculum relevance: meets the needs of e-learning and supports many areas of the curriculum in Primary, Secondary, Further and Higher Education. Meets needs of examinations and the new generation of e-assessment. World of work: uses industry procedures and supports of vocational courses. Audio Network plc and RBC

17 The Audio Network Education Licence … an initiative between Audio Network PLC and the Regional Broadband Consortia (RBC) on behalf of schools and colleges in the UK. Use the service without charges from a connected school or college at Please note there’s no www in the address! For further information Schools in England should contact their RBC – a full RBC list is at Schools in Scotland should contact LTS and in N.Ireland, C2K. Schools in IOM, Jersey and Guernsey also have access to this service. FE Colleges in England should contact their RBC; in other areas of the UK please email The Audio Network commercial site is at Please note that while the education website is similar in function, look and feel there are some significant differences: e.g. sound effects are only available from for a few £’s per effect, the commercial site includes a wider selection of music compositions and the additional services are different. About the Audio Network Schools Licence General enquiries Audio Network plc and RBC

18 Supporting learning and creativity through the best in digital services Audio Network plc and RBC ‘Hypertrance’ - fade Composer - Matt Hill

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