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Do Now Today’s Title: Unit 7 Test Review Think about a moment in history you studied and reflect on its importance. Write a paragraph in which you discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Today’s Title: Unit 7 Test Review Think about a moment in history you studied and reflect on its importance. Write a paragraph in which you discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Today’s Title: Unit 7 Test Review Think about a moment in history you studied and reflect on its importance. Write a paragraph in which you discuss a moment in history. Explain how it is important in today’s world. Be sure to explain the moment with details and examples. 64L

2 Today’s Agenda!! Indefinite Pronoun-Verb Agreement Review Unit 7 Review Quick Review Stations Homework!!

3 Indefinite Pronoun-Verb Agreement We have learned that when we have indefinite pronouns in a sentence, we must make sure they agree with verbs. For example: One of the guys is playing football. What you have to do is follow these simple steps: 1. Find the indefinite pronoun 2. Decide if the pronoun is singular or plural. 3. Use the example below to choose the correct verb. The dogs run.  plural verb has no “s” The dog runs.  singular verb has an “s” Let’s try some examples… Only focus on the indefinite pronoun. Block off the rest!!

4 Which Verb Should We Choose?? 1.) Few of the girls (is/are) going out for the cheer squad. 2.) Each of the books (is/are) located in the library. 3.) Everyone (enjoy/enjoys) eating candy. 4.) Several of the deer (run/runs) through the woods. 5.) One of the officers (help/helps) our school everyday. 6.) Neither of my sisters (know/knows) how to do homework. 7.) I think it is interesting that many of the workers (spend/spends) so much time building the school. 8.) Nothing (get/gets) in my way of success.

5 Your Turn!! I want you to use your chart on indefinite pronouns to come up with 10 sentences. You need to use the correct indefinite pronoun- verb agreement. Example: Julie knows that none of the puppies is available. You will have 15 minutes to do this. After, you will switch with a partner, and they will check your work!!

6 Unit 7 Review Unit 7 is very short. There are four lessons that you need to know: Indefinite Pronouns-Verb Agreement Persuasion, Unsupported Inferences, Fallacious Reasoning, and Propaganda Figurative Language Multiple Meaning Words AND Shades of Meaning Let’s review each one…

7 Indefinite Pronouns-Verb Agreement Indefinite pronouns refer to people, places, or things in a GENERAL WAY.  This means the pronoun is NOT specific. Examples: Few of the students are in class. Each of the dogs wants to eat. Some of them are walking to the beach. When an indefinite pronoun is the SUBJECT of a sentence, the verb MUST AGREE in number with the pronoun. Do not worry about the words in between the pronoun and verb…they will just confuse you!!

8 Singular Indefinite Pronouns Plural Indefinite Pronouns Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Much Neither Nobody No one Nothing One Other Somebody Someone Something Both Few Many Others Several These all refer to ONE thing. These all refer to at least two or more things.

9 Make sure you look at the INDEFINITE PRONOUN, not any of the other words in the sentence. The INDEFINITE PRONOUN must agree with the verb!! IMPORTANT NOTE!!

10 Persuasion Techniques Persuasion encourages people to think or act in a certain way. Unsupported Inference: An author says something is true, but has no factual support or citations (has no evidence). It is exactly what it sounds like: A statement that is unsupported!! Fallacious Reasoning: When an author fails to reach a conclusion based on reason. Using unrelated details as support. ***Fallacious also means Faulty. Propaganda: An extreme form of persuasion. A writer goes “over the top” to make readers believe an assertion. Information that is one-sided or misleading.

11 Type of Propaganda DefinitionExample Bandwagon The reasoning that “everyone is doing it,” or everyone else uses a certain product - Thousands of allergy sufferers use Sneeze-Free. -Everyone else drinks Coke, so you should too. Either/Or (Black/White) Fallacy The misconception that either you are a part of one thing or the other (there is no middle point) Either you drink this product or you’ll look fat forever Broad Generalization A simplified statement that applies to a whole group of people All people will love wearing our comfortable, sporty shoes. Loaded Language Powerful words that carry deep meanings with them These “New and Improved, All Natural” energy bars will make you feel young again. Snob Appeal Charming based on wanting to be the best Only the best people fly our airlines. Hidden Message Pictures of words that suggest an idea without stating it directly. A photo of an Olympic runner, suggesting you’ll be a winner if you buy a certain brand of sneakers. Testimonial The personal story of a celebrity or person not directly related to the issue Justin Bieber drinks milk everyday to make him strong.

12 Commercials!! You all made so many connections to all of the commercials you have seen. I will show you a couple, and for each commercial, you will answer the following: 1.) What product are they trying to sell you? 2.) What propaganda techniques are being used? &ad={creative}&kw={keyword} &ad={creative}&kw={keyword}

13 Figurative Language: Literal vs. Figurative Figurative language is saying something that you do not mean, while implying (meaning) something else. Figurative language helps the reader to visualize (see) what the writer is thinking. It puts a picture in the readers mind. It is NOT the literal, or actual, meaning of what is said. Literal language is to mean exactly what you say. It is the actual meaning of what it being said. For example, if I say, “You need to sit down,” I literally (or actually) want you to sit down in your seat. There is no other meaning to what I said. Literal LanguageFigurative Language Example: It is raining very hard. Example: It is raining cats and dogs.

14 Figurative Language Simile: A simile is used to compare two unlike things. It uses the words “like” or “as” to make comparisons. Example: His feet are as big as boats. Metaphor: A metaphor is used to compare two unlike things. It does NOT use “like” or “as” --- a metaphor states that it just IS. Example: The internet is an information highway. Hyperbole: A hyperbole is an extreme form of exaggeration. It is used to emphasize or stress a point. Example: I ate a thousand pounds of pasta. PersonificPersonification: ation is when human characteristics (or qualities) are given to nonhuman things. Example: The sky misses the sun at night.

15 Multiple Meaning Words and Shades of Meaning Words with multiple meanings are words that have several meanings depending upon how they are used in a sentence. We use CONTEXT CLUES to help us figure out which meaning is correct. For example: Bill has a cut on his finger Betty will cut out the pictures Read each sentence carefully, so you can decide what meaning the word should have!!

16 Multiple Meaning Words and Shades of Meaning Continued Shades of meaning describe words that have slightly different meanings. Shades of Meaning is a phrase used to describe the small, subtle differences in meaning between similar words or phrases. For example, ‘mad’ and ‘angry’. Both refer to a feeling or showing of anger, but one seems to be more so than the other. Connotation is the attitudes and feelings related with a word. These connections can be negative or positive. Denotation is the literal or dictionary definition of a word.

17 How to get these questions correct on the test… 1. Read the sentence. 2. Use context clues to determine the denotation, basic meaning, of the word being used in the sentence. 3. Determine the answer to the question by: a) Circling the words in the sentence that help explain the meaning of the word

18 Stations!! To practice for your test and the upcoming Benchmark, you are going to complete four stations. You will work independently in four groups. (You may quietly work with a partner IF YOU NEED HELP). WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER KEY. IF YOU CHECK THE ANSWER KEY BEFORE YOU ARE FINISHED, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE ANY OTHER ANSWER KEYS. You will have about 10 minutes for each station. When I say, “Switch,” please rotate the folders as instructed. You may complete these activities on the left hand side of your notebook. Please raise your hand if you have any questions during the stations.

19 Homework!! Due FRIDAY Create your own study guide: 4 examples of figurative language (one of each type) 6 sentences using indefinite-pronoun-verb agreement 4 examples of persuasive techniques 6 sentences using words with multiple meanings

20 Do Now Please come in quietly, so we can get started right away!! Unit 7 Review Continued Page Number: 65

21 Today’s Agenda!! Unit 7 Stations Continued!! Homework

22 Stations!! In order to practice all of the lessons, you will complete four different stations. You will do the same thing you did on Monday!! You will have about 10 minutes at each station. Please do not rotate the folders until I say, “Switch.” If you finish early at any station, please go through your notebook for this unit, and highlight important notes.

23 Homework!! Study for Unit 7 Assessment on Thursday

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