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Welcome! We will be starting the training session shortly. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! We will be starting the training session shortly. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! We will be starting the training session shortly. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently asked webinar tech questions.

2 Communications, Media & Messaging Tuesday, July 24, 2012 Presented by Shuya Ohno


4 OBJECTIVES: By the end of this session, you will understand how to develop a communications plan including an effective campaign message, working with the media, different kinds of earned media, how to craft a press release and effective social media strategies.

5 Live Tweeting is Encouraged! Hashtag: #CPTA @shuyaohno @CandidateProj || @NewOrganizing

6 AGENDA: Developing Your Message Staying 'On Message' Media Basics Press Advisories, Press Releases, and more Social Media – to infinity and beyond!


8 Developing Your Campaign Message

9 You are not normal. You are not the target for your message Telling a Story - not giving a Lecture (6 mins max) Emotion before Facts - Drew Westen's The Political Brain Key Q's - Why are you Running? Why are you a progressive? Conviction - Speak from your heart, think with your head. Developing Your Campaign Message

10 Tools of Messaging

11 Message Box 27 - 9 - 3 S W O T Analysis Repetition, Repetition, Repetition Tools of Messaging

12 Message Box What we say about OURSELVES US Them What they say about US What we say about THEM What they say about THEMSELVES

13 - Experience, Intelligence - True Conservative - Can beat 44 (in debate) - Big Ideas US Them What they say about US - Business Exp/Success - Washington Outsider - True Conservative - Inevitable Nominee What we say about THEM Message Box: Gingrich v Romney (FL)

14 - Experience, Intelligence - True Conservative - Can beat 44 (in debate) - Big Ideas US Them - Corrupt / Washington Insider - Failure - Not Conservative (immoral) - cozy with liberals - Business Exp/Success - Washington Outsider - True Conservative - Inevitable Nominee - Flip Flopping Massachusetts Moderate - RomneyCare - Failed candidate

15 Get your 'foot in the door' The average newspaper quote is about 30 words long. The average TV quote is about 10 seconds. No more than 3 points - stay focused and on message "I think it's time to shake things up: Time to support our schools, time to clean out City Hall, and time to bring jobs back to Anytown." 27 Words - 9 Seconds - 3 Points

16 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats S W O T Analysis

17 Strengths - Smart, Passionate, underdog Weaknesses - Record, Arrogance, funding Opportunities - Debates, Grassroots, Media focus Threats - Arrogance, Media Focus, Santorum/Paul becoming #1 alternative to Romney S W O T Analysis (Gingrich-FL)

18 Message Principles

19 Always know your purpose/objective (Ask?) 5 C's - Concise, Clear, Consistent, Convincing, Contrastive K I S S Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, and then do it all over again. Message Principles

20 Staying 'On Message'

21 Repeat the message, repeat the message, stay on message Pivot to deliver your message It's OK to say, "I can't comment on that right now" or "I don't know, but I will get you that answer" Reject unsubstantiated premises, loaded questions, other tabloid BS Don't open your mouth unless you are prepared to deliver message Staying 'On Message'

22 Media Basics

23 The Advisory – notice to the media about for a specific event (Debate, Press Conference, etc) Brief document that states the facts of the event (the who, what, when and where), and lists them clearly. Are sent out a few days before an event with “NEWS ADVISORY” clearly marked at the top. Follow up advisories with pitch calls. ALWAYS! Media Basics: The Press Advisory Vs. The Press Release

24 Sample Advisory:

25 Remember – Never Lie to the Press Media Relations & the 4 R’s: Respect, Respect …can you guess the other two? What makes a story Newsworthy? Quick Tip Video? New & Hot Local and Relevant Visual & Quotable Human Interest Pitching 101: Whom to pitch, What to pitch and When to pitch. Media Basics: Pitching Your Story

26 Before the Event: Plan Venue Timing Message Media Outreach Follow-up Plan Always have a Media Kit! Media Basics: News Conferences & Media Events

27 Social Media – to Infinity and Beyond!

28 Twitter Facebook Google+ Social Media Favorites

29 How many people are on twitter? Most relevant in the political sphere Campaign outreach Example: Difference between an @ and a # Don’t waste your time SECTION TITLE

30 How many people are on Facebook? Difference between ‘likes’ & how to drive traffic Example: Campaign Outreach Don’t waste your time

31 Fastest Growing Social Network ever had 20 million users within the month of it’s official launch BUT people only spend an average of 5 minutes on the site Example: Upside: Google hangouts



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