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Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Galactic TeV Gamma Ray Sources A Brief Overview of H.E.S.S. Observations Gavin Rowell (MPIK Heidelberg) for the H.E.S.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Galactic TeV Gamma Ray Sources A Brief Overview of H.E.S.S. Observations Gavin Rowell (MPIK Heidelberg) for the H.E.S.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Galactic TeV Gamma Ray Sources A Brief Overview of H.E.S.S. Observations Gavin Rowell (MPIK Heidelberg) for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg Humboldt Univ. Berlin Ruhr-Univ. Bochum Univ. Hamburg Landessternwarte Heidelberg Univ. Kiel Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau College de France, Paris Univ. Paris VI-VII Univ. Montpellier II CEA Saclay CESR Toulouse LAOG Grenoble Paris Observatory Durham Univ. Dublin Inst. for Adv. Studies Charles Univ., Prague Yerewan Physics Inst. Univ. Potchefstroom Univ. of Namibia, Windhoek The H.E.S.S. Collaboration:

2 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 High Energy Stereoscopic System - Array of 4 Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes (square pattern 120m sides) - Ground-based stereoscopic Cerenkov technique - In Namibia, 1800 m a.s.l. – Good infrastructure - dry, high and clear --> 4-Tel System completed December 2003 --> Observations so far : roughly ½ Galactic, ½ Extragal --> 2005: Much time for reobservation/confirmation of new sources!

3 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 H.E.S.S. Performance HEGRA - 5% of Crab flux in 100 hrs - 500 GeV Threshold - Crab flux ~ 10 sigma/sqrt(hr) H.E.S.S. - 5% Crab flux in 1 hour - 0.5% Crab in 100 hours - 100 GeV Threshold - Angular res better than 0.1° per event. - Energy res <= 20% - Crab flux ~60 sigma/sqrt(hr) - Similar to ASCA in ang & energy flux sensitivity! 30 sec 1 night 1 year H.E.S.S. 2004 Crab 1989 Cas A 2002 H.E.S.S EGRET

4 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04  --> First TeV source with resolved morphology SNR RX J1713-3946 2004: 4-tels 33hrs data 2003: 2-tels 18hrs data 42 sigma (2003+2004 data) --> 2 nd paper in preparation PSF HESS Preliminary

5 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 RX J1713 – H.E.S.S & ASCA  Gamma-ray and X-ray morphology quite similar ASCA 1 – 3 keV Uchiyama 2002 HESS Preliminary

6 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Preliminary RX J1713 Spectrum: Whole SNR Quite hard spectrum - dN/dE ~ E -2.20+-0.02 - Total flux similar to Crab - Spectrum extends to E ~ 30 TeV (>6 sigma E>10 TeV) --> High ZA obs in 2005 soon! cf. CANGAROO dN/dE ~ E -2.84+- 0.15

7 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 RX J1713: Variations in spectra? No evidence for a change in spectral slope with current statistics Factors of 2 change in brightness. (similar to X-ray) HESS Preliminary

8 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 RX J0852.0-4622 – 'Vela Junior' 2004 - 3hr observation - 4 tels - dN/dE  E -2.2 - 12 sigma from entire SNR (rad < 1 deg) ~ 1 Crab flux 2005 --> further obs. ~15hr expected soon --> high ZA obs! ASCA 0.7 – 10 keV Slane 2001 HESS Preliminary

9 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Galactic Centre - 17 hrs data  - 2 telescopes  - 11 sigma signal  - Point source  A&A 425, L13 (2004) - 50 hrs data - 4 telescopes - Sgr A (HESS J1745-290) ~ 35 sigma - 5 sigma/sqrt(hour) - No long term (weekly/monthly) variability - Flux and Spectrum compatible with 2003 --> new paper in preparation AND a new source seen in the same FoV! 2003 2004 Sgr A New source!

10 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Gal. Centre: at TeV Energies HESS: 2003 data: dN/dE  E -2.2 Flux > 160 GeV: (5 % Crab) CANGAROO: dN/dE  E -4.6 Flux > 160 GeV: (~ 1 Crab) HESS: 2003 data: 95% limit on source size 3' or ~ 7 pc 95% c.l. on location error ~ 1.5' Sgr A-EAST VLA - 90cm Sgr A East Chandra & Radio NASA/G.Garmire (PSU) F.Baganoff (MIT) Yusef-Zadeh (NWU) Location and size consistent with SgrA* or Sgr A-East --> 2004 results soon.....

11 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 SNR G0.9+0.1 Sgr A VHE  - H.E.S.S. Radio 90cm - VLA Pt src for H.E.S.S. 13 sigma (2004) 4 sigma (2003) - Flux ~2% Crab faintest galactic TeV source! (~8 kpc distant) - L ~ 2 x 10 34 ergs/s (0.2-10 TeV) (cf. Crab 4 x 10 34 ergs/s) - dN/dE  E -2.4 - Inverse Compton matches SED --> electron acceleration G0.9+0.1 Composite SNR

12 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 PSR B1259-63 binary pulsar March 04Apr./May 04Feb. 04 - 48 ms pulsar + 10 solar mass Be-star with outflow. - 3.4 year orbital period. - Last periastron 7 th Mar 2004 - dN/dE  E -2.7 - 8% Crab (ave Feb-May) - flux increase factor ~ 3-4 after disk-crossing epoch (cf. radio) The first variable galactic TeV source!

13 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 HESS J1303-631 PSRB 1259-63 HESS J1303-631: A new UnID TeV Src Feb 04 Mar 04 Apr/May 04 - First time: Two TeV sources in same FoV - dN/dE  E -2.2 17% Crab - Extended: radius ~ 10 arcmin - No obvious counterpart..... but positioned in OB assoc Cen OB1 (energy for particle accel... HI shells assoc. with Cen OB1 McCLure-Griffiths et al. 2001

14 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 MSH 15-5-02 / PSRB1509-58: Plerion + SNR Shell G320.4-1.2: = 35' PSR B1509-58 P = 150ms PWN - 22h HESS data - 25 sigma (pt src at PSRB1509)! - Gamma & X-ray morphologies similar - dN/dE ~ E -2.3 (15% Crab) ( cf. CANGAROO ~10% Crab ~4-5sigma) Power law to > 30 TeV

15 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 0° 30° 330 ° 1° HESS J1837+069 HESS J1834-087 HESS J1825-137 HESS J1813-178 HESS J1804-216 G 0.9+0.1 Gal. Centre RX J1713.7-3946 HESS J1640-485 HESS J1616-508 HESS J1614-518 see Science (2005) v307, 1938 Gal. Scan (2004) long = -30° to +30° --> Eight new TeV sources

16 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04

17 Gal. Scan (2004): Overview - Eight new TeV sources (110 hrs + followup obs.) > 6 sigma (post-trial) - ALL are extended ~ 2 to 10 arcmin (radius) - Flux ~ 7 to 15% Crab - dN/dE ~ E -  majority  ~ 2.1 to 2.5 - Lat dist ~ SNR & pulsars - 'Plausible' Conterparts: - SNR/PWN (6 cases) - Not so obvious in 2 cases. --> more UnID TeV sources New paper in prep – more new sources from further followup data

18 Jim Hinton MPI-R, Bonn 3.12.04 Summary: - H.E.S.S. has extended the galactic TeV catalogue to >15 sources (ALL > 6 sigma!) - Established TeV emission from Shell-SNR and PWN - >2 unidentified sources (cf. TeV J2032+4130....?) - Fluxes ~ 2 to 15% Crab - Luminosities of order ~ 10 33 to 10 34 erg/s (if dist known) (except Crab, Gal Cen., RXJ1713, VelaJnr ~ 10 35 erg/s) - The majority of sources are extended - Energy spectra are mostly hard (harder than Crab) --> do these sources extend beyond E > 30 TeV? --> deeper obs. needed but limited by sens. High ZA obs. (more discussion in 2 nd talk on Friday..)

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